Tabletop RPGs?


Does anyone here play tabletop RPGs at all? I do, a lot. In fact, here is a list of the ones I play, along with a small description of each.

Exalted (2nd Edition):An anime-style RPG with fun combat, and powerful player characters that must show restraint when using their powers, or else. Good setting, amazing character depth, and fun combat.

Deathwatch: A Warhammer 40,000 Roleplaying Game: This game is so much fun as well, if you're into Warhammer 40,000. For those who don't know, Warhammer 40,000 is a tabletop Wargame, but it has been converted into a high-production value RPG with many rulebooks and character options. In this particular variant, you play one of the badass Space Marines.

Fight! The Fighting Game RPG: This is also good fun, an amazing generic system for emulating your favorite fighting games, everything from Mortal Kombat to Street Fighter to Bloody Roar. Hit points become Health Bars, it covers mechanics such as forward dashing, jinxing, hit boxes (optional), combos, special moves, super moves, combo breakers, limit breakers, transformations (for bloody roar style campaigns), evading, blocking, throws, and everything in between.

D&D and Pathfinder: I don't need to explain these do I?

And because I'm lazy here is some additional ones minus a description

Mutant Epoch
Atomic Highway
Outbreak Undead
All Flesh Must be Eaten
The World of Darkness books (2nd ed and 1st)
Mekaton Zeta
Heavy Gear
Battletech (love my mecha)
Gamma World
CthulhuTech (I love this one so so much, Mecha, power armor, Guyver like bio-suits, and the Mythos, omgyesgivememoar! Of course a huge touch of anime, amazing production values and multiple ways to play.)
I also fucking LOVE Settlers of Catan. Honestly, it's the game my family takes with us on vacation.
I've been bringing down the house in Chutes & Ladders lately. Also, Candyland. Seriously though, I love Catan and went through a horrible board game phase. Ticket to Ride is also an accesible/fun board game. Robo Rally is pure awesome and everyone should play this game twice.

On topic: I quit Pen & Paper RPGs awhile back. Best decision of my life. I started playing with a college roomie, ironically at first and then I found I enjoyed the on-the-fly game style that you can't get with a video game. But it's hard to get five grown men to share a two-hour opening in the middle of their busy lives. I have much love for it, but still...I'm wicked happy that I don't play anymore. Now we just get together once a month for pizza and Hot Shots Golf.
Never played a tabletop RPG....And I really wish my family was much more into table top games period...

I've always wanted to try Settlers of Catan, and really enjoy stuff like Risk, but my family isn't really into them so it kills the enthusiasm.
Settlers is pretty rad, I'll admit. And I'm not that picky, board games and whatnot count as "RPG"s in a way. I'm just a fan of RPGs, video games, comic books, music and movies in general, I guess I'm just a nerd of multiple flavors. At the moment, my GM and I are making a character using the Fight! system, for a Bloody Roar style game. The setting is interesting, we came up with it... the primal energies have returned to Earth, and destroyed most of the population in a wave of dinosaurs, man-eating plants and ancient diseases. What was left of the population descended into barbaric chaos, and eventually became somewhat civilized. However, some members of the population exhibit the ability to channel primal essence, and transform into various animal-shapes or totem-animals. These are the best warriors to ever walk the Earth, capable of destroying entire groups of normals. Because no normal really stands a chance, it changed how territorial disputes happened, as well as warfare among the tribes. Instead of settling things with countless deaths and weakening the tribes as a whole, they face off these primal warriors in arena-style combat, the winner takes all. That way, tribes can grow and become larger without too much loss of life.
I'm running an Ironclaw game in 10 minutes on a live stream if you all want to watch...

Ironclaw is Furry table top, but actually has a damn good setting and ruleset, a lot better than DnD honestly. Get past the furry thing and it's a damn good game.
^ I'd believe that since I heard that DnD went downhill with the recent editions.

I actually was trying to find a virtual table top software. I'm a bit surprised on how much these programs cost.

Not really a table top RPG either but I also play Magic the Gathering from time to time.
Eh don't believe that D&D went downhill, 4th Edition is a load of fun, and so is Pathfinder (An evolution of 3.5). They're just bitter haters who don't like it because its different, it's the same thing with anything, if the formula changes, its fans turn into rabid goat-eating werewolves hell-bent on hating it. That, and it's kind of tradition among the hardcore D&D fans to pretty much hate any new version that comes out. I once saw a dude during 3rd edition bash his head through a wall during a game, screaming he hates 3rd edition repeatedly until he made a hole in the wall.... why? Because apparently the concept of AC is more complicated than THACO (To Hit Armor Class Zero), which to sum it up, THACO means lower armor is better, while the AC system of 3rd means higher armor is better.
Yeah, I remembered THAC0. Personally I think that change was a good one. I didn't play 2nd edition but I've played video games that are based on it. And I also haven't read the 4th edition books. So I personally don't think that DnD went downhill just it what I've heard. Though the main complaint is the rule set seems to cater more to video games or whatever.

The old will always hate the new, that's human nature. It doesn't matter in table top RPGs though since you don't really have to use the new editions.
Younger I used to play something like these. We didn't go by any made rules. One friend just draw a crude map where he guided us through events he made up on the fly. Our decisions didn't have really any say in the end. I hadn't even heard of D'n'D back then and now I don't know if I could get into the real mindset for this kind of thing.
I could never bring myself to be serious enough to sit at the table with others and actually play.

The internet though, is a different story. Before it turned into a pay service I really liked WebRPG, thought it was a great client. You could have all your spread sheets, maps, etc. There was also a ton of original games being made on there. Once it went pay it all went downhill though, I'm not even sure if it still up and running.

Big Shadowrun fan myself. Loved it.
Me, hosting a game of Ironclaw if you care to listen, all 4 hours of it..

And let me tell you, this group is really hard to conduct because one of them is the creator of the Ironclaw game, two of them are reviewers from TGWTG, and we have a Pole and a Dutch player involved too.

Enjoy it guys, it's a bit weird at first cause of the furry thing but it's fairly involved and surprisingly complex.[/url]
LinksOcarina said:
Me, hosting a game of Ironclaw if you care to listen, all 4 hours of it..

And let me tell you, this group is really hard to conduct because one of them is the creator of the Ironclaw game, two of them are reviewers from TGWTG, and we have a Pole and a Dutch player involved too.

Enjoy it guys, it's a bit weird at first cause of the furry thing but it's fairly involved and surprisingly complex.[/url]

lol, I'm watching. Are you norman, links?

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