The death penalty.

Do you agree with the death penalty?

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I know this isn't really a simple yes or no issue but would you bring it back? (or if you live somewhere where it's still used do you agree with it.)

There were three teenagers given just 12yrs each today for picking someone at random, kicking him to death and recording it on a mobile phone.
Then there was that piece of shit that raped a 12 week old and put it out on the net.

These people do not deserve to live. Period.
If guilt can be proved then yes I would be in favour of the death penalty, the least someone should get for an unprovoked attack which kills someone should be life.
Although there are circumstances that should be taken into account like heat of the moment after being in a abusive relationship for a few years and self defense shouldnt be classed as murder either.
Just my thoughts on the matter.
I agree it should depend on the severity of and circumstances surrounding the crime. The two examples I used should be killed, no question.
It may be that those people aren't "humane" enough to live with other people. But I'm not sure if even a death penalty would stop these kind of people's actions. I mean that these kind of people obviously don't think anything when such actions are committed. Even a fear of getting a death penalty isn't a threat enough, when you simply don't think anything.

I don't support death penalties as an official penalty, since it will couse some other awful side effects. Wrong decisions will be made and some people will get obsessed about getting "bad people" the final punishment. I simply don't think an execution of any sort should ever be encouraged by official sources, even for criminals. I don't trust lawyers enough for starts...

However, in some cases, a simple "trip behind the shed" might be one answer. No questions asked. I don't accept people taking law in their own hands either, but if someone is as gone as these people might be, I don't really know the answers...
No, not at all. A life in prison will keep criminals away from people just as much as killing them would. I know there is the whole money thing and how they won't have enough space or supplies for prisoners, but that is no excuse to just kill em off like cattle. I don't care what a man did, even if they raped 7 babies and then killed them and force fed them to their parents (extreme example). No one deserves death. There is always a more humane way.

Killing people off is not justice at all. Justice is doing what is right for all and setting a good example. The death penalty just shows us that justice is killing the bad guys. Just watch Batman Begins if you want a good look at justice. Batman let all of his assailants live after kicking their butt (except the man who killed his parents, but that was what led him to not kill people.)

So um, yeah, two rights don't make a wrong.
^i agree, two wrongs dont make a right

also my socialstudies teacher said that he read it costs more to kill some one with lethal injection then keeping them for life
TheNesMan said:
Ever heard of hypocrisy? Yeah, it's the death penalty.

I just wanna get this clear Nes Man.

The example I used of the guy raping the 12 week old child, there was absolutly no question he did it, with no regard for the damage it did to the child, he did it for his own pleasure and the amusment of the people that viewed it on the net.

You honestly don't think the world would be a better place if this person was hung?

It should be noted I was as frustrated as those pee-brained vigilantes that went around a couple of years ago and burned down a paediatricians house (i'm not making this up).
yes, i agree with the death penalty. in fact, i think it should be broadened to include rapists and a few other serious crimes. if only i were in charge.
I think it is kind of barbaric, but from the criminal's perspective I don't think it is worse than a life sentence with no chance of perole.
people need to stop viewing cases in such a linear manner... no im not trying to be a criminal sympathizer.... in most cases they're responsible for their actions and should be given time.... but when theres something thats why too fucked up to believe... tehres obvious personality disorders going on and although theyre still to be blamed, i dont think one should deny them of their existance

gah, dont listen to me and my refusal to accept all ethics :p
White_Rabbit said:
This isn't really a "yes" or "no" question...

You're right, it's not so much yes and no, right and wrong question, it's a very, very real question.
It's a real part of life, I mean, what are the absolute consequences when there's no examples of a judicial precedent being made on cases such as murder?
Do we send every murderer to prison for life long sentences? Prisons see more federal aid then a lot of American citizen's neighborhoods (yearly). There are so many angles being played here, it's bigger than the death penalty in the end, we'll never "kill 'em all" (damn); what, you thought prison construction was done by the prisoners?

But I don't think you can let a murderer live, it's hard for me to accept that. A murderer is taking your right to live, basically, without your consent. What gives the murderer the right to do it? To get away with it? To do it multiple times and get away with it? Send them to the overcrowding prisons, because that's a winning formula, huh...
Who's paying for all of these prisons and prisoners by the way? (Skip this question if you're 50 years of age or older, the American majority is heavily senior citizen btw)

I think the government, whether state or national, has to keep the death penalty intact for as long as the country prospers. I'm not looking forward to the day when major sections and areas of my state are lost to prison yards, I think it's much bigger than yes or no.
I'm against the justice system itself executing people, however, I'm a great believer that, sometimes, they should just look the other way on certain killings. If a rapist is killed by his victim's friend, that's not murder, it's a justified vigilante killing and does not deserve the same punishment.
I wasn't referring to what you metioned libertine. It's so utterly hypocritical, i can't support it. If a man rapes a 12 year old child, that's fine, let him sit in jail for the rest of life where he no longer poses a threat to society.
I'm down if they make it more Draconian.

But there'd have to be quite a few changes for it to come back; i.e., not racist in selection and prompt in delivering sentence, otherwise psychologically it fails to achieve its purpose of curbing such behavior that accrues such a sentence.
i really believe in ''a life for a life'', which is why i think there should be a death penalty. of course, this has to be given in the upmost of extreme cases, such as murder. if its manslaughter, fine. another reason that should also be let off is when someone is driven to kill. such examples in singapore, has been empolye's have been really mean to miads which later then kill the employer.

but of course, there has to be a review. we cannot blindly go and sentence people to death, but i believe there has to be an example of the extreme. true, its going aganst the rights and belief of not killing, but there has to be an example.
Crazy_Cune said:
if a preson kills:

- 10 or more adults
- 5 or more children
- 3 babies

they should be put down.

That's far too clinical, what if that person killed those people unknowingly or had to for some reason? What if they were mercy killings? What if someone killed 9 people and was then apprehended but the people he had killed were killed in a brutal and psychotic fashion? What if someone kills 9 adults 4 children and 2 babies? What if the person kills one person and gets caught and sentenced, then when released kills another few eventually making it to ten, and don't forget the 'double jeopardy' rule where no one can be tried for the same crime twice unless there is evidence of jury tampering or brand new evidence. If the death penalty is used it should be dealt with in the same way powers of arrest are now dealt with here in England, that is, the power of arrest can apply to any offence (whereas before it was based on the severity of the offence) so long as certain conditions apply and it's up to the constable to decide whether or not to use the power if it's available.


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