So I designated tonight as my relax night...


I'm completely busy for the next 4 weekends to come, almost entirely with nothing I actually want to do.

I promised a friend I'd drive to his place this weekend, so I went last night. Just a one and a half hour drive there.

so anyyyywaayy saturday was gonna be my get baked (I NEVER GET BAKED), order shit food, and play a new video game, (the witcher 2). And maybe a movie not sure which one yet night, all by myself quiet time.

So my neighbor has his music and sub DIALED. Fine, it's saturday, he's probably going out soon anyway. And he is. Only he decided to NOT TURN HIS MUSIC OFF. I went to see if his door is locked and it is. So I no doubt have at minimum 2 hours to listen to his shit bass. When I JUST got the pizza delivered two seconds ago, smoked a bit, and i'm sitting down to play witcher 2 does this occur.

Last weekend night I get to enjoy in 4 weeks... and it's ruined, for no reason.... And we were just starting to get along and chill. Now I want him dead.

I turned on my air conditioner and it's 5 degrees C out, to dry and drown out the music.

First world problems I guess.

On the other hand mechanical brothers from the Hanna soundtrack are incredible. I advise you listen.

Good day sirs.
Haha, this is why having a house is amazing. I hated when I just wanted to enjoy a quiet evening and neighbors or roomies wouldn't allow for it completely. A good pair of headphones goes a long way.

And I believe you mean the Chemical Bros.
Lol yea i def mean chemical bros. I dont know how i put mechanical bros. Everyone knows they were on big shiny tunes 2! Another one of them block rockin beats.

And yea i need an entire house. I have a full house to myself but there is a small addition on the back end where he lives. My luck its connected to my tv living room.
Wow, what a jerk.

I'm a bit like you, I like going out with my friends etc but I certainly cherish the weekends in/money saving weekends. I had one this weekend in fact. Nothing planned food-wise, but I popped open some Buds and played some oldschool Silent Hill - it was terribly relaxing.

PS Chemical Bros rock.
MattAY said:
Wow, what a jerk.

I'm a bit like you, I like going out with my friends etc but I certainly cherish the weekends in/money saving weekends. I had one this weekend in fact. Nothing planned food-wise, but I popped open some Buds and played some oldschool Silent Hill - it was terribly relaxing.

PS Chemical Bros rock.

i cherish my alone chill time more than anything in life, but you gotta keep friends.

i am a very content person on my own though.

i try my best to avoid going out a lot, and love time alone, but it still seems every single weekend ends up being preplanned for me somehow. i couldn't even imagine how little time people who actually WANT a busy social life would have to themselves.

the girlfriend is even 5 hours up north at teachers college. when she comes home it'll just be worse.

but i suppose the only thing that worries me more than not having my precious time alone, is being alone, if you get what i'm saying. so ya gotta do what ya gotta do....
Yeah, you dont want to be a hermit crab. That's a lonely living, and one step away from being a shut-in! It can get a bit old doing nothing but lounging on your own. I once had a week off work just to chill in the house all week, and I got bored by the end of the week to the point that I actually wanted to work the following Monday!

I think the contrast of being busy for multiple weekends, to chilling on one week, makes that small relaxing weekend all that more rewarding & satisfactory.
MattAY said:
Yeah, you dont want to be a hermit crab. That's a lonely living, and one step away from being a shut-in!

If someone is a shut-in with internet access, at this point in history, what are they missing out on?

Sux about you having your nice time ruined, but don't be passive about him ruining your quiet time. Take a S*** in his pillow case.. that'll show him.
UrbanMasque said:
MattAY said:
Yeah, you dont want to be a hermit crab. That's a lonely living, and one step away from being a shut-in!

If someone is a shut-in with internet access, at this point in history, what are they missing out on?

Direct interaction with human beings....oh, and sex.
MattAY said:
UrbanMasque said:
MattAY said:
Yeah, you dont want to be a hermit crab. That's a lonely living, and one step away from being a shut-in!

If someone is a shut-in with internet access, at this point in history, what are they missing out on?

Direct interaction with human beings....oh, and sex.

i have sex with my internet all the time.
UrbanMasque said:
MattAY said:
Yeah, you dont want to be a hermit crab. That's a lonely living, and one step away from being a shut-in!

If someone is a shut-in with internet access, at this point in history, what are they missing out on?

Sux about you having your nice time ruined, but don't be passive about him ruining your quiet time. Take a S*** in his pillow case.. that'll show him.

This is why I was a horrible roommate. I was polite, cleaned up after myself...but if you did stupid shit I was swift and fierce in dispensing my wrath.
MattAY said:
UrbanMasque said:
MattAY said:
Yeah, you dont want to be a hermit crab. That's a lonely living, and one step away from being a shut-in!

If someone is a shut-in with internet access, at this point in history, what are they missing out on?

Direct interaction with human beings....oh, and sex.
Ha, yeah.

...What are those things again?

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