Let's post some pictures! (Of yourself or..Whatever else.)

I don't think I've ever graced y'all with my mug, so...here you go.

Another one of my shirt designs from my RedBubble account has been taken down. This time it was my "Just Wait Until I Hit Twenty" t-shirt, which has a cartoon magikarp on it evolving into gyrados.

I'd supply an image, but I don't have it on this computer. :(

I'm not too fussed about this one being removed, especially considering who filed the complaint about it. The Pokemon Company.
I was actually thinking of using the art you made for me on a couple shirts. What say you, Master_Craig?
Which art? Are you talking about the ram logo I designed for you, regarding your streaming stuff?

If that's the case, go nuts, man. That's your image, you paid for it, do what you want with it. :)
Bought a couple shirts off of CafePress with the logo Master_Craig made for me. Until they get here, here's a screenshot of a young Nathan. By the way, this wasn't a cinematic moment thanks to the return of photo mode.


Monday was a public holiday here where I live, so I spent a few hours that day working on this week's GR Strips. This progress shot shows the sketch is done and that I moved onto inking.

Comic's done and will be uploaded on Friday 5th of August 3 PM, California time.
Oh yeah, De-Ting. Boot to the head. Full comic will explain it all! ;)

And Green_Lantern, you are a well dressed, classy man. ;) Are you drinking Coke, or ale? A Guinness?

I was never a big fan of ale or Guinness. The only alcohol I can stomach (when I do drink on the rare occasion) is beer. I'm a complete softie when it comes to spirits and strong liquor.
It's almost October and you know what that means. Halloween! I'm only excited, because it's about damn time it falls on a Monday night where I have off. I haven't done trick-or-treating in years. I know I'm too old to get candy, but hey, if I'm going to be walking around with a friend's kid or something, I might as well dress up and get candy myself. Even if my friend backs out at the last minute, I'll still dress up and pass out candy.

Earlier this year, I bought a lightsaber from UltraSabers. I've always wanted to get one from them, because they're made for full contact dueling. I have Anakin's lightsaber, but that's a Hasbro Force FX lightsaber and if my friend's kid wanted to swing it around, I would be very cautious of it. This UltraSaber I have I no longer worry. Trust me on this, I tested how durable it was by swinging it against a thick piece of wood with full force. Didn't break. Just left a few marks on my saber. Anyways here's the costume I made and my own customized lightsaber from UltraSabers.

My costume I made. I bought a black karate suit and made some over apparel from a couple black pants I no longer fit.

My green lightsaber on. The blade is made out of polycarbonate and the handle is made out of aircraft aluminum. I tell you what, I was nervous about buying one, but this guy is probably the reason why I did. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A7KGvNp1WZI

When it's off.

Also, they're pretty bright. It doesn't light up well during the daytime outside. Lastly, unlike my Anakin Skywalker lightsaber. I can remove the blade if I want to.

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