The future of video games doesn't appear all that appealing.

I dont know well im a 360 guy and the PS3 is going to be just like when it was PS2 vs. Xbox....the 360 is going to come out on top...

As for Nintendo screw them they havent came out with anything good in awhile and the only people who buy their crap are 13 yr old kids thinking they are getting the next big thing. I honestly think that Nintendo isnt even going to exist here in 5 yrs.

But its just the beggining you have to have patience, im sure as time goes on we will be seeing awesome games...i mean so far the games they are coming out with are better and better granted they are nothing next-gen but still im sure they will be getting there sooner or later...

And again Sony and Nintendo can suck my cock!!!

Soon they will have MGS5 wear you are snake in a wheel chair dying of lung cancer lol
Meh. The future of gaming looks the same as it's always been. The three dominant predators will release three different but ultimately actually quite similar consoles in the space of a year. Aside from the Wii they will all be stupidly expensive on launch day, so most people will probably wait until the price is lowered.

Regardless of that, the day all three Next Generation consoles are finally on the market, the new age of Console Wars begins! The gaming forums of the internet, including I fear this this one, will be filled to bursting point with pastey, fat, spotty virgins arguing over the merits of three inanimate pieces of equipment which really aren't all THAT different from each other if you think about it.

As times goes on, many great games will be released for all the consoles, of course the fanboys will pretend good games released for the consoles they don't own just simply do not exist.

After a few years, the console war will die down, we may even lose one of the consoles if the sales plummit. By this point Sony, Nintendo and Microsoft will have already come up with the basic plans for the Playstation 4, the X-Box 720 and the Nintendo Super-Wii, we will eventually get screenshots of the games and salivate over the awesome graphics, then the first of the new Next-Gen consoles will get released and the circle of gaming-life begins all over again.

So yeah, to paraphase from Talking Heads, it's the same as it ever was. My advice is to just ignore the gimmicks and fanboys and concentrate on the quality of the games, regardless which console they're on.
you cant just ignore the fanboys though. They are loud, annoying, and kind of in the majority.

I do have to say though, the next-generation will be shaping the future of gaming more so than the last generation. Online capabilites, graphic quality, HD technology and the Wii's remote function will be strong changes in the way games are played. This is all something that noone in the industry probably even concieved before.

I am somewhat excited about the future. I just hope it gets better instead of worse.
jayers said:
I dont know well im a 360 guy and the PS3 is going to be just like when it was PS2 vs. Xbox....the 360 is going to come out on top...
Such ignorance. PS2 sold the hell out of xbox, it was a rather decisive win.
LinksOcarina said:
you cant just ignore the fanboys though. They are loud, annoying, and kind of in the majority.

I do have to say though, the next-generation will be shaping the future of gaming more so than the last generation. Online capabilites, graphic quality, HD technology and the Wii's remote function will be strong changes in the way games are played. This is all something that noone in the industry probably even concieved before.

I am somewhat excited about the future. I just hope it gets better instead of worse.

People in the PC gaming industry conceived of all of that stuff a decade ago.
The Personal Computer is the future of Home Video Gaming. Online distribution, expermental games, indie games, sequels to PC classic, and also PC has the best open ended and free roaming games and I think that's what alot of people want these days we've all had enough of being led by the hand in a game.
The term next-gen is used whenever a new console comes out. But they are always just more powerful versions of previous consoles. So until holographic technology has been perfected (Imagine being Master Chief in a 'holodeck' Halo!) we won't really reach the next generation of gaming. Unless Dogs begin developing games..... That would be cool......
Of course it is... this is very important topic. We're all gamers and are all worried about what games will be like in the future. Will they change so much that we wont wanna play them anymore? Or are they just gonna stay the same? Its a very important topic indeed....
i second that. except a rocket launcher instead of just shooting him.

next gen is gonna be ace. some ppl complaining about the!

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