Mafia THE END!

Bretimus_v2 said:
Sporadic? (I'm out of town on business.) My money is on crazy. He been throwing around a lot of feints. "I hope they're not on me now." "Why do I fear for my life." And he's the first out of the gate on this lynch!

Lynch Crazy Links, please reconsider. I'm just guessing, but I know what I'm not.

Well on account of me only saying one of those things, being second on the lynch, and getting accused by you with the same busy rationale being said, not to mention my previous thorough (?) self defense-- I would say the majority of your backing statements ring hollow. Of course, Links could be throwing us on a tailspin and turning the two townies against each other. Over thinking? I don't know. All I know is we have one more night ahead of ourselves and we need to get our shit down.
Yo! I know for a fact that it isn't Links. It's EITHER Bret or Crazy. 50/50.

Lynch Bretimus.

Even if 2 Townies die today and tonight, we can still win - So knowing that fellas...who cares more if they die? ;)
If it isn't Bret, it's Cracker. If it isn't Cracker, it's Bret.

PS - Wicked, even if you have been silenced - you can still lynch buddy! Lynch who you think is mafia. Or lynch who you KNOW is mafia....
Righto, I'm just going to go ahead and call it.

Bretimus has died. He was the Silencer.


And that's all she wrote people.

Lets get a new game started. Like right now. I want to get around 15 people for this one, because I'm thinking of balancing a few roles and we'll need more people for that. Also, I think there was a little confusion with a few of the roles, and I know a few of you could've done a little better, so if you want to know a professional's opinion (that's me), just let me know.

Still, great game all around. Now lets get the next one going.

I was silenced for the past three days which sucked because I couldn't say who was innocent! Good job to MattAY though, once he said Links was innocent I knew it was Bret because I knew cracker was innocent.

And Bret, you deserve a nod to since I had no idea you were mafia. I honestly thought you were either the doctor or bodyguard with Links or cracker being the other. If we didn't get lucky in the beginning you could've won this thing.

And Longo, thanks for involving me in this, it was a lot of FUN!!! :D
If you took out the doctor and bodyguard instead of people like the town drunk and Amnesiac you could've then gone after Matt and I, it it could've been possible.

It was just extremly lucky for the town side that the doctor and bodyguard survived until the end.

Which was which btw? Links the doctor and cracker the bodyguard?
Haha we were so lucky mafia didnt kill a bodyguard, doctor or cop at random. How we ended up with 2 protectors and 2 cops alive at the end I'll never know!

I'm liking all the roles, it adds MUCH more thought to the game. Nice work Longman. Count me in for the next one too please.
Damn it, we would have destroyed you guys if only keepit could turn someone else into mafia.

I'd totally be down for another game. So far the only roles i've gotten in Mafia is Mafia.
Longo_2_guns said:
Yeah, I was wondering why you were waiting so long to Role Up.

Got too arrogant on my part, thinking that I wouldn't die until the doctor did. Should have just took the role of the Oracle, as I was probably going to be searched the day after I was killed.

And all I get are normal townie roles, which ironically includes this one in a sense.

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