So let me get this straight...Mark Whalberg is Max Payne?

Does this news turn you off from a Max Payne movie?

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  • I wasn't planning on seeing it anyways.

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  • Max Payne? More like Max GAYne. I never liked the game to begin with.

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  • Max who?

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  • Yes, but I'll still go see it.

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downwitdaclown69 said:
Very highly doubt it will be pg13 if so then yeah that will suck ass!!!!!!

They're trying hard to get that PG13 rating apparently, so who knows.

Don't get me wrong, I don't think Mark Whalberg is a bad actor, he's just like many other big name actor though - You always know you're watching Mark Whalberg.

I just don't think he has the voice to pull it off. I honestly feel as though the voice is a big part of what makes Max Payne.

But my biggest gripe however, is Mila Kunis and the PG-13 rating, not to mention the potentially lame screen writer they have.

For the record, I loved Mark Whalberg in The Departed.
I hate to be the bearer of bad news- but part of Max Payne's charm was the horridly bad writing. It is like a pulp serial novel. Full of awful metaphors and similes that makes you cringe at how bad it is. The noir storytelling is the draw but being awful and cheesy is what keeps you there.

Also, playing Max shouldn't be hard. All you have to do is look hard bitten and constipated.
StalfrosCC said:
I hate to be the bearer of bad news- but part of Max Payne's charm was the horridly bad writing. It is like a pulp serial novel. Full of awful metaphors and similes that makes you cringe at how bad it is. The noir storytelling is the draw but being awful and cheesy is what keeps you there.

Also, playing Max shouldn't be hard. All you have to do is look hard bitten and constipated.

I'm aware of that but when I say bad I just mean..Bad. Sin City pulled off noir style, melodramatic dialogue with much finesse. When I say bad I mean...Well..Saw 4? I know, I shouldn't base my distrust over one movie...I mean, Paul Verhoeven did Showgirls but is an otherwise solid director of tongue in cheek action flicks.

Alright, since the writer hasn't quite proven himself yet but also hasn't proved he's completely horrible, I'll focus on Mila Kunis and a PG13 rating. I also still stand by Mark Whalberg not feeling like Max Payne to me. This is just my opinion of course, and I'm not going to try and get you to agree with me on it. We're just going to have to agree to disagree with that one.

However, Marky Mark isn't really making me worry about this film. I can't stress enough, Mila Kunis, a PG 13 rating and a mediocre director are.
It's funny, I can't imagine Mila Kunis in this at all. But then again, I could never have imagined Alexis Bledel (chick from Gilmore Girls) to be in Sin City.

And speaking of Sin City, if Max Payne is going for it's proper visual style then they should be getting the art direction team and cinematographer from that movie. As well as the bullet-time effects team from The Matrix, but this is just wishful thinking. I'm pretty sure the people involved know nothing about the game (as usual with 95% of VG movies) and will make another crappy film.

As for Mark Whlaberg, I like him and all. But only because he has grown out of that whole Marky Mark BS.
^ Alexis Bledel Was probably the worst part of Sin City :(

Speaking of Mila Kunis has anybody seen the "sequel" to American Psycho with her and Shatner?

It was a direct to video stink fest that is really worth a watch if you run into it on quicksilverscreen or google movies. it is so bad it is almost good.
Max Payne is cool.

I rememember 1 time my mom came downstairs while I was playing part 2. One guy said the F word and she took the game away. But I bought it again LOL!!!

This might be as good as Resident Evil movie and Mortal Kombat.
Tangerine said:
Max Payne is cool.

I rememember 1 time my mom came downstairs while I was playing part 2. One guy said the F word and she took the game away. But I bought it again LOL!!!

This might be as good as Resident Evil movie and Mortal Kombat.

I sincerely hope it's worlds better than Mortal Kombat and Resident Evil.
I think you should be glad that an above average actor is going to be starring in a video game movie. Thats more than you can say for pretty much all video game movies.
StalfrosCC said:
I hate to be the bearer of bad news- but part of Max Payne's charm was the horridly bad writing. It is like a pulp serial novel. Full of awful metaphors and similes that makes you cringe at how bad it is. The noir storytelling is the draw but being awful and cheesy is what keeps you there.

Also, playing Max shouldn't be hard. All you have to do is look hard bitten and constipated.

I guess I was taking it pretty seriously. I just hope the director doesn't make it the wrong kind of cheesy.
I dont know why, but when they first started showng CSI new yourk i thought that Eddie Cahill, the guy who playes Flack would fit in the role as Max Payne, and this was before i heard about the Max Payne movie. But marky mark is cool, Max Payne is awsome and the movie is gonna be medicore at best.
Its the third law of physics, all games made into movies and vice versa will in most cases suck.
Still gonna see it, i'm just not gonna pay.
LOL Calvin. This might be a torrent one or a wait for TBS one.

Thats what I did for Doom, and it didn't disappoint at 3am on TBS HD.

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