What do you do on long drives?


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I'm sure we've all had to make the four to forty hour drive more than once in our lives. So what is it that you do to pass the time on the long drives? Do you prefer music, books on tape, calling people up, or just humming loudly to yourself all drive?

I personally do a couple hours of podcasts or stand up comedy, followed by a lot of music that I can sing along to. For a while I was on a Sherlock Holmes kick, where I would listen to two hour-long Sherlock Holmes books on tape.
I listen to several hours of podcasts a week.

But on really long drives music is always nice. And if I'm driving with other people, always music. Usually popular song-along-able stuff that everybody can get behind.
I usually make my own playlist, and mix that with some podcasts.

If with other people, we also sing along to popular chimes. Were all Beatles fans, and singing to that on a long drive makes me smile immensely.
Music and only music. If I'm by myself I usually listen to stuff that is loud and aggressive. It keeps me sharp and focused and keeps my energy up. Only drawback is it also has a tendency to also make me drive a little more aggressively than I normally do.

If I have people in the car, I try to find stuff that is mutually agreeable to all of us, but if I'm driving I get the final call. There are a few songs on the radio that I loathe but my kids like them. Too bad kids, we are not listening to Taylor Swift. Next!
I lived 6 hours away from college so I'm rather accustomed to long drives. But, I have Sirius XM so I will usually listen to my main music station until I get tired of music and then switch it up with some sort of talk show like NPR or ESPN Radio.
About to go on a 14 hour drive next saturday, so anyone have any ideas on back/leg comfort?

Oh, and, if it's an overnight drive, NPR lets the BBC world service take over 11-4AM, and that's always nice to listen to.
Bon Jovi and Creedence Clearwater Revival.

On max volume, at all times, everywhere.

When my mates are in the car, Queen and AC/DC too at near-max volume.
Madster just went one for four with me. And the bad outweighs the good so, so much.
Eyebrowsbv31 said:
About to go on a 14 hour drive next saturday, so anyone have any ideas on back/leg comfort?

Oh, and, if it's an overnight drive, NPR lets the BBC world service take over 11-4AM, and that's always nice to listen to.

Only advice for leg comfort is to use cruise control as much as possible and to walk a bit when you stop to fill up.
Music and heavy daydreaming. Concept albums are my number one choice for the music and I can't help my mind wandering off as soon as there's a long straight road ahead of me.
Well I don't really drive anymore so if I'm doing a long distance journey I'm obviously a passenger so I will sleep, listen to music, daydream, chat. I can't really look down much so reading is out of the question otherwise I get motion sick. But yeah travelling- any extra sleep helps.
i drive

but really i just turn the drive into a competition to see how good of time i can make. all i need, i just turn everything in my life into a competition, even if its with myself.

i routinely drive 10-11 hours up north to visit my brother. and every time i go i try to beat my previous time. unfortunately the GF always forces me to make a stop or two.
I guess lately I've been playing this game with my car's "Expected Range" and how efficiently I can fly down the 101.

Almost turned an expected 330 miles into an actual 400 miles a few weeks ago.

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