So, here's the deal: CONTEST

In short, I like it. Now if we can just somehow get less white I'll be set. =D

Edit: There is however a problem with showing the Letter Grade right off the bat. The first is merely personal taste: Sometimes I like it being a surprise while I read the review. If it's already there (hard to avoid) then I can't read the review in an unbiased way. That is to say, if I read it knowing the end grade, I'll have a biased view of what's being said. Not a big deal, and the convenience of having it right there kinda outweighs the downsides.

The second problem is actually a little more universal in my opinion, and has to do with ad revenue from click through. Now that I can see the grade, I don't need to click on the review link to read it if I'm not interested.

I always made a habit of at least clicking on EVERY single review, and then checking out the report card. If it was a game I was interested in, or if it got a great mark, I'd read the whole thing. As it stands, if I see a game with a C- that I wasn't already interested in, I'll probably skip clicking through to the review page. I don't know how that will affect your ad revenue, but that's the main reason I see it being an issue. If that's not how your ad revenue works, then not a big deal. On top of which, this might just be me who feels this way, and it won't matter at all in the long run.
LinksOcarina said:
Looks like a twitter feed is being made to got all the manifesto posts separated that pertain to GDC by you guys, so they are all in a neat little tag, like an archive that is easily accessible.

Also an excess use of stars for some reason and the fact that clicking your names leads to your forum page.

Oh and Nick changed his avatar to a reptile looking dude over that guy from Suikoden.

It's Sub-Zero and Scorpion fused together. I'm not sure if that means the green ninja in the middle is the result of the fusion or if it's just Reptile. Cool either way. :)
Wow, just got back from being out of town and the site looks really good. You guys put a lot into this and it's much more adaptable and clear. Keep up the good work.
Oh, so this is like when MattAY called everything "ace" in an attempt to certify his superior British-ness.

I approve.
So I'm noticing the changes to the site and I have to say that I like the black instead of the red on the sides of the site, it'd be even cooler if the site went widescreen though, think about it. My complaint is the new homepage. It just feels cluttered and frustrating to the point that I don't really want to check it anymore. Just my feedback though, I don't know how anyone else feels
Rinnon said:
In short, I like it. Now if we can just somehow get less white I'll be set. =D
Shandog is indeed correct. It's also a word in basketball for when the ball goes in the net without hitting the ring, a smooth 2 points....a swish.
Rinnon said:
Sometimes I like it being a surprise while I read the review. [. . .] Not a big deal, and the convenience of having it right there kinda outweighs the downsides.
Rinnon said:
If it was a game I was interested in, or if it got a great mark, I'd read the whole thing. As it stands, if I see a game with a C- that I wasn't already interested in, I'll probably skip clicking through to the review page.
For me, the grade won't really change whether or not I want to read it. It depends on the reviewer, and how interested I am in the game.

Regarding the "clutter" business, I don't know if it's always been this way, but it looks to me like the boxes and such don't really line up too well. On the homepage as well as the other pages, I think.

It would also be nice if there were more space on the homepage between items... especially horizontally speaking... >_>

And I'm glad the consoles list is fixed.
shandog137 said:
Bretimus_v2 said:
^Swish? Explain.

Deriving from Great Britain, swish is another term for "cool" or "hip".
"Look at Sally's skirt; it's totally swish!"

urban disctionary
It's better then batman beyond's "Schway"

Also, the site is looking good but i agree with the most of the folks here, the grades should leave. why not put the portray of the reviewer instead?

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