Seize the day!


Today I would like everyone from GR to start LIVING!

No no I'm not saying you're wasting your life, just saying today (or tomorrow, or whenever you read this) do something spontaneous! Do something you've never done before! It could be something as simple as trying new food to something crazy like signing up for Skydiving.

Try something different, right on the spot! And then share your story here.

I'll get the ball rolling. Today I spontaneously volunteered at a homeless shelter handing out clothes to the less fortunate. While I was there I joined in a hack sack game with kids who were probably 10 years younger than me. Hack sack is nothing new to me but I normally wouldn't have just randomly joined a game like that. We all had a lot of fun!

I guess this thread is kind of like the movie Yes Man. So go out and say YES to something as long as it isn't male prostitution or smoking crack and/or shooting heroin!
What this thread is really for? Guessing what Wicked ACTUALLY did.
WickedLiquid said:
While I was there I joined in a hack sack game with kids who were probably 10 years younger than me.
Holy shit, Toronto must be like Canada's Portland.

Anyways, will do this... just let me... go do something.
Nice work there Quid-boy (thankyou De-ting)

I had a carvery lunch today, had the choice between pork and beef. I couldn't decide...I really was torn! I was in front of the lady who cuts the meat (a lady I know, but whatever) so I had to make the choice right there and then! As soon as my lips were about to open, a glorious thought came into my head...surely not...but, maybe....I could.......ask for both?...
But it's too rude?! It will be frowned upon! They might think I'm weird or something?!! Well...I took the dare on...

I asked.

I got.

Best. Mother's Day. Ever.

Seize the day people!!
Which meat?

Try all the meat.

I thought long and hard about what new thing I could do today. So when my wife asked me to change the baby's diaper...I said NO. Take that conformity.

Moments later, I changed the diaper. Thanks alot, Wicked.
I decided to try an Imperial IPA tonight. This is abnormal because I usually just have whiskey, wine, or sake.

Terrible choice.
Green_Lantern said:
Eyebrowsbv31 said:
I decided to try an Imperial IPA tonight. This is abnormal because I usually just have whiskey, wine, or sake.

Terrible choice.


Just not my style. Been happy with a Scottish Ale as of late (Wee Heavy) but good ol' Fightin' Cock whiskey is where it's at. (51.5%)

Yesterday I ran a marathon. next week I am going on a month trip around Europe! I want to go skydiving too!! I almost went last summer....! whoooo! :p
Oh man, I've always liked the idea of completing the London marathon. And my friend runs it every year, which makes me respect him massively...but My GOD it's soooo much running! Screw that! >eats pie<
I've wanted to masturbate with a belt around my neck in my closet, but I've been too scared.

This may be the encouragement I needed. Thanks Wicked!

Eyes - IPA's are where its at mang. Never had Imperial, but I will try it and rank it for you based on my on beer drinking expertise.
Dobby2244 said:
Yesterday I ran a marathon. next week I am going on a month trip around Europe! I want to go skydiving too!! I almost went last summer....! whoooo! :p

Consider your day seized!

UrbanMasque said:
I've wanted to masturbate with a belt around my neck in my closet, but I've been too scared.

This may be the encouragement I needed. Thanks Wicked!

Consider your day- wait what???

Today I tried a veggie burger at a friend's BBQ. It was terrible!

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