Mothers Day Present (Need your help)


Hey GR.. so this is what I'm doing.

My mom does this relay for life race every year for raising money for cancer.. and she gets all into it and tries to make more money than the year before.. This year she was hoping she'd raise 1000$.. well I just pushed her over that mark with a $100 donation.. but I want to shock her.. I'm asking all my friends, and people on message boards if they wouldn't mind pitching in. I don't care if its 1$, or no dollars, if no one wants to thats cool, no hard feelings, i understand everyone wants money these days and everyone has their causes of choice. Just thought I'd give it a shot..

Anyway, if interested here is the info

EDIT: Direct link is right here, makes things easier ... XY_TYPE=20 ... L_homepage

then click make a donation

select Pledge a participant or team

Search for an individual participant.

First name: Judy
Last name: Cody

her team name is Sharon and Maxine's Blue Butterflies *shrug*, select donate now on her name.

PLEASE if you do this do not make some terribly rude name.. it would go from making her day to ruining it and embarrassing the hell out of her.. shes a teacher and these are mostly teacher friends on her team. Just use your name or make it anonymous.

After you have donated let me know, as well as the name you donated it under.

If the donations exceed 200$ from GR combined, I will buy a random person that donated the game of their choice from Steam. If you're waiting on a game release, that's cool I can wait until it comes out, don't care if said game is 59.99

I don't even know if this is allowed but I hope it is.. would be the best mothers day present ever and I'm kind of excited.

Thanks guys, even if i get nothing, for your time :D
I donated $25 under "Cory H"

I think I donated to the team instead of to her specifically though, because of course I did it wrong. Haha. Oh well.

Good idea, man. Happy mom day.
I donated $5 under the name "Bruce Wayne." Sorry, but I wanted some fun for cause. I think I did the same thing as well as used.
UghRochester said:
I donated $5 under the name "Bruce Wayne." Sorry, but I wanted some fun for cause. I think I did the same thing as well as used.

nothing wrong with that man.. all im worried about is people donating with a name like Faggot McFuck or something haha

inb4 someone donates with faggot mcfuck

and thanks a lot guys i appreciate it
Well, i donated at the screen after you clicked "search for team" or person. It had their team name in a table, DONATE NOW, and her name. So, I just clicked on the donate now. Hopefully I did it right.
yea youre right it just went to the whole team but its cool.

for any future donations just search the name. my moms name will pop up as team captain or whatever and just click the orange donate now box for it to go directly to her.

don't sweat it guys it still helps :D, still appreciated
Yeah, I see we donated to the whole team. I would have donated more, but I got a tight budget.
I gave 6 dollars. I would've given more, but I'm what is known as a poor student without work.

Hope she has a happy mother's day.
Relay for Life? I've participated in this before here in Australia, done it twice but that was... back in 2006 and again in 2007.

I donated $50 under my real name.
Master_Craig said:
Relay for Life? I've participated in this before here in Australia, done it twice but that was... back in 2006 and again in 2007.

I donated $50 under my real name.

awesome man thankyou!

shes so happy about it haha. i'm going to try and get her goal doubled anyway. and definitely have her team in first place.

will do the game Steam game draw the day of the race.. i think a couple weeks from now.

so far I have

You're welcome man.

You're a good son too for helping your mum out like that. That's an awesome mother's day gift.

Good luck getting to the new goal. :)\

[ Edit ] Hey man, sorry to do this to you but with the game draw, don't worry about me. I just wanted to donate. :p
Master_Craig said:
You're welcome man.

You're a good son too for helping your mum out like that. That's an awesome mother's day gift.

Good luck getting to the new goal. :)\

[ Edit ] Hey man, sorry to do this to you but with the game draw, don't worry about me. I just wanted to donate. :p
I didn't care about the drawing either, but I'll still be part of the drawing for the fun.

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