Post your age(and gaming history).

Almost 17 here and heres my list.

I own(ed) the following
- Atari 2600 (BROKE) ( threw it away)
- Sega Genesis
- Gameboy (Color-less) (lost it)
- Playstation
- Gameboy Color
- Gameboy Advance
- Playstation 2( had it then gave it away promptly, wish I hadn't now :( )
- Xbox
- Nintendo DS
- Xbox 360
- Wii
- PC

That's all I think, as for game count- erm I have well over 40 for xbox/xbox360 4 games for Wii 6 for DS and a few gameboy cartridges lying here and there, and 5 games for the Genesis. As for the PC- I have literally hundreds of CD's with games in my closet and in other places. PC is always my favorite system :D.

Must admit i'm jealous of a few of you guys, wish I was in the 80's gaming era.
I'm like 23 and my first gaming memory was playing some random atari top down shooter at the age of 4 while staying at a parents' friend's house because my sister was being born. Then I got my own NES and it all went down from there.

Systems I've owned:
Game Gear
Sega CD and 32X
GB Color

Systems I Still Own:
Xbox 360

I usually just give away or sell or trade in my old system once the next gen comes out. It's a hell of a lot easier to just emulate all the classic systems with complete libraries.I've also pretty much given up on Nintendo,
So many jail baits in da house....

Anyway. I am 22 and I love video games.

I played something that was probably an Atari before I even knew what was going on. It was my uncle's and my cousin was showing me it. Then I had the original gray brick that is known as the GameBoy which was given to me by my dad's business partner. It's still upstairs somewhere, falling apart. Then I saved up all my monies to get a NES and rocked that thing so hard it hurt. After that I got a SNES for Christmas one year. Then I had a long break where I would play Nintendo 64 games at my friend's house. After that, I got a PS2 for Christmas (had to pay for half, but boy was it worth it). After years and years of making sweet love to that thing, I got myself a PS3 as a graduation present for finishing college. I play Xbox 360 with my friend so I am familiar with that ish. Anyway, I wasn't going to give in and buy a current generation system, but good games started being made and now I am broke and bitter and sleep deprived and sad and happy and awesome. I tried to write this in the least easiestly way so I hope you all give up reading this poopies on a stick before you ever reach this sentence. If you have made it this far, you have earned yourself a trophy (yes, a TROPHY (not an achievement)). Booyakasha.
Yeah my parents weren't the gaming types (although my dad was the best at the penguin race on super mario 64).

Oh and i'd prefer an achievement, please.
*rises out of coffin*

I'm 27...I was a late bloomer for my generation. I first got an Nes in 1990 with Super Mario Bros./Duck Hunt (orange zapper) and some lame space shooter Cybernoid.

Since my parents were so cheap when it came to the games, I had to borrow and rent A LOT. It was so bad that I'd have fun at the arcades just playing around on Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles....even when "insert coin" flashed above the respective amphibians health bar.

My Snes days were more fruitful: Genesis coming later.The Donkey Kong Country series, Vectorman, and Comixzone were among my favs.

Then came the 32 bit systems and "64" bit atari Jaguar. Wait.....I didn't buy a 32 bit system until AFTER I got an N64, then I purchased the Psx.

I loved just playing the demo discs and jampacks for the Playstation. Crash Bandicoot was Playstation's pseudo rival to Mario64. I recall me and my cousins getting into heated discussions over Tekken2 and Virtual Fighter 2.

Systems I own/owned:

Nes 4 games
Snes 11
Genesis 13
Atari Lynx 3 (that damn thing was expensive)
32x 2
Neo Geo 2
N64 19
Psx 15
Ps2 73 (gotta love bargain bin and used)
Dreamcast 5
Xbox 23
Xbox360 12
20 years old.

Wii (Technically my brothers, but w/e)
Sega (and Genesis if you wanna be specific)
Gameboy Pocket
Gameboy Advance
Nintendo DS

I can't remember when I got really into video games. I remember 5th grade was Pokemon, so I think that's when I got my Gameboy Pocket. I had the original Gameboy before that and was a Tetris and Qix addict. I also got my N64 a little before that too because I couldn't understand that batteries died. I just thought my Gameboy was overheating and I just had to let it cool down.

I remember my first M rated game was for Sega and it was Contra: Hard CORPS. I think they cussed a couple times and it warranted the M rating. My mom got it for me for my 10th birthday. Good times...

So I guess probably around 3rd grade is when I got into video games.
19 years of age

SNES(which my younger brother broke! :cry: )
Sega Genesis
Gamecube(did anybody else ever use the little compartments on the bottom as stash spots?)

One of the first games I ever played was Venture Bros(not the show obviously). I was also a prodigy at the first Mortal Kombat from what I'm told.

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