Sleeping Dogs |OT|

lol @ wei fun. I really like this - i dont think it got enough credit. sure it's not groundbreaking in plot or setting or really gameplay, but at this point in a console generation it's more about perfecting in a genre like this rather than reinventing the wheel. I think it plays awesomely. Also, warp and ninja tune both get radio stations? So good!
it kinda makes me think of Saints row, not in the over the top silliness, but in the "yeah it's like GTA, so what" vibe

been hearing good things from fellow GRians, may pick it up
Why is every car i get into tuned to that bullshit soft tunes or whatever it is station? This is a bloody car chase, i want that AC/DC song to actually play for a decent length, not that crap. Who listens to that while driving a Lambo? Seriously.
You say that, but do you know what song Bullet Tooth Tony loves to wreak havoc to? Lucky Star by Madonna. Real thugs love the music they love. They don't have to sound hard, they are hard.
Bumping this because I got it last week, but beat it just now. I should've gotten it when it first came out.

I'll agree that the ending was a little bit bland, at least after the whole ice chipper part. Like, it feels like there was a time skip there that wasn't intended. Could've been fleshed out more.

Anyway, in terms of gameplay, I love every aspect of it. Hell, the most boring parts of the game are the high speed freerun chases and the shooting. Like, the melee stuff in the game is probably the best I've seen outside of shit like Yakuza. And while it doesn't do much of anything "new" everything it does do is so fantastic it's forgivable.

Though I really feel that the review doesn't quite give the game justice. Considering how 4.5's are given out like candy now, I'm surprised it didn't get one.

Either way, Wei Shen is awesome, though I don't think there's a single cutscene the game that doesn't involve him saying "Fuck you" to someone. It's hilarious.
Longo_2_guns said:
Sleeping Dogs.


This really made me laugh earlier today.

I'm glad you liked it. As always, I look to you to validate my taste in games.
Haha, I've been saying that to my friends ever since I started playing, which usually gets a response of YOU'RE IN TOO DEEP WE'RE PULLING YOU OFF THE CASE!

And woo! I'm important! I'm honestly a little disappointed that I beat it, because I could easily play another 10 hours of story stuff. I doubt I'll put forth the effort to get all the achievements, but I'll at least finish the races and stuff.
The DLC is going to be detailed at the end of this week, I think. There's race club DLC but also some story DLC. It will be interesting to see if it takes place before or after the conclusion.
Picked this up on Steam for 4.49 during their holiday sale. Downloaded the high res texture pack...And have yet to load it up and play :(
560 microsoft points. Which is... 32 dollars? Something like that, I still haven't figured the conversion out.

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