

Okay so I'm not having as many as problems as yesterday. But one thing I did notice today that I don't care for is the Private Messaging. Before your entire conversation was in PM - now each reply is seperate and so you have to read back and forth to figure out what the reply means. Not a huge issue, just I think it was more convient before.

I don't know if anyone else had any suggestions, I know someone mentioned the colors before were hard to read.

EDIT* Oh and only 15 replies to a page is kind of disappointing - since we all know spam isn't uncommon here - maybe allow more replies per page ?

Edit 2** You have to sign in each time you enter site... I started to get spoiled since clicking "stay logged in after closing" or whatever... well clicking "remember me" doesn't seem to work here, i keep having to log in
Pretty oobvious one here, but on the list anyway. Post reply, Post Topic, and buttons like quote stick out really badly being that they are standard PHP compared toe the rest of GR. I'm sure they are on the list of things already but.
Wahoo, I like the new buttons.
And the its much easier to read what I type. Good work.

Yes Quick reply would be nice. An active topics page that lists all the last 24 hours would be nice....since that was my place to hang in the old forum. But the "since you last logged in" works alright, having both would be shiny.

And the "My Game Systems" puts gamecube on my list twice. And isn't it missing the new handhelds?
the topic titles of the "latest replies" on the forum index

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