Misunderstood Game Franchises


I've already started the Misunderstood Consoles topic and it has become quite popular so I decided to start Misunderstood Game Franchises. Tell me about game franchises (series) that were really good and people just didnt take notice or it was on a misunderstood console. Personally, I think that the Bonk's franchise on the Turbografx-16 was the most misunderstood. What do you think?
My Vote is for ......................................................................... BUGER KING GAMES! lol jk i dont know what to say
My Vote is for ......................................................................... BUGER KING GAMES! lol jk i dont know what to say
also i think another misunderstood franchise is the ty the tasmanian tiger games me and my frend love these games they are so fun
I really liked the Ducktales games on the NES, Puss N' Boots and Little Nemo Dreamaster. I don't know if they were really popular at the time or not, but when I ask friends about them in the present time they don't seem to remember them. On the SNES I liked Earthworm Jim, Sunset Riders and Brutal Paws of Fury.
I would have to say the Arc the Lad games. I can't blame people for not buying them though, i mean it does have a very laughable title
The Manhunt series.

The game IS violent, but the atmosphere and suspense of each level eclipses the violence (To me: running down a pitch black subway tunnel as corrupt SWAT officers haul ass trying to fill you full of holes>>>>>>>>>>>>>Knife kill X1000000).
Godhand. Nobody has heard of this game.

It is one of the few (actually) funny videya games. i think parts of portal were inspired from it.
Manhunt is definitely one of them, read my column on Digital Violence for my thoughts on that.

I'm going to say Kane & Lynch: Dead Men is definitely one of them. People complain about the cover system (needs improvement), the aiming (Kane barely has any vision in his right eye, it's going to be a little off, not to mention the recoil and what not are incredibly accurate for the weapons), and the story and characters themselves. It's a modern retelling of a Greek tragedy in my opinion. Play the game and see the story, then think about it for awhile. You'll see what I mean.

Kane & Lynch is a lot of fun, it's different, and it has one of the most compelling stories I've played recently. It's definitely a worthy title, but reviewers slam it because they don't like Kane and Lynch the characters... well, I can understand that. It's not for everyone, but to completely underrate it and say it's a poor game because your personal opinion of the main protagonist is a bit short sighted. I've always said reviewers need to look at the game's intended audience, and see it from that perspective. GameSpot especially didn't do this.
Ace Combat. Great series, not so good with the sales.

I also consider the Red Faction and X series (Not as in Mega Man, but as in X2 - The Threat) as greatly overlooked gems.
I agree with God Hand being a misunderstood game, but it isn't a franchise and so I guess it doesn't fit into the topic. God Hand is still one of my favorite games for its game play and humor.
Spyro. I don't think enough people give it credit for how great of an original platformer it was for its time. I find it surprising how many people haven't heard of the series.
Lord_Fornelius said:
the Freedom Force games have also been misunderstood
I agree... I remember playing this coop, such an awesome game. I think GR gave it like a D or something, though.

edit: crap I thought you wrote fighting force
Red Faction
Quite a few people played the two games, but it was never a blockbuster or anything. The series had excellent destructible environments and dual-wielding before most developers were even considering such options. The storylines were well-written to pull you through the games and the multiplayer had amazing options for customization, despite lackluster maps.

God Hand
I'll second this one. I get the feeling that most reviewers saw the glitches, simple graphics, and repetitive enemies and called it a day. I'm sure the uninspired cover-art didn't help sales. It was their loss, because inside is the most robust brawler ever made.

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