Quitting Caffeine/Soda


I had the realization the other day that I could not remember a day I did not intake caffeine. I started drinking a 2liter of coke a day ever since I was 11 or 12. That means I have had daily intake for over half my lifetime.

So I quit 6 days ago. It has been hell. My body and mind feel like they are trying to breath air underwater. Oh man, and the headaches.(MMJ and Aleve help)

The thing keeping me going is that I woke up for the first time in a long time without a stomach ache and my anxiety levels are much more manageable. I have already lost a pound.

Anyone else quit Caffeine or soda?
I hope I don't come across as rude, but with all due respect, I'm not sure if it's the lack of caffeine your body is reacting to. I think it's the lack of sugar.

Yes, Coke does contain some caffeine but you'd be surprised... there's actually not that much caffeine in it. What it is full of though, is sugar, and lots of it.

I say this because I also drink a lot of a drink that I should not be having. I love iced coffee. The iced coffee I drink, next to Coke, is probably one the worst drinks your body can have. It's 600mL of milk that essentially has a tiny bit of coffee in it and loads of sugar. It tastes amazing but it's not good for you at all.

Earlier this year I went on a diet and I was required to cut out sugar, this meant no iced coffee. The first week was hell. I experienced massive head aches. I became easily agitated and stressed. I didn't sleep well for the first few days and I felt so tired and drained. Eventually, I started to have iced coffee only once a week, instead of almost every day. When I craved something "sweet", I would drink either Coke Zero or Diet Coke. No sugar. No calories. Yeah, it's got other crap in it that's just as bad, if not worse, but since I was only concerned about my weight at the time, it was okay.

So apart from diet soft drinks, one thing that also helped me was eating. The diet required me to eat a lot of food (despite the fact it was a weight loss diet). I was eating 3,500 calories a day. Oats, almond milk, protein powder, rice, green vegetables, lots of chicken breast. It was actually kinda hard to eat so much food and man, I love to eat, but I found as I ate, I often stayed full and I didn't really think about wanting sugar. That being said, it doesn't stop the cravings, but it helps.

Sugar is an addictive substance. So is caffeine. They're like drugs. Like I said before though, drinks like Coke and iced coffee don't actually have that much caffeine in it. It's the sugar that's making us so drawn to it. It's also because of the sugar that makes our bodies freak out when we don't have it. When we consume so much sugar on a regular basis, our bodies dig it, it enjoys it, our brains are almost "rewarded" for having it. When we take sugar out of our diet, especially if we do so cold turkey, then our bodies and brains pretty much freak out - "WHERE THE FUCK IS MY SUGAR?!" it'll scream, as we start experiencing symptoms like head aches, agitation, insomnia, fatigue and so forth. The withdrawals suck.

Maybe you haven't "quit" sugar, per say... maybe there is still sugar in your diet? Just keep in mind, Coke has lots of sugar. You also mentioned that ever since you were younger, you've been drinking 2 liters of Coke per day. A 2 liter bottle of Coke contains roughly 216 of sugar. That's a quarter of a kilogram. That's A LOT of sugar, especially when you've been having it for a long period of your life, every day. When you give up that much sugar in one go, even if you are still eating some foods with sugar in it, of course your body is going to freak out and give you grief.

I think it's great that you're quitting Coke, or at least giving it a break. It'll do you wonders. The first week or two is going to suck, but you will be better off for it. In all honesty, if you need some help and you're craving something "sweet", I'd suggest drinking either Coke Zero or diet Coke - in smaller amounts (e.g. opt for a 600mL bottle instead of 2 liters).

TL;DR - I'm pretty sure it's not the lack of caffeine your body is freaking out to, it's the lack of sugar. 2L of Coke a day is a lot of sugar. Going cold turkey is going to freak your body out. Keep it up, drink diet soft drinks and smaller amounts of it to help you cope.
I quit caffeine several months ago, but I will occasionally will take something like a BC powder that is loaded with caffeine if I get a severe headache. I have had headaches for my entire life, but I can honestly say that since I've quit caffeine, the frequency of my headaches has decreased dramatically. I still am very sensitive to artificial light, so if I sit in front of my laptop or television for extended periods of time, I can expect to pay for it later. Good luck, man! The headaches you're experiencing are hopefully just symptoms of withdrawal and will go away within a week; two at the most.

EDIT: I just read Craig's post, and while I definitely would not dismiss the idea of it being sugar instead of caffeine, I drank exclusively diet sodas and tea without sugar. Now, as far as you losing weight, that's certainly tied to the sugar in sodas. I think you will eventually feel better overall: no more chronic fatigue; less restless nights; bursts of energy you never knew you had; just a clearer mind in general. At least, that's how I've feel since I've been off caffeine. You can do it; hang in there!
I still drink ginger ale but ok Ill add Soda to the topic name. The Ginger Ale has just as much sugar as coke does but I know I am not drinking as much Ginger Ale.

