Pet Peeves


I just created this topic so I could bitch about random stuff no one cares about. I could do this on my blog but this way I can force my bitching down your throat. Of course you don't have to click on the topic, but everytime I make a post it is forced on the top of the list. Ha, take that! I guess you can be free to post your peeves as well.

I don't understand why gaming websites have the little drowpdown date selection for ages. All it does to see if the date you enter says you are 18 or older. How the hell is this any better than the "Yes, I am 18." link that most porn websites use? Porn sites know what is up, they make this process as transparent as possible so you can get directly to the goods. But no, when it comes to gaming you have to scroll down to a date and waste your time. Even though I am well over 18, I always go straight to the date at the bottom because I don't feel like wasting time looking for "1987". To most sites I am over 100 years old. The whole thing is just silly.

Also, why is opera so awesome but still filled with so many bugs? It is just tiny things like me not being able to enter text into a field, or the tabs bar having a random block of white over all the the tabs except for the selected one. Because of that text field bug I had to use IE to post this. This browser makes my eyes bleed. Why much you force me to induce pain upon myself, opera? Why?!

This probably won't be the last of my bitching.
Haha i know how you feel about the age thing. I to am well over 100 years old on most sites. I remember when i turned 18 it just didn't seem as fun as it used to when i lied to porn sites.
I'll agree FB. I dont like the drop down or fill in stuff when the process behind it is binary anyway. Just give me a yes to click. A lot of the time i dont even want to type and am sat in a comfy position and quite content using the mouse alone...It really interrupts me :(
FrozenBacon said:
...I don't understand why gaming websites have the little drowpdown date selection for ages...

So that they can market age-specifically to us, the users.

Porn sites don't need to market, everyone loves porn. And everyone should be over 18, and probably has a credit card. The entire site is advertising.

Gaming sites, well, have a lot more advertising. And to advertise effectively, age is very important. The younger the viewer, the greater chance of creating a customer for life.
People who drive in the passing lane on the highway driving 100km/h, who have a stream of 200 cars behind them and they don't give a damn. STRONG pet peeve.
When it's dead silent and all you can hear is someone blatantly chewing with their mouth open. Always puts me two seconds from throwing punches.

It's not so much when people eat with their mouth open, it's when they smack their lips or use their tongue and...Bleh! That or people who make noises when they eat, like sighs or humming.
intoTheRain said:
People who drive in the passing lane on the highway driving 100km/h, who have a stream of 200 cars behind them and they don't give a damn. STRONG pet peeve.

There are numbers here that I have to convert.
1 Mile is 1.6 kilometers...

My pet peeve is somewhat like that one...But it's large groups of people who take up an entire fucking sidewalk and are taking their sweet ass time going where ever they are going...It pisses me off to no end, and they are never observant enough to realize that they may be in someone's way.
^then push them aside, sure you look like an ass, but then you could be something worse.

Mine would have to be smoking. No reason to smoke at all in this modern age, the only thing worse is the folks I know that smoke 2 packs a day and enjoy a vegan diet; congratulations, your skinny and have lung cancer; least being fat usually isn't fatal.
I hate the kool kids who walk in the center of every damn street for no reason with their crew and never move. I just want to get out of my car and start something, because they're never intimidating. I like to point and laugh.
New pet peeve:poor customer service. When you go to a store and you just want to get in and out and the sales person acts too busy to help you. Seriously! I went to get a guy out to estimate a piano repair today. I waited thirty minutes while he walked in and out of his office. How many pianos does he have "on the table" in there and how high demand can piano repair be? I was then told he could do an estimate tomorrow, but it wouldn't get repaired for two weeks.

I have another guy who is coming tomorrow took down some notes over the phone and will "probably get it repaired same day" if I like the quote.
StalfrosCC said:
intoTheRain said:
People who drive in the passing lane on the highway driving 100km/h, who have a stream of 200 cars behind them and they don't give a damn. STRONG pet peeve.

There are numbers here that I have to convert.

60 mp/h, or the speed limit on a Canadian highway.. going the speed limit in the passing lane.

Eyebrowsbv31 said:
least being fat usually isn't fatal.

i don't have any numbers but i'd bet money obesity kills as many if not more people than smoking does
^Especially when you consider how many diseases are linked to obesity: high cholesterol, high blood pressure, etc.

Although when you consider cancer figures related to smoking...well, it doesn't take a genius to figure out that it is not remotely healthy.
Why is somebody smoking a pet peeve anyways? You can't smoke anywhere indoors so it's not like second hand smoke is a big issue. If people wanna smoke then let 'em, it's their life.
People who text while driving. People who stand in a doorway while texting. People who text while walking and can't be bothered to look in front of them. People having long drawn-out conversations via text message when it would OBVIOUSLY be more efficient to just call up the person and chat for 45 seconds then send texts back and forth for five minutes.

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