So how many of you guys are actually nerds?

Are you a nerd?

  • yes

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • no

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I don't know

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
Here is my personal profile:
-Loves music more than anything elsein the world.
-Dresses well.
-Decent social skills.
-Likes to play video games, but not as much as I used to. And I don't really buy many video games anymore.
-Hates sports.
-Grades aren't spectacular. (Bs and Cs)
I would say 80% normal and 15% nerd and 5% wierd.
I used to be, but now I have a social life and go out clubbing every week and barely touch my pc. I do still have my nerdy glasses though! :D
i like playing games for multiple hours at a time, messing with anything on computers, including the hardware, im good at math and science, i take like 3 classes that have to do with computers, and just being around technology.
Those are the nerdy things.

Now, I have good social skills, play sports a lot, go everywhere with friends, have friends that i see on a regular basis(meaning that i dont meet up with them on WoW everyday at 4, like some of my real friends), and many more things.
So i'm not a complete nerd, but im also not the most un-nerdy person. So i dunno....i voted yes tho
Oh yeah, I forgot about that one... I build computer systems... so maybe I am still a little nerdy? :roll:
I play video games about as much as my friends, don't really care about hardware or anything like that. My grades are A's and B's, i could get all A's but i'm a lazy procrastanator, but people call me a nerd because i don't really need a major social life, like i don't talk on the phone or AIM or anything, and i think about things more than most people do. So would i say that i'm a nerd, No. Would those assholes that have no self esteem? Yes.

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