That freakin barrel



Most of sonic 3 wasn't a part of my childhood because of that barrel. Now, 17 years later I finally figured out how to get past the damn thing.
That barrel is the sole reason why I didn't touch Sonic 3 for several weeks. It was so frustrating!

And then I figured it out, and felt like such an idiot.

Hard to believe these days, but back then there wasn't a convenient, easy to find, website with all the answers to help you out. You had to call an expensive hint line, whose operators hardly ever had any clue what you were talking about.
Are you serious? That is awesome.

There was nothing worse than when you had to rely on your friends or the local library's Nintendo Power backlog for answers like that.
Hmm... I guess that's true but then again I would probably have a hard time explaining the phone bill I would rack up.

You guys remember that ultimate cheat magazine that had every cheats for games for every system?

Uhhhhhhh, did someone say The Cheat?

Also, when did they games stop having cheat codes...oh yeah, when they started selling XP on XBL/PSN (I'm looking at you, Dante's Inferno).
Kids have it easy today.

In my day we didn't have the internet to take us by the hand and guide us through the game. We didn't even have a damn save/continue option. Out of lives? Back to start! Oh you were on the last level? I DON'T CARE, FUCK YOU, BACK TO START!
Yeah, since I have like nearly nothing to do all day I have been playing a lot of classic games on emulators. These games are like 20 times harder than just about any game today, and because of that they are so much more rewarding.

It took me like 45 minutes to beat the first level of contra hardcorps (it should only take like 5 if you don't die once), and god damn was it satisfying when I finally beat that damned boss. Then I died within 15 seconds of starting the new level and rageclosed the game.
Ah, the games without saves, or convoluted 40character passwords... how I miss thee.

I tried booting up MegaMan 2 on the Wii Virtual Console. I wrecked that shit as a kid. Nowadays, I am such a wuss. How the hell did I ever beat that game?

Anyone else here with fond memories of Battletoads? That freaking level with the air-speeder-bike-thing man... I was so glad I passed that bit. I tried it again on an emulator and well... As FrozenBacon stated it: RAGECLOSED!

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