Obamacare: What the hell is it?

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Eyebrowsbv31 said:
While I do generally agree with most of your views, the one about the 26 year old being pathetic is easily dismissed. After amassing 100k in debt for school, and than to find there's no jobs in this s*** economy, you can't really fault the average individual for not being able to thrive.. let alone purchase there own house with both the incredible debt, and nothing but a minimum wage job to show for it

I've done it.

Just because you did, doesn't mean everyone else can. Not because they WON'T, but because they CAN'T. There are people in your country who are very poor and don't have the opportunity to get out of it, and simply just saying that they should just stop being poor is mind-numbingly ignorant. The unemployment rate isn't high because people don't feel like getting jobs (obviously that's the case with some, but an extremely small minority), it's because the economy took a swift kick to the groin, and now there are fewer jobs. Also, not too sure why anyone would be against regulating insurance companies so they can't totally screw people over.

Eyebrowsbv31 said:
Education needs to be fixed first, then the others issues will follow.

This is the most factual statement in this thread
I can't even begin to name the things wrong with this post and its comments.

I will say that drawing a line in the sand is the last thing someone in power should be doing. "nanny nanny boo boo" doesn't apply here
Baiting each other is not right, and not good for the forums. That being said, my opinon:

The law needed to happen. No matter what conservatives say, healthcare as it stands sucks in this country, and fails most people. It's telling that before the supreme court ruled, a number of very large insurance companies vowed to hold over many of the provisions included in the law.

I read an interesting article somewhere, and I don't know where anymore, that really detailed for me why healthcare is so expensive here. They included a chart of prices for various medical services, like getting a MRI. What was astounding to me is that insurance companies were in many cases paying 3-4 times as much as it would cost to simply go to the hospital and pay for one yourself. In their greed, hospitals have negotiated ridiculous contracts with insurance providers, who then pass on those exorbitant costs to consumers, while still making a profit of unbelievable margins. Healthcare costs continue to spiral out of control because of greed, and price fixing between hospitals and insurers. It's pathetic really.

This is why I advocate for a public option. It would operate much like the post-office is supposed to, as a business. As the government, it would likely be able to negotiate far lower rates with hospitals than are currently done by insurers, forcing insurance companies to lower their own prices.

Now, before I get the usual crap about how the post office is a complete and total business failure, I would suggest you do some research into why that is, and realize that it has more to do with a stupid law requiring the post office to hold far more money for pensions each year than any other agency in the federal government, and not because they're a bad business.

It's either the public option, or some philanthropist willing to start a company that tries to run at a break even margin in order to force the market to bring prices down.

Again, I am in no way suggesting that health care be free, just that something be done to bring prices to reasonable levels across the board, and a public option, or a non-profit, or a co-op type insurance company are the best ways to make that happen without dramatic increases in regulation.
Icepick said:
kingg5 said:
Icepick said:
kingg5 said:
Icepick said:
kingg5 said:
Eyebrowsbv31 said:
The idiocy is outstanding, I applaud you. If I had the time and energy to respond properly to this (which I don't because I have a job), I could just bomb you with information from sources a lot more credible than the NYT. Falling back onto insults before I even get a word in, wow, just wow, you must be really confident. Tell me again how government does such a good job keeping costs down, oh oh, or that one about financial regulation, or even better: how collective bargaining for public unions allows them to stack the deck in their favor is so good for the country!

How's that OWS stuff going for you, manage to blow up a bridge yet?

Here, I'll give you one about the insurance til 26: if you're enough of a damn failure to be a fully grown adult that has to suckle off the teat of your parents until that age, then some serious soul searching is required. how is that a good thing? How is saying, "hey, a good 3rd of the way through your life you still don't have to take responsibility for yourself! You incompetent youth!" I find it more insulting than helpful, but then again, I think for myself. If you want to be a ward of the state blob, that's fine, just leave the rest of us alone with your sloth and lack of responsibility. Insurance and big pharma are behind obamacare now: where is your OWS street cred now, eh?

In the mean time, here's a picture of Willy Wonka:


I love brainwashed rich kiddies.
lol someone struck a nerve. Some of the perks sound ok, but what about the bad s*** to this law? In my opinion this law is taking away our freedom.

Even with insuance being brought down to be so called "affordable" There are still maybe millions of people who still can't afford it. Mainly the homeless, beyond low income families, and jobless people living in their parents basement. I believe the reason the're doing this is to gather the funds we owe China.

I give it a matter of time till people get tired of this and a new civil war is sparked. Not one that has to do with just one race's freedom but the entire countries freedom. My best bet is hike it to Canada before they close the borders.

If s*** hits the fan like you're expecting, you wont be able to cross the border, even if Canada is willing to accept refugees, America wont let it's tax dollars walk out on her. You're all f*****, and we Canadians have a front row seat, which will come to bite us in the ass when you realize we're a nation of vast resources and admittedly, a small army to protect them
That was very enlightening lol. I better head up north soon then. Any suggestions on a beautiful part of Canada?

if you want a hippy Cali vibe with ski slopes and gorgeous forests, hit BC, if you want to rough it like a pioneer, northern ontario, if you want to hide from the world, Saskatchewan. Our version of red necks hang out in alberta, our drunks in newfoundland, and our amish like folk in PEI, where you can farm all the red potatoes you want.

