Marathon: Durandal


Seriously, this game is just pure win. I got the Xbox 360 version, does anybody have it?

EDIT: Damn it, must have clicked on the wrong tab...Moddys, move this to General Gaming please.
Sorry Stal, I multitask a lot when it comes to surfing the web...


Marathon's basically a Doom-era FPS made by Bungie released for the Mac, although a lot more advanced (Dual Wielding, Rooms above rooms, etc) Durandal is Marathon's sequel, which was ported to the Xbox sometime in 07.

Technically The entire Trilogy was released as Freeware, and there is somewhat of an Emulator for it made for windows, but I personally prefer the Xbox version simply because of better controls, Optional HD graphics, and a somewhat less filling HUD.
And multiplayer, obviously.
I've played it over a year ago at friends house. He DLed it from XBLA and I decided to watch how he played. 5 minutes into the game I had to beat land speed record on foot as I run to his bathroom to vomit. Something about the games graphics and color palette made me feel incredibly sick. I'm not trying to say that the game is bad, since it isn't. I'm just bringing up the weird effect it had on me.
napsterxxl said:
I've played it over a year ago at friends house. He DLed it from XBLA and I decided to watch how he played. 5 minutes into the game I had to beat land speed record on foot as I run to his bathroom to vomit. Something about the games graphics and color palette made me feel incredibly sick. I'm not trying to say that the game is bad, since it isn't. I'm just bringing up the weird effect it had on me.
I heard there was some Dizziness effect because of the High framerate and field of view.
Personally though, I always felt fine while playing it.
I wasn't "some dizziness", It was a live action re-enactment of the exorcist vomit scene...
Yeah it was a pretty good game for the PC when I was young, I downloaded it again via XBLM because I remembered it was made by Bungie.
Ive had on mine for a while now, need to go back to it.

Got to love Bungie's old stuff, you can see the influence they have had from FPS's with Marathon.

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