I guess I should have explained I was still drinking sugar drinks sometimes. Just not ones with caffeine. Lets back down from one substance at a time here.
No worries man.

How much ginger ale do you drink?

I looked online and a typical ginger ale has 9g of sugar per 100g of ginger ale. The exact same amount of sugar as Coke. So in this case, it'll depend on how much ginger ale you drink per day, versus how much Coke you drank per day.

If you drink roughly the same amount of ginger ale to that of how much Coke you drank, then yeah, the caffeine is playing a part there. If you're having less ginger ale than how much Coke you had, then your symptoms are most likely because of the loss of sugar, so to speak, as well as the caffeine.

Drinks like iced coffee, Coke and such... not only are they packed with the sugar, but they've got the caffeine too, making them addictive bastards.
Im positive you are correct in that it is a mixture of both.

Really I think the thing that keeps me from wanting to use caffeine is seeing my anxiety levels drop. I have always been a high anxiety person but I have always been drinking soda.

When you can't remember a time without it you loose your reference point.

Cool to see others here have cut back as well.
That's interesting to note, actually.

Well, at least you're already seeing and feeling some sort of benefit from taking Coke out of your diet, and if that's the case then I say keep going, you're doing a great job. :)
I tried a Diet Coke a month or two after I quit and found it incredibly bitter. I couldn't even finish it.
I stopped drinking soda and caffeinated beverages when I was in middle school. Carbonation would make me uncomfortably gassy, and caffeine is simply and addictive drug with too many drawbacks for me, especially with my serious sleeping and moderate blood pressure problems.

I can only commend you for this decision.

Get ready to start sleeping like a baby! Two weeks into drastically cutting my caffeine I started going to bed two hours earlier. I sleep more and feel better.
I'm a sucker when it comes to soda, especially when I'm out at a restaurant with unlimited refills. My girlfriend will order some fancy $11 drink and I'll just laugh and have 3-4 sodas for $2.

I've recently cut down on my intake though and have started drinking a lot more water. In the summer I was drinking one Gatorade everyday, and yes I know that shit is horrible but I was dehydrated a lot of the time.

All in all cutting back on soda has also cut back a lot on gas. Which is great because these days I'm often in a a public setting and had to hold back a burp.
I enjoy a cold pop in certain situations, but I've never been a person who had to drink it every single day like some people I have known who would drink several cans a day.

Coffee I didn't start drinking until I stated working graveyard shift a while back and I started to top those off with amp energy drinks. After I had one unpleasant experience when my heart started going nuts, I realized I needed to cut back.

Coffee it seems like every few months there are different studies saying whether it is bad for your or not A quick search and you find all kinds of contrary things.
Stop drinking coffee and you may see a huge gain in your sex drive!
Drinking two to three cups of coffee a day reduces the odds of erectile dysfunction in men

I love my coffee though. I usually drink two cups a day. (Sometimes a third)
I probably have about 4 cups of coffee a day - I'm pretty hooked. I love the smell so damn much, and the taste is even better!

I'm aware that's too much, and I do wonder sometimes what positive results would arise if I quit...
Day 9

Migraine on right side of my head one day and migraine on the left side of my head the next.

I get to sleep a lot easier but I find I don't sleep as long.
I also have started to having night long nightmares. The kind where I will wake up, drink some water, and then go back to sleep and the nightmare will pick up right where it left off.

Guess my mind isn't too happy about the change.
Sourdeez said:
Migraine on right side of my head one day and migraine on the left side of my head the next.
I take this wondrous thing called naproxen sodium for that (off-brand Aleve). My step brother's allergic to it, though. Not sure if that's a common thing, but that and peanuts are two of the worst allergies I can imagine.
Sourdeez said:
I also have started to having night long nightmares. The kind where I will wake up, drink some water, and then go back to sleep and the nightmare will pick up right where it left off..

Oh man. I had bad nightmares, too. I went from no dreams, ever, to night-long nightmares as you described. I can't say they totally went away, either. I do feel like they stopped lasting all throughout the night, though, and the frequency of the bad ones has reduced. I can't remember if they caused me to wake up feeling as though I haven't slept, but I have been getting sufficient sleep as of lately; I am thankful for that. The migraines should hopefully subside if they're not ones you're used to experiencing. I've had terrible headaches all throughout my life (ones that would cause nausea and eventually vomiting) but haven't had a bad episode since I quit caffeine. I'm really not sure if there's a correlation there, but it helps put my mind at ease.
Went about 3 weeks without a soda and eventually broke down and drank one. Back to drinking one a day during school days.(3 days a week) I already lost the 5 pounds I wanted to loose and it is just easier this way for now. Maybe I will take back up abstinence this winter break.

Having a tolerance break though. Wooooh a Soda is back to being magic!

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