If however you're into casual sex and having a snob argue with you wherever you go, and people who cant drive, Quebec is the place for you
What about people who like the country life and a small town vibe not far away?

Manitoba or central ontario, I'm in a small town myself, but only an hour and a half away from toronto, it's pretty nice I have to admit
Ok thanks. Would I have to take Law Enforced classes over again up there? Right now i'm a small town officer working for the Saint Clair PD.
dear god... it's like I'm looking at an altar dedicated to Gene Wilder here... It's perfectly symmetrical!
kingg5 said:
Icepick said:
kingg5 said:
Icepick said:
kingg5 said:
Icepick said:
kingg5 said:
Eyebrowsbv31 said:
The idiocy is outstanding, I applaud you. If I had the time and energy to respond properly to this (which I don't because I have a job), I could just bomb you with information from sources a lot more credible than the NYT. Falling back onto insults before I even get a word in, wow, just wow, you must be really confident. Tell me again how government does such a good job keeping costs down, oh oh, or that one about financial regulation, or even better: how collective bargaining for public unions allows them to stack the deck in their favor is so good for the country!

How's that OWS stuff going for you, manage to blow up a bridge yet?

Here, I'll give you one about the insurance til 26: if you're enough of a damn failure to be a fully grown adult that has to suckle off the teat of your parents until that age, then some serious soul searching is required. how is that a good thing? How is saying, "hey, a good 3rd of the way through your life you still don't have to take responsibility for yourself! You incompetent youth!" I find it more insulting than helpful, but then again, I think for myself. If you want to be a ward of the state blob, that's fine, just leave the rest of us alone with your sloth and lack of responsibility. Insurance and big pharma are behind obamacare now: where is your OWS street cred now, eh?

In the mean time, here's a picture of Willy Wonka:


I love brainwashed rich kiddies.
lol someone struck a nerve. Some of the perks sound ok, but what about the bad s*** to this law? In my opinion this law is taking away our freedom.

Even with insuance being brought down to be so called "affordable" There are still maybe millions of people who still can't afford it. Mainly the homeless, beyond low income families, and jobless people living in their parents basement. I believe the reason the're doing this is to gather the funds we owe China.

I give it a matter of time till people get tired of this and a new civil war is sparked. Not one that has to do with just one race's freedom but the entire countries freedom. My best bet is hike it to Canada before they close the borders.

If s*** hits the fan like you're expecting, you wont be able to cross the border, even if Canada is willing to accept refugees, America wont let it's tax dollars walk out on her. You're all f*****, and we Canadians have a front row seat, which will come to bite us in the ass when you realize we're a nation of vast resources and admittedly, a small army to protect them
That was very enlightening lol. I better head up north soon then. Any suggestions on a beautiful part of Canada?

if you want a hippy Cali vibe with ski slopes and gorgeous forests, hit BC, if you want to rough it like a pioneer, northern ontario, if you want to hide from the world, Saskatchewan. Our version of red necks hang out in alberta, our drunks in newfoundland, and our amish like folk in PEI, where you can farm all the red potatoes you want.

If however you're into casual sex and having a snob argue with you wherever you go, and people who cant drive, Quebec is the place for you
What about people who like the country life and a small town vibe not far away?

Manitoba or central ontario, I'm in a small town myself, but only an hour and a half away from toronto, it's pretty nice I have to admit
Ok thanks. Would I have to take Law Enforced classes over again up there? Right now i'm a small town officer working for the Saint Clair PD.

All this quoting is getting out of hand. Joseph Conrad is rolling in his grave right now.

Seriously you can't respond to a person responding to a person responding to a person responding to a person responding to a person.

That's like staring into an infinity mirror and trying to catch your own reflection.

Mod-Chip said:
kingg5 said:
Icepick said:
kingg5 said:
Icepick said:
kingg5 said:
Icepick said:
kingg5 said:
Eyebrowsbv31 said:
The idiocy is outstanding, I applaud you. If I had the time and energy to respond properly to this (which I don't because I have a job), I could just bomb you with information from sources a lot more credible than the NYT. Falling back onto insults before I even get a word in, wow, just wow, you must be really confident. Tell me again how government does such a good job keeping costs down, oh oh, or that one about financial regulation, or even better: how collective bargaining for public unions allows them to stack the deck in their favor is so good for the country!

How's that OWS stuff going for you, manage to blow up a bridge yet?

Here, I'll give you one about the insurance til 26: if you're enough of a damn failure to be a fully grown adult that has to suckle off the teat of your parents until that age, then some serious soul searching is required. how is that a good thing? How is saying, "hey, a good 3rd of the way through your life you still don't have to take responsibility for yourself! You incompetent youth!" I find it more insulting than helpful, but then again, I think for myself. If you want to be a ward of the state blob, that's fine, just leave the rest of us alone with your sloth and lack of responsibility. Insurance and big pharma are behind obamacare now: where is your OWS street cred now, eh?

