Plotical thread: The lady will (maybe) be finaly free!


After a Riot in England topic, i think it's time To post some good news here, no? :D

Aung San Suu Kyi (A.k.a "the lady"), the symbol of Democracy in the junta ruled country of Burma may finally be released in the following hours after 16 years of house arrest for "Disturbing the sanctity of the Burmese government" or like we say it here, for being democratically elected in a totalitarian dictatorship state.


People are still skeptical about this. The Burmese election happen a couple days ago with, no surprise to anyone, a landslide for the junta. Who knows what deal they struck to release Aung San Suu Kyi. Did she had to stop her political career? Are they gonna arrest her in the next hour again? Is all this a trick? Or is the country finally democratic? Who knows... We just have to wait and see.

Meanwhile, small victories. Celebration anyone?
I honestly don't know much about this, so I got to do some research on it other than that guardian entry. I know how fucked up Myamar is right now, but I don't know much about Aung San Suu Kyi.

Time to do some reading....
You bloody yanks... all of you!

Nah just kidding. :D I'm actually glad that some of you are actually noticing her right now. Perhaps this video will help you understand her ideals a bit. Or maybe go read that one comic book, Burma Chronicles.

But i do notice the lack of attention about her in the U.S media When this is all over the news every where else (If not, all over Europe at least)... Is it because the Burmese government supports (economically) china? Or maybe because of all the foreign oil company in the lands, few are from the U.S? Or maybe, they just don't care...
It's Americans just don't care. Don't feel too bad, Burma. Our liberals couldn't find their way to the polls for our own mid-term elections.

Our newest crop voted in the House are busy pushing for an extension on the Bush Tax Cuts for America's richest 2%, with dismantling the Health Care Bill still on their agenda for a later date. We're not the ones you want to be talking politics with right now (not even plotics :mrgreen:).

Having said that, :) HOrrible,b ut in a god way
Countries with low tax rates make more money. Countries with high tax rates don't. The Top 2% already pay most of the taxes in this country.

And the healthcare bill is a sham. Anything passed with "We'll find out what's in it after it's passed" taped to the side is terrifying.

Also, chris, jailing people that disagree with the status quo is very much a tactic of "liberalism" if the french revolution tells us anything....
I dont think I want to go there for this....

As for Burma, my guess is it's not on the table because we got the Alaska Race still being decided and people bitching about Obama failing on his tour in Asia right now.
Murkowski or Miller, out of curiosity?

Oh, and I saw some news about this on CNN and CNN intl this morning. Not much except the bare facts, no in depth discussion.
It's official now, she's freed! Hurray! Now THAT's democracy in the making!
But I'm still skeptical about all this "Hey! let's free the lady!" business, at least until we get a chance to give her a one on one interview to know what really happen with the Burmese government. A change of heart? really? From the same government that tortures the Karen minorities? yeah right...

And Eyebrows, speaking as a french man and responding like a french man, go read your history book... And F*** you for comparing our heritage to Burma!
Well, what's in the health care bill that we do like is payed for by the things in the health care bill that we don't like.
I counter your health care sham with the defense budget sham. Do we want open this can of worms? Ending health care for sick American children, but keeping the corporate welfare program running...isn't that the epitome of :( HOrrible,a nd not in a God way?

I'm not trying to compare the cost of the defense budget to the health care bill, a public option, a trip to Venus because why not, two Bugatti Veyrons in every garage...I'll stop now. There's nothing that can top the defense budget spending. One is wasteful, the other is flying to the Jupiter because, dammit, we can. er, wait a minute...

Extend the bush tax cuts. This is the year Reagan's trickle down economics finally kick in.

Bah! Steady, as she goes. into the icebergs. Our fault, world.
To lein: I have read the history books. I won't gloss over what the Americans and Canadians did to the Indians (for example) if you won't gloss over this:

To Chris: Let's not get into it. I'll just say that with the government acting as the new middle man, we all lose. If we stop social welfare for the corps, we all lose too, they'll take jobs elsewhere, it's the nature of the beast. Sucks, but there you have it.
I'm always interested as to how republicans in this country came to the idea that the health care bill gives control of health care to the federal government. There is no public option. There is no government takeover. It's just a new set of regulations and rules to try and fix a very broken and one-sided system. It actually reduces the deficit by $700 billion, and according to a large number of polls conducted recently, the only provision of the bill that a simple majority of Americans don't like is the individual mandate - which is the only provision the insurance companies like. The same insurance companies who signed on to support the bill. Just sayin.

