Mass Effect 2

I'm also doing the DLC expansions for the first time (though I haven't started any of it yet).
I've played through ME2 more than I have ME and can honestly say I've seen probably 85 percent of the possible endings.

The only ones I haven't seen end with my death or the death of the entire crew. Last couple I finished I lost Chakwas and Kelly respectively...

I can't stand Kaiden. Kudos to those of you that were able to sit through his ****ing mush.

Made sweet interspecies erotica with everyone possible including Tali.

I've completed all of the DLC... haven't finished on insanity yet. As much as I like this game I'm not an achievement whore and feel plenty accomplished with difficulty on hard. I can't see the upside to finishing LoSB on Insanity. its plenty challenging on normal. All the rest is cake.

This game took wonky combat and made it smooth. true, some rpg elements were sacrificed for an easily accessible game for the COD & Gears fence riders.

I unlike some of you wanted to see more planetary exploration in the mako and not this scanner that gives you millions of ore that you can't use and only a smidgen of what you really need.

I can't wait for ME3. I like the story and the break from it that the combat provides.

Who can say that they didn't feel a sense of accomplishment and badassery when they took down the thresher maw.

Who felt like a boss when they backed down enemies with a few choice words and a paragon/renegade action?
spartan317 said:
I can't stand Kaiden. Kudos to those of you that were able to sit through his ****ing mush.
No matter how hard I try, I can never bring myself to save him in 1 so by the time I'm in 2, he's dead and gone and no one will ever speak of him. I will never be able to keep Kaiden alive. He will always die in my Mass Effect universe.

Wonder how fast I can get to his death in a fresh playthough. That'd be the ultimate speedrun. The nice thing is if the game cut off right after the bomb goes off, it'd be a happy ending every time.
I can't stand Ashley either (though I did at first. I think recently getting sick of her is due to playing ME1 too many times) so it's kind if lose-lose.

I used the ME-Genesis interactive comic before starting this ME2 playthrough because I wanted the story just right as I plan on using this Shepard in ME3.
used44 said:
I can't stand Ashley either (though I did at first. I think recently getting sick of her is due to playing ME1 too many times) so it's kind if lose-lose.

I used the ME-Genesis interactive comic before starting this ME2 playthrough because I wanted the story just right as I plan on using this Shepard in ME3.
Might pick that up too just to streamline new playthroughs a bit more....
I saved it. I'm tempted to do a straight play through again, but I don't really have the time or the desire to do it again without ME3 being out.
Okay, I read through some of the leaked beta script for ME3, which I'm pretty sure has been confirmed, but anyway. I sorta feel the need to say this, but I'll tag the spoilers.

If you save the Rachni, they get indoctrinated by the Reapers. If you killed the Rachni, the Reapers find another egg and indoctrinate it. So it doesn't matter what you did either way. I'm sorta hoping that this doesn't happen, but it wouldn't surprise me.

So, yeah.
You're not gonna tempt me, siren! Avoiding white text.


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