Resident Evil 5 Reviewed

Lethean said:
Master_Craig said:
I don't see why people are getting so upset that it's more action than "survival horror".

Because some people actually enjoy survival horror more than action, especially when that's what they first fell in love with with the RE series? :p

agreed. while i don't mind the direction r.e. is taking, i still prefer survival horror more. survival horror will always be way more intense than a action game. with action games, you know you have enough ammo or health to get through the fight. survival horror, you never really have enough ammo or health, and it's a decision between fight and risk precious ammo and health, or try to run away and hope you don't run into something else or a dead end.
Now when I have played about half through the game, I must say that I love it.
Call me a noob ,but I am very often out of ammo and that created very intense moments. Bosses are great, it looks beautiful and the most important: it's fun to play.

Awesome action game.

also some new multiplayer modes are coming. ( I would provide a link, but ps3 lacks copy paste) Ankward deathmatches here I come!

edit: multiplayer article
Lethean said:
Master_Craig said:
I don't see why people are getting so upset that it's more action than "survival horror".

Because some people actually enjoy survival horror more than action, especially when that's what they first fell in love with with the RE series? :p

I can understand that, but I always thought of the RE series as the action-oriented horror games and Silent Hill the psychologicasl horror games.

So to me, it's easy to see how RE got to where it is now.
What is survival horror? Poor controls and scarce ammo. RE5 is still survival horror. You still need to 'survive' in a 'horror' situation. Only now, you actually have all the tools you need to do it.

Frankly, I thought that scarce ammo was a kick in the nuts. If I die, I want it to be because of lack of skill or reaction time, not because I have 4 bullets and there are 12 zombies.
Diabolus said:
What is survival horror? Poor controls and scarce ammo. RE5 is still survival horror. You still need to 'survive' in a 'horror' situation. Only now, you actually have all the tools you need to do it.

Frankly, I thought that scarce ammo was a kick in the nuts. If I die, I want it to be because of lack of skill or reaction time, not because I have 4 bullets and there are 12 zombies.

I love you, Diabolus. :D

I've been playing through the game only on co-op with my brother (and then over at my friend's house since he bought the game too) and I have to agree, that Resident Evil 5 is survival horror. Sure, you do get a lot of ammo but at the same time as Diabolus said, you are fighting horrific enemies that easily out number you.

Sure, you can perform powerful melee attacks unseen in the first Resident Evil games but sometimes it's your only defense against the maniacal enemy. Sure it's not that "scary" but it still is intense and at times, plain freaky.

Ammunition is plentiful but at the same time it's not as much as everyone thinks. My brother and I in our campaign have found ourselves running low on ammo all the time and so have my friend and I in our other campaign.

I too did not enjoy scarce ammunition in the previous games. It felt good to get lots of ammo in those games that's for sure, but I honestly prefer the new direction the game has taken. I believe franchises in video games which have existed for some time do need to change their stuff once in a while, otherwise it becomes too much the same and the developers and perhaps even the players may get bored of it (after all in the making of disc of Resident Evil 4, the developers said they felt the franchise was becoming stale as they were getting bored of it).

Survival action, survival horror, who cares, Resident Evil 5 is awesome. :p
Sorry for double posting and if I put this in the wrong section... but I just made a comic that I felt would be fitting for this thread. Hope you guys like it. :p

Master_Craig said:
Sorry for double posting and if I put this in the wrong section... but I just made a comic that I felt would be fitting for this thread. Hope you guys like it. :p


Ha ha. Awesome. :D
i haven't finished RE5 yet, but i am up to the last boss fight with uroboros wasker. this is where i decide the game is lacking in a lot of common sense. the game does not give you nearly enough ammo. i've been playing it in normal and the last boss fight is impossible ammunition wise. i just dont have enough! and you have to sink so many bullets into him, bullets i dont have! definitely not as good as RE4. not even close. still like it though
Haha yeah, I died so many times. I had to max up my grenade launcher and sell all my other guns :(
It seems that this game is a worth of a try, I like resident evil movie, but I haven't try to play this one... because I'm currently playing atlantica, I think I should try this game
Atlantica tica Atlan tica acitnalta. Oh please tell me more of that Atlantica. New servers opened in Atlantica? Atlantica! Atlantica!? Atlantica.....
Affen said:
Atlantica tica Atlan tica acitnalta. Oh please tell me more of that Atlantica. New servers opened in Atlantica? Atlantica! Atlantica!? Atlantica.....

I see what you did there ... and it was eeeeeeeeeeeeevil. :p
I've played through most of the RE games (1-3, Veronica, RE 4), RE 2 being one of my favorite games ever. Unfortunately, RE4 turned out to be such a huge disappointment, that I have no interest whatsoever to play another lame non-stop, over the top 3rd person action game with horrible controls and laughable storyline. Yes, it may be a great, mindless shooter, but it's not a scary and quiet survival horror RE I used to love. Enough already with that repetitive, shooting-stuff-in -the-face GoW style gameplay! Where is the real Resident Evil?
Affen said:
Atlantica tica Atlan tica acitnalta. Oh please tell me more of that Atlantica. New servers opened in Atlantica? Atlantica! Atlantica!? Atlantica.....
Stole the words right outta my mouth.
I got it yesterday for my birthday and had been looking forward to it since I played the demo, but now that I have it, I've only played it to the point in which the section you can play in the demo starts. Then, I sort of just turned the game off, and it's taken me two separate attempts to even get there.
Basically, I'm simply having a hard time getting into it, and that's never happened in a game for me yet.
Maybe playing it with a person would make it feel like it would be fun to actually continue? Definitely have no problems with the control scheme, the graphics, the ramped up action, but really, it just feels like playing in a familiar world that I've played in repeatedly already and nothing so far has been remotely interesting.

Guess I'll go back to it now and try playing alone with an AI partner that likes to stand around and take orders like a puppy that only knows how to piddle on my feet. :(
Here's hoping that I'll find the incentive to make love to this game with my brain.

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