Mafia V Extravaganza!: Streets of Betaville (Mafia wins!)

For some reason, I just really like that word "extravaganza"...
Anyway, you're about to do a bunch of reading. Prepare.

I would have assume everyone should know how this works by now, but clayman admitted that he doesn’t. Here are the basics. Everyone else can skip this little bit.
The Mafia has invaded the town and has a goal of killing off every townsperson. It’s of course, the townspeople’s job to kill off members of the Mafia before the Mafia kills them off instead. The townies do not know who is in the Mafia. Every “nightâ€
Night 1

Betaville had become one of the most prosperous towns in the world, competing with New York, Paris, Hong Kong, and London. It had seen a great economic boom recently. How, you ask? Betaville had developed a golden export, one that the world needed and couldn’t live without, one that they had monopolized, one that brought in tons of wealth. What was it? Dildos. Big, Black Dildos. The Middle East had their oil reserves. Africa has their gold and diamonds. Betaville had dildos.
And the Betavillians certainly knew what they were doing. They had mastered the craft of dildo manufacture. Other nations tried to rival it, but they were crushed without a fight. Betaville had gathered data from billions of human penises to come up with the greatest quality and most authentic dildos on the planet. They gathered data from every source. They had perfectly accurate celebrity dildos, dolphin dildos, manatee dildos, wolf dildos, barnacle dildos. You could choose from wooden ones, glass, plastic, rubber, Velcro (for the truly kinky), vibrating, disposable, edible, You name it, they had it, and no one could compete.
Due to this sudden economic boom, the population of Betaville almost tripled from 12 to a whopping 32. The town was greatly developed. The dildo factory was always busy. It doubled as a tourist center where the guests would have personal lessons on proper dildo usage (Usually done by Used). There was a giant Marble penis erected directly in the center of the town as tall as the Washington Monument. It was constructed to be a replica of Mayor Maca’s phallus. Directly at its base completing the theme were two giant orb-shaped buildings. The one on the right was town hall. The one on the left was Mayor Maca’s manor. It was there that he did his gubernatorial business, but it also doubled as his extremely lavish home. Maca had been heralded as the new Hugh Hefner. He was famous for the ridiculous red velvet robe he would never seem to take off; the great amount of golddigging whores who would lounge around the house, never leave, and had a strange aversion to wearing clothes; and his general “I’m all thatâ€
Perhaps we should finalize when exactly day and night are, considering some of the players are in Europe, and I figure one is probably somewhere in Asia.
Its just when FTG posts. Like at the end of that post at the top he said in bold, this is night 1. He'll do the same when he nexts posts. But it's usually around 24 hours time give or take a couple - depending on how things go. It's night now...we are VIOLATING :p
Moderator Note: Night Posts will be Deleted!

I have gone ahead and deleted about a dozen Night posts (including one made by myself :oops: ). I will be trying my best to keep this topic clean of any posting done at night, but help me out by following the rules and posting only during the day.

I've kept the two posts above because they bring up an interesting point: "Night" is when FTG says it is. It doesn't matter if it is actually daytime in your neck of the woods, if it is Night in Betaville, then send in your moves to FTG via PM and wait until "Day" to post in the topic. Thanks!
Night 1 results

But I don’t mind some night posts if they’re just going to stroke my ego like the deleted ones did. :)
One thing to note: If you have a job to do at night, but you wish not to take advantage of it for that night, still tell me.

Boringman was a very…far from boring man. He was a meth addict and a porn star. He did it all. His penis had gotten acquainted with half of the world’s population and likewise, most of the penises of the world have gotten very acquainted to him. He was a walking STD, but hey, as irresistibly sexy as Boringman was, no one cared. He is the sole reason for the AIDS epidemic in Africa. Somehow, after 15 years of marriage, his wife never knew until she found him on her couch wearing her dress and heels, straddling against the pet dog. Once his wife found out, she kicked him out of their house.
Boringman had since been staying in the local Betaville hotel, where he continued his Internet porn show which had become the 3rd most trafficked web site in the world right behind and His loose sphincter was profiled on billboards worldwide. He was a star.
One day, Boringman had gotten a great idea for his next big porn idea. It would surely be the next big sensation. Cake farting!
If there were two things that people liked, it was the relief that comes after a nice long fart and cake. If he would combine the two, he would create the biggest porn sensation ever and bring great prosperity to the tissue industry. Besides, with his wide, well-known and well-used anus, no one could cake fart better. He would be the absolute best in the business.
So he called room service and demanded a cake, and within the minutes, he heard a knock at the door.
“Room service!â€
TheNesMan said:
No lynchskies.
Tyrranis said:
Back to back no lynch posts shortly after the post came up? That's surprisingly well-reasoned and unlikely to draw suspicion. Maybe a little, too well-reasoned? Or maybe you're just too cops who haven't scanned someone who's guilty yet.

In either case, it's a move I just can't argue against it.

No lynch.

One of the three cops shouldn't have any fear of coming out and posting standings. There's something like a couple of dozen of us townies. The chances of them hitting the doctor are few, and by the time he does we should have narrowed the list dramatically between innocent scans and dead townies. If we can stick to this plan, and the mafia doesn't get lucky and start taking out all our special roles, then we should be fine. Of the two guys I just quoted are cops, I suggest the 3rd cop step forward so as to not imply that the 2nd poster of the two I quoted was also a cop.

That's the best plan I could think of, been thinking about it a while as I have no one to pm during the night(or do I, DUN DUN DUN). If anyone else has a better long term plan I'm all ears.

On a side note I'm trying to think of an over/under on how much I just shortened my life span. On the one hand I'm definitely the nail that sticks out. So it'd make sense to kill me, or better yet frame me and watch me get lynched. But a mafia member wouldn't offer a plan that would most likely doom his team, and anyone with a special role wouldn't risk their necks on the first day. So if the cops were smart they wouldn't waste their one scan on me, and wouldn't pay attention if it said guilty if they did, and the mafia wouldn't waste a kill on someone who almost certainly has no special role. Although the cops could argue with this post I'm making a gamble, the gamble being that I insure that I won't get lynched and all I offer is a plan they would've thought of already. The mafia could argue, that someone offering a clear voice of leadership might stabilize the townies, and prevent them from randomly each other. Although I highly doubt that anyone's going to take my posts all that seriously, my post number isn't even in the triple digits!

That said I place the over/under at 3 nights and days. I'm taking the under.

If I don't post again, watch out for 3 or 4 guys who suddenly seem eager to randomly lynch one person, and then the two or 3 people who say "I guess!"
Bah, I can't remember how it was played last but when will we ever get enough of a lead to suspect someone? I guess just by watching posting habits.

No lynch I guess

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