

So just got Netflix on my xbox (finally) and I decided that I need to catch up on the classics, when I was a kid I had terrible movie tastes and now that I'm older I've been trying to better my movie tastes over the years. Lately I've been watching some of the older movies that people consider classics to: 1. see what the big deal is, 2. see if I will consider it as one of my favorites as well. Recently this year I saw Singin' in the Rain, Full Metal Jacket, Platoon and a couple of others. Saturday I watch Reservoir Dogs and really liked it thought it was really good film and on sunday I plan to watch Pulp Fiction (friend of mine suggested to watch RD then Pulp Fic not Pulp Fic then RD). I also wanna watch Goodfellas, Fight Club and a couple others but those aren't on streaming Netflix. I was wondering do you guys have any suggestions of what movie classics or simply awesome films that I should catch up on (even if you think I've seen it suggest it anyways).

On my list of films I wanna see:
Goodfellas, Godfather, Fight Club, Inglorious Basterds (because not that I know how a Quentin movie plays out I can watch it again and enjoy it this time), A Clockwork Orange, Raging Bull, Casablanca, Blade Runner, Gladiator, Schindler's List, Animal House, Fargo, Big Lebowski, Patton, Apocalypse Now and more.
Yeah, those are all good movies. As far as other Tarantino movies go, throw Kill Bill on there too. Parts 1 and 2, of course.

Also, since this is a recommendations thread I'll just shout out two of my favorite movies ever. Casino Royale and The Warriors. Both great movies.

Cat on a Hot Tin Roof
Raging Bull
Yojimbo & Sanjuro (What The Good, the Bad, the Ugly and a Fistful of Dollars were based off of)
Hidden Fortress - The inspiration for Star Wars
The Hustler
Grapes of Wrath
Dial "M" For Murder
High Noon
8 1/2

More modern recommendations:

The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo
Black Death
I Saw The Devil
The Constant Gardner
Tell No One

Documentaries not to miss:
The Devil Came on Horseback
Bigger, Stronger, Faster,
The Cove
Auschwitz - Inside the Nazi State
Cocaine Cowboys
Imaginary Witness

TV Shows not to miss:
Rescue Me
Sons of Anarchy
Nip/Tuck Seasons 1-3...After that it goes drastically down hill
The Universe
Pillars of the Earth (heard it's awesome)

If I can think of anymore I'll post them.
I want to see The Big Lebowski, because of keepithowitis's avatar. A Clockwork Orange is good if you like rapes.
Here's some I think you might like

The Shawshank Redemption
The Midnight Express
The Princess Bride (No, I'm not gay.)
The Man in the Iron Mask
American History X
UghRochester said:
The Princess Bride (No, I'm not gay.)
The fact that you act that liking The Princess Bride makes you gay is far, far gayer than liking The Princess Bride.

Seriously, that's just sad.
My tastes in movies are kind of bad but here are some of my recommendations:

The Seven Samurai (inspiration to many movies we've known including Star Wars)
Soylent Green
Once Upon a Time in The West
Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid
The Dollars Trilogy
The Searchers
Blade Runner (if you're into the dystopian cyber punk)

Foreign movies (if you're into that sort of thing):
Jean de Florette and Manon des Sources (French)
Project A
Drunken Master (1978)
Oldboy (Korean)
Wheels on Meals
Sympathy for Mrs. Vengeance (Korean)
Red Cliff 1 and 2
Hard Boiled
Infernal Affairs I, II, and III
Dragons Forever
From OP's post I can tell that he didn't just have a deprived childhood, but he can't be that old, either that or I'm just too old since I still consider Reservoir Dogs and Pulp Fiction to be too young to be classics... and I watched Pulp then Dogs and it was fine so I don't know what your friend was talking about.

As far as other classics go, don't forget Smokey and the Bandit, The Man with no Name trilogy (A Fistful of Dollars, For a Few Dollars More, and The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly)
Casino is damn good, so are many of the Bond movies up on Netflix,Roger Moore, some Sean Connery, and some Timothy Dalton (but avoid Timmy D, he's a mediocre Bond).

Here's a classic series nobody has mentioned yet and if you haven't seen or don't like I'll kick you in the nuts:
Yeah...If you're on a Tarantino kick, watch both Kill Bill's before Inglorious Basterds. They're much better IMO
The recommendations I made for you were ones that are on instant watch so I win. Everyone else fails.

And Ugh..."if you like rapes" WTF? Who "likes" rapes :(.
These arent on netfilx streaming
Gran Tornino
Empire of the Sun
Seven Samurai (it's in two discs)

These are
Lethean said:
The recommendations I made for you were ones that are on instant watch so I win. Everyone else fails.

And Ugh..."if you like rapes" WTF? Who "likes" rapes :(.
Is that not what that film is about?
A Clockwork Orange?

There is rape in it but it isn't the focus of the story.

I think it's one thing to employ rape as a plot device in films but to for someone to say "I like rape in movies" is just creepy. (I know you didn't say you like rape btw.) I also think rape is overused now in films. It's just....Exploitative.
I watched Full Metal Jacket not long ago. Brilliant film, a Kubrick film.

Immerses you in massively, I seriously recommend.
Escape from New York
Escape from L.A
Hamburger Hill
Bad Boys (not with will smith, with Sean Penn)
Heavy Metal
Casualtys of war
The seapent and the rainbow
The Gate
Fright Night (I think thats what its called)
Tales from the crypt demon knight
American Werewolf in Paris
Lost Boys
Apocolypse now is a great movie just seen it recently to be perfectly honest.
UghRochester said:
Lethean said:
The recommendations I made for you were ones that are on instant watch so I win. Everyone else fails.

And Ugh..."if you like rapes" WTF? Who "likes" rapes :(.
Is that not what that film is about?

Have you ever actually seen this movie in its entirety?
So how was Pulp Fiction? I remember my first time seeing it...

Movies you have no reason not to watch right now because they are instant:
This Is Spinal Tap
The Big Lebowski
Die Hard
The Thing
Silence of the Lambs
Do The Right Thing
Raging Bull
Y Tu Mama Tambien
2001: A Space Odyssey

As a bonus, these movies have been roughly arranged in order from most entertaining/light-hearted/accessible/fun to most serious invest of time and emotion/might be in black & white or subtitled/2deep4u.
Wow, lots of good movies but I still don't see some of my choices..

Children of Men
Little Miss Sunshine
Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind
500 Days of Summer

And incase you couldn't tell I'm a big fan of Author Philip K Dick and Film director Richard Linklater sooo
-Blade Runner
-Total Recall
-A Scanner Darkly
-Waking Life
-Dazed and Confused
Bretimus_v2 said:
UghRochester said:
Lethean said:
The recommendations I made for you were ones that are on instant watch so I win. Everyone else fails.

And Ugh..."if you like rapes" WTF? Who "likes" rapes :(.
Is that not what that film is about?

Have you ever actually seen this movie in its entirety?
Like Delorean, I was a little kid. All I remember is the person is in some sort of gang raping group. He was caught and put through an experiment that cause him not to like women sexually. I need to see the movie again.

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