In the mean time, here's a picture of Willy Wonka:


I love brainwashed rich kiddies.
lol someone struck a nerve. Some of the perks sound ok, but what about the bad s*** to this law? In my opinion this law is taking away our freedom.

Even with insuance being brought down to be so called "affordable" There are still maybe millions of people who still can't afford it. Mainly the homeless, beyond low income families, and jobless people living in their parents basement. I believe the reason the're doing this is to gather the funds we owe China.

I give it a matter of time till people get tired of this and a new civil war is sparked. Not one that has to do with just one race's freedom but the entire countries freedom. My best bet is hike it to Canada before they close the borders.

If s*** hits the fan like you're expecting, you wont be able to cross the border, even if Canada is willing to accept refugees, America wont let it's tax dollars walk out on her. You're all f*****, and we Canadians have a front row seat, which will come to bite us in the ass when you realize we're a nation of vast resources and admittedly, a small army to protect them
That was very enlightening lol. I better head up north soon then. Any suggestions on a beautiful part of Canada?

if you want a hippy Cali vibe with ski slopes and gorgeous forests, hit BC, if you want to rough it like a pioneer, northern ontario, if you want to hide from the world, Saskatchewan. Our version of red necks hang out in alberta, our drunks in newfoundland, and our amish like folk in PEI, where you can farm all the red potatoes you want.

If however you're into casual sex and having a snob argue with you wherever you go, and people who cant drive, Quebec is the place for you
What about people who like the country life and a small town vibe not far away?

Manitoba or central ontario, I'm in a small town myself, but only an hour and a half away from toronto, it's pretty nice I have to admit
Ok thanks. Would I have to take Law Enforced classes over again up there? Right now i'm a small town officer working for the Saint Clair PD.

All this quoting is getting out of hand. Joseph Conrad is rolling in his grave right now.

Seriously you can't respond to a person responding to a person responding to a person responding to a person responding to a person.

That's like staring into an infinity mirror and trying to catch your own reflection.


UrbanMasque said:
Mod-Chip said:
kingg5 said:
Icepick said:
kingg5 said:
Icepick said:
kingg5 said:
Icepick said:
kingg5 said:
Eyebrowsbv31 said:
The idiocy is outstanding, I applaud you. If I had the time and energy to respond properly to this (which I don't because I have a job), I could just bomb you with information from sources a lot more credible than the NYT. Falling back onto insults before I even get a word in, wow, just wow, you must be really confident. Tell me again how government does such a good job keeping costs down, oh oh, or that one about financial regulation, or even better: how collective bargaining for public unions allows them to stack the deck in their favor is so good for the country!

How's that OWS stuff going for you, manage to blow up a bridge yet?

Here, I'll give you one about the insurance til 26: if you're enough of a damn failure to be a fully grown adult that has to suckle off the teat of your parents until that age, then some serious soul searching is required. how is that a good thing? How is saying, "hey, a good 3rd of the way through your life you still don't have to take responsibility for yourself! You incompetent youth!" I find it more insulting than helpful, but then again, I think for myself. If you want to be a ward of the state blob, that's fine, just leave the rest of us alone with your sloth and lack of responsibility. Insurance and big pharma are behind obamacare now: where is your OWS street cred now, eh?

In the mean time, here's a picture of Willy Wonka:


I love brainwashed rich kiddies.
lol someone struck a nerve. Some of the perks sound ok, but what about the bad s*** to this law? In my opinion this law is taking away our freedom.

Even with insuance being brought down to be so called "affordable" There are still maybe millions of people who still can't afford it. Mainly the homeless, beyond low income families, and jobless people living in their parents basement. I believe the reason the're doing this is to gather the funds we owe China.

I give it a matter of time till people get tired of this and a new civil war is sparked. Not one that has to do with just one race's freedom but the entire countries freedom. My best bet is hike it to Canada before they close the borders.

If s*** hits the fan like you're expecting, you wont be able to cross the border, even if Canada is willing to accept refugees, America wont let it's tax dollars walk out on her. You're all f*****, and we Canadians have a front row seat, which will come to bite us in the ass when you realize we're a nation of vast resources and admittedly, a small army to protect them
That was very enlightening lol. I better head up north soon then. Any suggestions on a beautiful part of Canada?

if you want a hippy Cali vibe with ski slopes and gorgeous forests, hit BC, if you want to rough it like a pioneer, northern ontario, if you want to hide from the world, Saskatchewan. Our version of red necks hang out in alberta, our drunks in newfoundland, and our amish like folk in PEI, where you can farm all the red potatoes you want.

If however you're into casual sex and having a snob argue with you wherever you go, and people who cant drive, Quebec is the place for you
What about people who like the country life and a small town vibe not far away?

Manitoba or central ontario, I'm in a small town myself, but only an hour and a half away from toronto, it's pretty nice I have to admit
Ok thanks. Would I have to take Law Enforced classes over again up there? Right now i'm a small town officer working for the Saint Clair PD.

All this quoting is getting out of hand. Joseph Conrad is rolling in his grave right now.

Seriously you can't respond to a person responding to a person responding to a person responding to a person responding to a person.

That's like staring into an infinity mirror and trying to catch your own reflection.



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