Mary Chris Max


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MERRY CHRISTMAS ALL! What did you get up to?! What presents did you get?! Are you drunk right now? For one day, and one day only - post drunk all you want!

I'm just in the house this morning, and will venture to my parent's house at lunch for the day - very excited. Especially since my eldest brother and fiancée had a baby two days ago and I get to meet my new nephew :D
Happy holidays! I don't expect much of anything for Christmas. I'll be venturing to my mom's this evening to give them their presents and afterwards head to work, since we have a truck delivery.

Here's what I have so far. My dad went to a site to make a design for you own shirt(s). That's what he got my brother and I. I can't remember what my brother's said, but mine said "Howard: The Grill-meister, Myth, Legend" My grandma gave me $3. Seriously, I feel bad, because she just dug into her purse and handed it to me. My uncle, which I didn't get to thank yet, gave me a $10 gift card to Subway.
Not drunk, yet.. but my extended family shows up in about 2 hours.. so.. *we'll see*

I got Money, Sneakers, a nice watch, and dress clothes..

.I think.. my mom, wants me to become an adult.
Haha OK I sobered up a little.

I've been here for 5 years and I'm glad I've gotten to meet you all. I hope everyone had an awesome day and I'm sending you all a special gift from me to you....



For Christmas I got:
A Song of Ice and Fire complete set
A couple of video games
A three pack of banana hammocks in two sizes too big
A gym membership
A giant tub of caramel corn
And beer.

All in all, it was pretty damn good.

And then I watched Die Hard with my family, which is the perfect Christmas movie and if you disagree I will fight you.
My brother Bill gave me this. I gave him TLoU for PS3. We both got each other a good gift in the same price range. He's mad, because I'm not going to take it out of the box.
Everone says poutine is amazing, but it just looks gross to me.

I guess same could be said for most Canadian things.

But a short list of my gifts:
A bunch of polo shirts
A Fitbit
One of those portable battery packs
And help paying to join my university alumni association.

I have fully assimilated into being a grown up...

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