Thanks for all the free shit


Hey GR gang, just wanted to say thanks for all of the free stuff you guys give away. Keep up the good work.
Longo_2_guns said:
I won a contest like five months ago and STILL haven't gotten anything from it.
What was this? Can you post a link and I'll try to figure out what happened. If Blake was running the contest I'm not sure what I can do about it. Maybe make it up to you.
Longo_2_guns said:
I got a code for Paper Wars, but you said there was more coming. WHY YOU LIE?!
You'll have to accept some PAX swag as GDC was pretty dry.
I think I owe Wicked Liquid some swag too.
Sorry for the delay on all of this, at least I got the code out to you.
You'll get my thanks too. Keep up the good work and maybe add more contests where you need to draw or do some shit. They're usually interesting and fun.
Agree with Affen. That sounds fun. The comic contest had a lot of potential even though it ended up as sort of a disaster.

I've always said that contests and giveaways were a surefire way to grow the site, and it seems like it's working, so keep it up.

My only fear is that strangers and newbies are the only people winning any giveaways. Obviously this is good for getting them to stick around and become regulars, but it seems a little lopsided. It'd be nice if some old-timers and loyal readers were getting rewarded more often, or that contests took more effort, like Affen was saying.
Oooh, I liked the comic one.

I, too, have received free swag and hope to win more in the future. Although my haikus seem to have fallen flat since Blake left. :(

Nevertheless, thanks GR.
used44 said:
My only fear is that strangers and newbies are the only people winning any giveaways...

What am I chop liver 4 years aint no newbie plus I was on here longer just didn't sign up til 07.
Was it the Call of Duty zombie poster? If so, that would be coming from me. I forgot all about it and don't think I ever got an address to send it to. Shoot me a PM with your address and I'll send you the poster.

tinymhg said:
danielrbischoff said:
tinymhg said:
I say thanks also, :D but I still haven’t gotten my zombie poster yet. :cry:
I'll rectify this.
Thank you Daniel. :banana: And thanks GR for employing him, as well as the free stuff.

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