Methinks he doth protest too much.



I know I shouldn't be feeding trolls like this, but I couldn't help but LOL at the pointlessness of that site. He's literally acting like a shrew over nothing.

I guess we're all "Gay-mers."
He might as well walk around in Africa yelling "NIGGERS!"

EDIT: censoring just made that comment 10 times better.
Do not go into that sites forum, DO NOT GO INTO THAT SITES FORUM!

My eyes bleed, my insides are screaming to come out ... please, don't go to that forum. Frickin' loonatics. Oo
The sadder thing is there's actually a forum. And for the section for us "Gaymers", one guy just spammed though he makes no f***ing sense.
I don't know where he/she is getting his/her statistics regarding gamers and the opposite sex. If these forums reflect our gaming reality then he/she is way off.

I mean, take TNO for instance. :)

Edit: (from their forum)
thankz , penix lol(i got tu go raep my mom nowe ,k?)

What... The... Fuck.
Anyone else want to hack the site before i do?
I call dibs if no one else wants to first?

I'm having a hard time finding out his server IP so i'm not really gonna try to hard.
go madster! go!

in all honesty, i can't see how this guy can be serious. he wastes his life away by telling gamers that their lives are a waste? he actually enjoys that? personally, i wouldn't be surprised if it's a gamer who just wanted to do something satirical.

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