Netflix originals


The more originals I find on Netfix the more I realize this thing-a-ma-bob is pretty damn awesome. What I once watched on a blue moon to see a cool movie I've already seen is now my go-to for entertainment. Any recommendations you guys have?

Bojack Horseman
I got through season 3 and oh man this show just manages to get better and better. Don't let the bizarre anthropomorphic characters trick you into thinking this is just some stoner comedy trying to be the next Aqua Teen Hunger Force. It's so much more than that with hilarious comedy and surprising drama that hits you right in the gut. I really got the feeling Bojack Horseman was modeled after Bob Saget and his has-been show modeled after Full House, but they change it up just enough so he's his own character. Also he has a horse for a head. The opening credits for this show is among my favorite and I actually started rewatching it from the beginning and find it even better on a second viewing.

Stranger Things
Finished this 8 part mini series and I absolutely loved it. It's set in 1983 and feels like Stephen King, John Carpenter and Steven Spielberg got together and made a Netflix series. One thing I would say I was disappointed with was this is NOT a horror series. It feels like it's establishing itself as one at first and, if that's what you're looking for, be warned this is without a doubt a sci-fi series with some light horror elements.

Daredevil & Jessica Jones
Obviously. I mean do I really need to say why?

I still have to see Orange is the New Black S4 and House of Cards S4 but so far I recommend those two series as well.
Trailer Park Boys is a very stupid show, but I couldn't stop watching. I started watching mainly due to the fact Urban uses Bubbles as a response for my idiotism.
Trailer Park Boys was one of the funniest shows ever. I don't know what state the show's in now but back in its prime (almost 20 years ago) I would be laughing my arse off. It also was a mockumentary before mockumentaries was a thing. Everyone says Ricky Gervais invented that style of comedy but Canadians knew that wasn't the case.

Unfortunately, like with almost every show, you go long enough and there is a severe dip in quality. I stopped watching well before it became a Netflix exclusive but I suggest the first 5-6 seasons.
Wicked you mentioned some pretty great ones. I just started Stranger Things and I need to watch more of Bojack Horseman. I heard it really improved in it's 2nd season.

I'd like to add a few to the list:

House of Cards

The show that started it all for Netflix. I watched the first episode and thought "this isn't bad". 4 episodes in and I couldn't stop watching. I'm now on season 3 which is a little bit weaker compared to season 2 but I'm also only 3 episodes in and this is a slow burn kind of show. Kevin Spacey nails it as Frank Underwood but the real scene stealer in my mind is Robin Wright. There are so many subtle nuances to her character and she absolutely nails it. If you're into solid acting, political dramas or just well scripted, well directed shows check it out!

Master of None

This one stars Asiz Ansari (Tom from Parks & Rec) and is one of the better comedies I've seen in recent years. It looks at modern dating through the eyes of a visible minority in N.Y touching base on what it means to be a 1st generation immigrant and what their parents sacrificed, sexism, racism, having kids, not having kids - It's definitely worth watching and each episode is only 30 minutes.


It's a show about the hunt for Pablo Escobar that's wonderfully acted, brutal, gritty and well written. There's no reason not to watch this show unless the subject matter would bother you.

The Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt

I've watched a good portion of the first season and this is a really great comedy. Kimmy is a woman who was part of a cult where she spent 15 years in an underground bunker who is eventually freed. She moves to N.Y to experience life and all that she's missed. Despite the subject matter it's actually a really optimistic, happy, funny show.

F is For Family

This one reminds me of a cross between Bojack Horseman, Bob's Burgers and Archer. It's an animated series about a dysfunctional 1970s family. It's a well written, crass, adult comedy.


It's fucking Voltron. Come on.

There's also a ton of supposedly amazing shows that I haven't watched yet such as:

The Killing
Marco Polo

If you have kids there's a lot of good stuff to check out as well - Even if it's based off a mediocre movie such as Home - the shows are pretty top notch.
I heard Orange Is The New Black is a pretty good show, but I haven't seen it. Master of None had some good moments like the bit where Indians (dudes from India) in filming gotta use that accent.
UghRochester said:
I heard Orange Is The New Black is a pretty good show, but I haven't seen it. Master of None had some good moments like the bit where Indians (dudes from India) in filming gotta use that accent.

I watched an episode of Orange is the New Black and it was okay. It didn't grab me but then again neither did Hannibal in the 1st episode and it turned out to be one the greatest tv shows of all time. I'll give it another go.
I second "Narcos" and "House of Cards."

There's a show called "Boss" where Kelsey Grammer plays the corrupt mayor of Chicago. The first few episodes are fantastic, especially his performance. I think it was a Starz exclusive that got cancelled, but it's now on Netflix.
StudioTan said:
I second "Narcos" and "House of Cards."

There's a show called "Boss" where Kelsey Grammer plays the corrupt mayor of Chicago. The first few episodes are fantastic, especially his performance. I think it was a Starz exclusive that got cancelled, but it's now on Netflix.

Oh, and Mystery Science Theater is being revived as a Netflix exclusive in the not too distant future thanks to an insanely successful crowd-funding campaign. How cool is that?

Well, fuck, I used quote instead of edit.
Lethean said:
Wicked you mentioned some pretty great ones. I just started Stranger Things and I need to watch more of Bojack Horseman. I heard it really improved in it's 2nd season..

Yeah Bojack gets better with every season. A couple episodes in season 3 are just hands down beautiful from an animation standpoint and brilliant from a writing one. Season 1 is still great though!

Sranger Things, oh man no spoilers but I'll just say you really get to know all of these characters by the last episode. One character who we learn about through flashbacks almost had me choked up. It was that good.

Also Orange is the New Black isn't a series that jumps out and grabs you at first. But if you let it grow on you you'll get hooked. There's a ton of lesbian sex in it though so just a heads up if you're watching with your lady lol.
WickedLiquid said:
There's a ton of lesbian sex in it though so just a heads up if you're watching with your lady lol.

Haha that wouldn't bother her. Sex is sex. We may give it another shot.
Lots of Netflix originals have teh tittays in them (like orange is the new black) so that's pretty cool.

Marco Polo is cool, but you HAVE to check out F is For Family. Funniest shit out there.
Halfway through Stranger Things, which I feel I may have reached the climax in episode 4. This is a great show so far.
I disagree slightly, I think the end is slightly weaker than the beginning and especially middle, but it's still great. Wrapping up a Sci fi story is difficult.

Anybody with kids been suckered into watching Beat Bugs? It's a (Canadian I think) animated show for young kids with songs and stories based on the music of The Beatles. They chose to use a lot of their trippier stuff, which is neat I guess. The visuals can be a little trippy too, but I think that's mostly a budget thing or a style thing. Worth watching with your kids, if only because songs in kids shows are usually so bad.
Just finished Bojack and holy crap if it wasn't hilarious, awkward, depressing and insightful. Expect a new icon from me.
Terrace house.

It may be reality tv but it was nice to see how at the start the roommates were so civilized.

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