since i was a little kid i have always wanted there to be a single player rpg set in feudal japan, during the height of samurai history. i didn't want any magic in it. i wanted it to be historical fiction (ya know, like the bible, 'cept without magic crap). something immersive and addicting and extremely realistic.. but once again... without any of that magic crap. kind've in the realm of elder scrolls with elements of ominishu and maybe even.. dare i think it.. princess monanoke? but with a hefty degree of darkness to it. a freeroam, sandbox type.. the holy grail of samurai games, something with flawless AI and plot and graphics and authenticity. it would have all the weapons of the time period, right up to early forms of gunpowder and every conceivable blade.. even ones traded from eurpoeans. you'd have to eat or drink. you could fish, ride boats, hunt, ride and fight from mounts, sit around and drink tea, talk to everyone, go anywhere, go in every building, smoke frickin' opium, be a homocidal maniac, steal, make love and war and all that shit.. pretty much anything you can do in real life.. from skipping stones to playing an instrument. the holy frickin' grail.. only it's a samurai game. will technology get there? i'm not a programmer. i don't like math. but will i live to see this game before i'm 70 or 80 or whatever? could it, would it, should it?

ah, but then why stop with fuedal japan? why stop with earth? how about they just make a map of the universe, put it on a super gargantuan computer, drill a hole in your head, and then wire your brain to the computer? they can call it "Lucid Dream". it'll be free to play, and you can do whatever you can do in real life, only you can never leave. it'll be like vanilla sky, except not like vanilla sky in any way except the dream part.

and without all that magic crap

oh yeah, and add time travel

then GR will hand out an A+

Now I'll just use this as "Share your dream game!" thread.

This idea has been boiling in my mind for some time already. So, the gameplay would be mixture of Splinter Cell and Uncharted, but focusing solely on stealth. You are a thief and the game levels are like small sandbox games. Like a bank building and some of its suroundings or a small neighbourhood. (Similar to the bank level in SC:CT and the museum in UC2, just more open) Tasks are always to steal some specific object and the way you steal it is up to you. Enter the bank from sewers during night or just walk in at daylight. No unnatural things, (Well maybe Uncharted style 10 meter leaps and impossible climbings of course) just plain stealing. Co-Op would be nice too. Use your buddies as distractors or just pure man power if you decide to do a traditional bank heist with guns blazing.

Other one would be a horror game similar to Trespasser. You wake up in a beach and start heading inland trying to get some help. Then you realize the whole island is full of abandoned towns, research laboraties and some kind of monsters. (zombies of course and some mutated wildlife)

Ahh, a man can dream.....

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