Rather play old games.


I don't know about you guys, but I hate new games these days. All the same crap. Ive been enjoying old emulators a lot more and it saves money big time. I just enjoy the oldies better, loved the new games for a while but now there is no variety...just a big market for corporations feeding off mindless sheep. How many COD games will people keep buying. Remember when Mario was ''COD'' status. Oh well I'm just not with it I geuss. I know there is good new games still here and there, don't get me wrong. Even mature rated games are aimed and made for 5 year old kids these days (although they would never admit that) by toning down the difficulty dramatically and keeping you on rails. Thats fun here and there, but c'mon every game is just a movie u get to play a bit nowadays. COD campaign and many other generic shooters and action games are actually a joke compared to older titles where they thought of game play first and foremost. People will disagree, I know...I wish I could easily accept and love all the crap people buy these days...must be nice to be a robot and not make your own decisions. :D
I guess what I can relate to is the feeling that games should've have become more expansive. But at the same time there is expansive-fun and expansive-overwhelming.

You should look into the indie market. Lot of good inventive fun there.
Yes the indie market is ok, but right now they just seem too...hipster LOL..sorry. Maybe I'm being close minded, but yes there is a few good indie games out there..can't shoot that down. I may have my nostalgia glasses on, but there is something more to those games. Nowadays there are programs that write program that make games etc. Although it takes much more man power and money to make a game these days, it's almost like a factory setting now than a creative environment..know what I mean?
Have you ever played Bioshock?

Dude - play it. You will be immersed into an amazing world. That game is creative as fuck.

But you just sound pissed off that everyone likes COD. I hate COD too, I dont get why it's so damn popular. I hate more than anything pressing down the left stick to run - so damn awkward, am I he only one who thinks that?!! I am in the UK anyway.

Anyway, some games are amazing these days too. New ideas are everywhere. EG Dead Space, shoot off the limbs instead of the conventional headshot. I actually think it's a time where games are trying to be more inventive than ever before, just to be something new. Of course, half the industry does sell out like you say too.
Mostly, I'm liking that although visuals are still important, a lot of companies are starting to realize that screenshots won't sell your game by themselves.
Played Bioshock the day it came out, I bought it. Sorry but games where you don't die kinda unimmerse me..haha. Yes I know you ''die'' but c'mon..why doesnt everyone else use a cloning machine as well. :p There is good new inventive games coming out, just not as much as there should be in this point of the cycle. I get more immersed in games like Act Raiser than I do in most games today. Oblivion was promising. Not too big on Fallout 3, which sucks because I liked it at first, but then I realized everything was repeating itself hard. Thats another things whatever happened to DIFFERENT looking levels. Sorry I'm ranting. And yes I do have a little gripe against people who keep buying COD...I'm one of them...well I was, I didnt get Black Ops and wont be getting another COD. I enjoy the first two COD games though a lot. CLASSICS. No more classics these days...well not as many. Everything is a tech demo for the most part.
Longo_2_Guns why are you awesome and cool? And how can I achieve your super duper cool status? Yeah it's whiney, but so are you for whining about it hehe. Now stick to the topic and stop whining.
Pres don't take this in the wrong way but you have the most strict judgment on games I've ever met in a person. Honestly I think a game doesn't have to be inventive and bring this huge new thing to the table to be good as long as the experience of the game is awesome or memorable. Old school games are awesome to play and always bring good times but then again back in those games they was also a litter of mediocre games. No matter what there will still be a majority of generic games that companies ship out hoping that a "mindless majority" would just eat up. There are still mind-blowing games or spectacular games being released every year it just doesn't seem like it is because of the sea of mediocre and below-average games that are released and plastered everywhere.
You know, you could turn off the insta-res-tube option in Bioshock and crank up the difficulty. A friend of mine did that and he found out some things that you'd normally won't notice until you're forced to be resourceful like using telekinesis to pick up wine bottles and put them next to a flame to make makeshift molotov cocktails or play volleyball with a splicer's fireball.

I'm kind of an oldies guy myself. I loved the first two Fallouts and would try to play the original X-Com from time to time but I'm kind of glad that the gaming industry turned out like this because it makes finding that gem you like that much more special.

Also, why are you bothered about people buying CoD games? I didn't like the new ones either but that doesn't bother me.
COD and mario *are* at the same status. They both suck and appeal to everyone and their mother.

The witcher 2 is coming out in may, la noire too, mass effect 3 and skyrim in november...Seems like the industry is in good shape to me.
Pres: I know exactly how you feel.

Do you know what I did yesterday? I went to my local game store, and I traded in about 5 PS3 games, 5 Wii games... and I re-bought an N64 so I could play Perfect Dark and Diddy Kong Racing (The DS remake was NOT acceptable). I would have bought Pilot Wings 64 and Goldeneye (among other things), but they weren't there.

In the last little while, I just don't find myself playing very many new games. I mean, I still play everything that comes out of Bioware, but it's more for the story than the gameplay. I don't think we have a single really good JRPG for this console generation. New Final Fantasy? Screw that, I'll play FFVI again. The Wii is all well and good but... New Mario Kart? Fun! But somehow when friends come over we end up playing Mario Kart 64. Newer Star Fox? Um, why the hell can I get out of my ship? Star Fox 64 for me thanks.

I find the new games I enjoy the most, are the new games with old style. Donkey Kong Country returns I enjoyed immensely. Super Mario Galaxy likewise. I don't know, maybe I'm just getting old.
malakian said:
COD and mario *are* at the same status. They both suck and appeal to everyone and their mother.

The witcher 2 is coming out in may, la noire too, mass effect 3 and skyrim in november...Seems like the industry is in good shape to me.

Have you tried Two Worlds 2? I have it, but haven't started it yet.

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