So that new Sonic game looks bad.


Just watched the trailer for Sonic Boom, I don't even care if the game is remotely good; what they have done with the character design is just so hurting and desperate I cringed the whole time. I liked Sonic Adventure 1 and 2 albeit horrible voice acting and corny lines, but at least they were damn good games that brought Sonic to life the way we finally wanted. It all went downhill from there and continues to this day. Here is a simple concept SEGA...take the original sonic engine and improve on it ridiculously, screw 3D, just take the original and improve on it with today's consoles. Think of all the colours sounds and animation that could be brought forward with today's tech. If it aint broke, make it better a bit.
Sonic went downhill when SEGA left the console business. People often say that they can't wait to see Mario on different consoles if Nintendo leaves the console business but I guarantee you that a Mario game on any other system other than a Nintendo system would be awful.
cyberjim2000 said:
Sonic went downhill when SEGA left the console business. People often say that they can't wait to see Mario on different consoles if Nintendo leaves the console business but I guarantee you that a Mario game on any other system other than a Nintendo system would be awful.

Completely agree, the only way N would make money is if they released the old classics on phone...but i gots an emulator hahahaha.
Man, who would've ever guessed Sonic would be on a Nintendo console back in the 16 bit war between Super NES and the Genesis.

And imagine if the PS1 was a CD add-on for the SNES as was originally intended? Thank God Sony pulled out and waited for the tech to catch up while the Sega CD didn't need a competitive add-on because it was a peice of shit to begin with.
LinksOcarina said:
eh, my interest is low, who knows i might be surprised by the game. Might not.

You will be surprised, at how lame they can make the characters! I like Sonic Adventure!
Generations was a great game! Truly had enjoyment levels in some moments in that game that would match those in the Mega Drive days! - Nostalgia works.
LinksOcarina said:
i might be surprised by the game. Might not.

Thanks for the HOT TAKE.

Longo_2_guns said:
I liked the original Sonic games.

Go back and play them, man. They super don't hold up. What anybody sees in a platformer that is too fast and unwieldy to do any platforming in... I'll never get it. I'm with Nick, I guess.
They still hold up pretty well, but they're very different from just about every other platformer in that they're more about horizontal movement than vertical movement. It's why most of the levels have multiple paths you can take, but not a lot of vertical height.

Unless you're talking about the Master System/Game Cube versions, which weren't nearly as good as the Genesis ones.

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