Metal Gear Solid: Ground Zeroes |OT| I did ask for this


So tired.
SORRY TO KEEP YOU WAITING...also, sorry if you didn't even realize that you were waiting.


Kojima, that tease, is at it again. On the 25th of August he let loose that there was upcoming earth-shattering, "industry-shaking" news.

Then we heard about an event and we were shocked and the industry was shook as it was foretold it would be. But mostly we were all like "wow, super exciting...BUT WHEN DO WE GET TO SEE THIS?!?!?!" I maynot be an insider to the industry, but I'm pretty sure I'd be more excited ifI saw...


Then, like Manna from Heaven we were blessed with 1/1000th of the sure to be ~180 hours of cutscenes in an awesome jaw-dropping 11 minute cutscene with just a little bit of actual gameplay. To say the lease...PRE-PRE-ORDERED.

Return for more. Discuss. And get ready because I'm pretty sure that this OT is going to be around for at least 2 years of delays. Worthwhile delays. Because have you ever compared those early MGS4 vids to the actual ones? Yeah, tons of justified delays.
Yup, that's my next purchase...and I still have a bunch of other games I still need to finish. So I don't know when I'll even purchase that.
I should start Sons of Liberty, even got Subsistence and never played a Metal Gear Solid game in my life.
HK-47 said:
I should start Sons of Liberty, even got Subsistence and never played a Metal Gear Solid game in my life.

Whaaaaat??? It always baffles me when I hear people who have a game but never played it! Especially when it's MGS!

You haven't played the first MGS? You should really give that a go before starting MGS2. Otherwise you're not going to know WTF is going on in the first quarter of the game and you're not going to understand the references through out the next three quarters of the game. The game is confusing enough as it is, not understanding the first game will just feel like a severe handicap.

If you can't get a copy of MGS than I suggest playing MGS3 first since it is a prequel in the MGS series. After MGS3, play 2, then 4. Although I'm positive the PS1 game is in the PS store.
I would have to disagree with Wicked. Most of the jokes and story are based on little inside things you would never get if you hadn't played the other two.
Honestly, MGS1 is kinda the weakest of the games, even though the rest use a lot of the same formula.
Weak in what way? And are you taking in to account the technology and time period.

I've always felt that MG Acid! was just the worst. And then I spend 15 hours over a weekend playing it...
WickedLiquid said:
HK-47 said:
I should start Sons of Liberty, even got Subsistence and never played a Metal Gear Solid game in my life.

Whaaaaat??? It always baffles me when I hear people who have a game but never played it! Especially when it's MGS!

You haven't played the first MGS? You should really give that a go before starting MGS2. Otherwise you're not going to know WTF is going on in the first quarter of the game and you're not going to understand the references through out the next three quarters of the game. The game is confusing enough as it is, not understanding the first game will just feel like a severe handicap.

If you can't get a copy of MGS than I suggest playing MGS3 first since it is a prequel in the MGS series. After MGS3, play 2, then 4. Although I'm positive the PS1 game is in the PS store.

That's what a backlog is for :wink:

Only got a PS2 this year so no PS Store for this one. And it'll feel odd playing 3 before 2, so I'll just start with 2 later this year and be confused.
Bretimus_v2 said:
Weak in what way? And are you taking in to account the technology and time period.
Honestly, for the time period, the gameplay was kinda so-so. And even then, it's not that the game is bad, because it isn't. But 2, 3 & 4 exceed it in every single aspect tenfold. Not just graphics and gameplay, but story and design as well.
HK-47 said:
Only got a PS2 this year so no PS Store for this one. And it'll feel odd playing 3 before 2, so I'll just start with 2 later this year and be confused.

Ah, I thought you had a PS3 and we just weren't PSN buddies yet. Well... good luck with MGS2 as your first MGS game... You're gonna need it! lol
When I heard that they would make another MGS but continue from 4 I thought "NO! The story is finished, it's a good ending to finish on. Maybe a prequel but please don't continue." Then I saw the footage: "Another MGS continuing from 4..... Sure how much? Whatever you want Konami, want my soul too? Well if it means I can play it early..." I guess this could go with the other games that just keep going but in MGS defense we probably won't see this full game for a long, long time. Considering the fact that MGS 4 was released in 2008 and it was originally announced in 2005.

In terms of the story of the game I never played peace walker so maybe I should give it a try so I know what's going on. Then again so many things have happened in the MGS story that no matter what I do I'll still be lost somehow. But oh well I'm excited and I like the direction they're going with this
I hope the open-world gives me motivation to play more than 10 minutes of this. What kind of environments do you more diehard fans want to see?
Depends on how well they designed the openness of their levels. Like they give you many routes and methods for you to get to your objective.
danielrbischoff said:
I hope the open-world gives me motivation to play more than 10 minutes of this.

Yes I would also like to see people with ADD be able to enjoy this game.

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