As for taxing companies and the rich, we are never going to pull the government out of its fiscal hole if there is not a combination of taxes and spending cuts. When Republican leaders are vowing to not touch defense, medicaid/medicare, or social security, you're left with about 12% of the budget to cut. You're really not going to find $1.4 trillion to cut out of 12% of the budget, especially when the entire budget is only about $3.5 trillion. Plus, adding $700 billion to the deficit by erasing the health care bill, and another trillion or so by extending the tax cut for just the top 2%, is completely ridiculous. That is not sound fiscal policy. The Republican party brings nothing to the table but shitty rhetoric. Of course, the Democrats have yet to put forth a viable proposal either on deficit reduction. At least they realize that austerity measures are only going to hurt an already damaged economy.

My favorite thing that crazy tea party people suggest: not raising the debt ceiling. That's a great idea. That way, the US government will default on all its loans, and essentially render the dollar completely worthless. Cause that's a great idea that wouldn't cause a global depression or anything.

Essentially, a lot of hard choices are going to have to be made if a serious effort to reduce the government debt is going to occur. And in all honesty, the real places that cuts need to be made are the places nobody wants to touch - Healthcare, Social Security, and Defense - because those are the only parts of the budget that show significant growth each year. Neither party seems to be willing to suck it up and do that right now.
ok seriously... how about we go back to Aung San Suu kyi here? We went from the horrors of the Burmese government to the tea party... something is wrong here...
Eyebrowsbv31 said:
To lein: I have read the history books. I won't gloss over what the Americans and Canadians did to the Indians (for example) if you won't gloss over this:

To Chris: Let's not get into it. I'll just say that with the government acting as the new middle man, we all lose. If we stop social welfare for the corps, we all lose too, they'll take jobs elsewhere, it's the nature of the beast. Sucks, but there you have it.

Seriously? The reign of terror was slightly over a year, while the attempted genocide of the native folks here in the U.S. was ongoing for a few centuries. We're still taking reservation land because we find something we want there. Or we just pollute the crap out of it. And that's not even mentioning the treatment of the Africans that were forced into slavery.

France has done some shitty things, I mean check out their time in Algeria, it's pretty damn bad. But they have nothing in their history that compares to the U.S. Not even close.
AoT said:
Eyebrowsbv31 said:
To lein: I have read the history books. I won't gloss over what the Americans and Canadians did to the Indians (for example) if you won't gloss over this:

To Chris: Let's not get into it. I'll just say that with the government acting as the new middle man, we all lose. If we stop social welfare for the corps, we all lose too, they'll take jobs elsewhere, it's the nature of the beast. Sucks, but there you have it.

Seriously? The reign of terror was slightly over a year, while the attempted genocide of the native folks here in the U.S. was ongoing for a few centuries. We're still taking reservation land because we find something we want there. Or we just pollute the crap out of it. And that's not even mentioning the treatment of the Africans that were forced into slavery.

France has done some shitty things, I mean check out their time in Algeria, it's pretty damn bad. But they have nothing in their history that compares to the U.S. Not even close.

It was an example, I was making the point that I accept america has done wrong just as the French have. Also, they do. Don't argue with a history major, but each modern country in the world has enough atrocities laid at their feet to fill a pool. If you really want to get abstract, you could blame World War 2 on the French for the unrealistic repayment demands for World War one, which the silly europeans started because of massive dick waving.

Back on point, yay, lady of democracy is free, still lots of work to do. Tyranny still reigns in most parts of the world, need to break the people free from the shackles of nationalism communism totalitarianism socialism religion capitalism activision....

Granted she'll probably get arrested again/shot, but that's life.
Back on point, yay, lady of democracy is free, still lots of work to do. Tyranny still reigns in most parts of the world, need to break the people free from the shackles of nationalism communism totalitarianism socialism religion capitalism activision....

Granted she'll probably get arrested again/shot, but that's life.

Break them free from all of this into what? :)
NickKmet said:
Essentially, a lot of hard choices are going to have to be made if a serious effort to reduce the government debt is going to occur. And in all honesty, the real places that cuts need to be made are the places nobody wants to touch - Healthcare, Social Security, and Defense - because those are the only parts of the budget that show significant growth each year. Neither party seems to be willing to suck it up and do that right now.
Why not cut healthcare down to a bare minimum to everyone over 65?
This would kill 2 birds with 1 stone, reducing the cost of health care and killing off resource using member os society that contribute nothing back.

Don't get me wrong, i don't WANT people over 65 to die. The problem is, they simply have to if we don't want to world to fall apart.

Also, the US defense budget is retarded.
Who's going to fuck with you guys when you have enough nukes to destory the world 3 times over, possibly even 4 times?

Why do you need so many planes and aircraft carriers?
You have allies for a reason. The RAF & RAAF alone has enough planes to stock a couple aircraft carriers if you need it. What are we gonna do, declare war on the country we sell uranium to? Because that would end well.
We have a bunch of F-18s we're about to not need, the brits have some Tornados they arent using, maybe a harrier or 2 and a couple recon F-111s, and you're set for effectively any war on any part of the planet at any time, if you don't want to nuke.

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