Must-Have Xbox Classics


You knew it was coming...

Halo: CE
Halo 2
Beyond Good & Evil
Prince of Persia
Jade Empire

Am I missing anything? The library for the platform is pretty thin.
Sorta, I guess.

Also curious where the "classic" or "retro" line is drawn. And the Xbox had so few exclusives it's difficult to name classics specific to the Xbox.

Or else I would say "Morrowind" and end the topic in one.
Lighten up, eh? He's also made PS2 and GameCube topics. This one was bound to happen, and really this is "classic gaming," not "retro gaming."

...I still don't consider the Xbox a "classic," though.

Alex_Osborn said:
Is that a jab at the Xbox??
Why, yes. Yes it is. :D
Fine, um
Shenmue II
Tony Hawk Pro Skater 4
Splinter Cell & Chaos Theory
Forza Motorsport
The Warriors
Mac Payne
Conker: Live & Reloaded
Burnout 3
Oddworld: Munchs Odyssee and Strangers Wrath
Stubbs The Zombie
ToeJam & Earl 3
Jet Set Radio Future

Xbox didn't have much
Raen7 said:
Ninja Gaiden.. first and only 3rd-person close-combat game I've ever played, but I loved it!

I've played NG but I've never personally owned one of the games. I hear they're insanely hard.

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Alex_Osborn said:
Totally forgot about NG! Probably because NG3 totally soured me on the series :(
Hmm, I never saw any of 3.. Saw some in-game screens and footage from 2 that pretty much looked like 1 just hi-def with moar blood & demony darkness.. In other words, excellent. 8)

Jonathan_Leack said:
I hear they're insanely hard. Confirm or deny?
I've only beaten it on normal and hard. Beyond that, yeah it got pretty freaking ridiculous. :shock:
I see a lack of Crimson Skies in here. As well as Project Gotham Racing, Shemume 2 and Panzer Dragoon Orta and Jet Grind Radio. Sad too see that the dreamcast didn't survive to release the.
thirding Crimson Skies. Capcom vs SNK 2 EO

sad to see DreamCast didn't survive what? you can't leave us hanging like that!
Was always a fan of the VIgilante 8 series on DC.

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