Name a game with an old woman as a playable character?

A strange thought occurred to me - most games feature men or women between 15-40 years of age as playable characters, but you can occasionally get games (usually RPGs) where you can also control little girls and boys and old men.

But I cannot think of a single game where you have an old woman as a playable character - any suggestions? Sorceresses who are 700 years old but look 25 don't count.
I thought Fable briefly, mainly because of the visible age on your character as you play. Then I realized you can only be a guy in that game.
Oblivion. You can make some crazy old characters in that game. I also have a professional 100 year old golfer named Shirley in Tiger Woods 05.
Yeah, Oblivion was my first thought.

I also believe it is possible to pose as a kinky old woman in most MMOs.
Your best bets would probably be games type Oblivion and Morrorwind where you can create yourself such a character. Or some sports seriest where you can creat old people to kick ass. :p :D
Old Woman - Weapon in the Worms series. You can't control her, but she has a 5-second fuse, and she complains about the price of tea.

Heihachi - Not an old woman, but damn old anyways.

And if there's a Yu Yu Hakusho game, I imagine you could play as the short old lady. I forget her name.
There's a game that came with my computer called Super Granny and you're this old ass lady and you like climb up ladders and save cats and plant flowers. It's hardcore.
^^ How did I know someone would ask that? :p

No, it was just a random discussion I was having with someone about whether game developers were ageist and/or sexist.

I've just thought of one myself - Granny in Paradise on MSN games.
Crono Cross had tons of characters, i know there was a lady with a frying pan, and she was fairly old. I think she meets the criteria.

I have play suikoden I and II and i don't remember an old lady in my castle but maybe there was, or maybe she is in one of the later Suikodens, i mean c'mon 150 characters and not 1 old lady?
keepithowitis said:
I thought Fable briefly, mainly because of the visible age on your character as you play. Then I realized you can only be a guy in that game.

True, but in Fable 2 you'll be able to choose to play as a chick...which means by the end of it you'll be an old women.
PsychoSavager said:
^^ How did I know someone would ask that? :p

No, it was just a random discussion I was having with someone about whether game developers were ageist and/or sexist.

I've just thought of one myself - Granny in Paradise on MSN games.
That's the sequel or something to the game I mentioned.

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