Mothers Day Present (Need your help)

1 - Used44
2 - Ugh
3 - Icepick
4 - Longo
5 - Craig
6 - Sightless

Will RNG dis bish in a bit. Thanks everyone.

If anyone really wants out let me know :)
1 - Used44
2 - Icepick
3 - Longo
4 - Craig
5 - Sightless

K here goes nothing.


craig wins, but also said he didn't want to be included, so if he still doesn't i'll go again!

thanks again guys I appreciate it.
lemme know ur steam info and I'll gift ya whatever you want.. if you want something coming soon im fine to wait, up to you.

BTW my moms team got first place and got two free dinners for all of them and some other stuff!

she says thanks :D
My Steam user name is Cr33g and my e-mail address is [email protected], as for what I want I'm not entirely sure - maybe the new 2013 Tomb Raider? If its too expensive don't worry about it - I don't want you going overboard on it. :)

Congratulations to your mum and her team! That's great news. :D
added u, i think. and tomb raider is fine :D if thats what you want you'll have it in a sec, just wanna make sure thats you
I won't be able to check until later today ( I'm currently at work) but I'm sure it'll be fine. I'll add you as soon as possible and I'll send you a confirmation message on both here at GR and Steam to let you know. :) Thank you!
nice to see her team got first, and nice to see gr's small community pitch in, heartwarming moment even I can't sour
thanks guys.

im not sure if it says on the website they got first as that was just E-donations, havent checked in a bit. but if it didn't and you're wondering, the final total includes cash and cheques etc. which are not shown on the site.

once again, appreciate it. and if I ever win the lottery I'll buy you all games! wish i could afford to get one for everyone :)
I'm actually thinking about playing The Powerball once. Something tells me I'll be that guy who only plays once and wins.
Hey Rain, sorry to do this to you man, I wasn't able to check my Steam account at all last night after work.

I'll be online tonight after work (it's 8:02 AM as I post this) so I'll let you know then. :)

Sorry for the wait!

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