Metal Gear Revengeance Demo


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Has anyone else checked this out yet? What do you think?

I'm not sure what to think... it's like, I want to enjoy it, I really do, but I don't?

The game feels really "arcadey" and really just feels like, I dunno. Metal Gear May Cry. I am also terrible at parrying.

The "Blade Mode" feature is pretty cool though...

What do you guys think?
Yeah I didn't like it. Might be my least favorite genre, though. So I can't really judge. Just not for me.
Only thing i needed to know to judge this game was that the sub-title starts with 'RE'.
In modern media, very very few good things have a subtitle starting with 're'. In fact, RDR is the only thing that comes to mind.
I knew I was getting this before the demo. Right up my alley. I'm just intruigued on how the sneaking parts will be done.
Have you checked out the demo yet MattAY?

If you haven't, the sneaking is kinda generic... stay out of people's sight, get up behind 'em and you can perform an instant stealth kill. It is kinda cool because you can do it from above enemies and whatnot. Even bigger enemies like the Gecko (from Metal Gear Solid 4) can be taken down this way.

If enemies spot you, you can run away and attempt to get them off your back just like classic MGS games (the whole alert, caution phases etc).

There's no actual way of sneaking like... in Splinter Cell or the new MGS games how you do that crouch walking thing? In this, you just run around as normal. Enemies can't hear you at all. I guess to be fair you are some super cyborg ninja guy. :p
It was a fun enough game, but this is completely not my style. At the same time, neither was Metal Gear Acid. Blech. And that didn't kill the series either, so expand the universe, play around with other play styles and rent your IP out to better suited companies for the gamestyle. In the end, noone gets hurt...except the generic faced enemies of FoxHound.
Bretimus_v2 said:
It was a fun enough game, but this is completely not my style. At the same time, neither was Metal Gear Acid. Blech. And that didn't kill the series either, so expand the universe, play around with other play styles and rent your IP out to better suited companies for the gamestyle. In the end, noone gets hurt...except the generic faced enemies of FoxHound.

Those poor baddies of FoxHound.

I never played Metal Gear Acid. I heard it was... different?
If by different, you mean bad...then in my opinion...yes.

That being said, I'm having a fun enough time playing Peacewalker. But it's hard to feel super-engaged with the way too many episodic missions. I do like the strategy team building, research feel though.
It seemed cool. Maybe as a rental. But I'm just annoyed that everything seems to be either an futuristic FPS or a GoW-esque beat em up.
Feels sacrilegious to not have even a skerrik of a cover system but as soon as I discovered healing attaCKS I turned to frothing fan.

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