The GR Awards of 2007!


Ok here it is, we finally have the GR Awards topic! Firstly I’d like to thank Kurt for laying the groundwork, it’s unfortunate that external events forced him to pass control over to me but we should all realise the awards wouldn’t have happened without him. Now, here is a link to screenshots of every vote and tiebreaking vote made.

Before I start with the awards I’d like to point out that below each award I’ve put the congratulations speech followed by the list of nominees in order of vote count. With any ties, the poster who won the tiebreaker is posted first followed by the poster who came second and, in one case, followed by the person who came third. Tiebreaking votes were made by Moses-, Kool_Aide_Man and KurtCobain94 himself so thank you to those guys and of course thank you to the 19 others who submitted their votes.

Now, on with the show!

Most Annoying Poster

To kick off the awards we’ll start with the most annoying poster, for such a small community GR certainly has its share of annoyances and this is here to honour the cream of the crop. In second place we have Trust No One, our very own user GM, just edging out NjNakedSnake in a tiebreaker but even TNO whose iron fist moderating policy has angered seemingly every poster here isn’t seen to be more annoying than none other than Narutofan, a poster so diabolically annoying he makes many peoples’ blood boil at the mere sight of his name. So here’s to Narutofan’s continuing attempts to piss us off!

1st – Narutofan
2nd – Trust No One
2nd – NjNakedSnake
3rd – Egamegold
4th – Piracer

Best New Poster

GR’s a quiet place and much like small villages we don’t take strangers very well, some do creep in under the radar though and when this happens it’s only the hardiest who survive. The winner and runner up of this category are shining examples of how newbies can come good. In second place we have grandmagoodtimes, strange name for an excellently funny poster. Funny but with a glimmer of intelligence grandmagoodtimes has deservedly been accepted. In first place though we have JCD, a poster who has been here for eight months and has already got a mod position, I think that says it all. Congratulations buddy!

1st – JCD
2nd – grandmagoodtimes
3rd – MattAY

Funniest Poster

Who doesn’t want to be funny? Laughter is the best medicine, makes the world turn, is the best gift, it’s great being funny! Er, I guess… So who clinched this one? Well it wasn’t Guan Yu but he did get a very respectable second place with five of the votes, just clinching it though is the one and only BlackStar with six votes. The name rolls off the tongue and the posts make everyone laugh out loud, BlackStar never fails to amuse me and I’m sure the same goes for many others.

1st – BlackStar
2nd – Guan Yu
3rd – grandmagoodtimes
3rd – Silent Player

Most Helpful Poster – written by JCD

Who here can be relied upon more than any to help the noobs? Who here can provide assistance to the needy, save cats from trees and swoop to the rescue when a villain is running amok? Again, this was a close category. The winner is someone who hasn't even been here all that long, yet has still managed to establish himself as one of the most prominent members of the community. Can you guess who it is? It is of course, joeblow! I cannot think of anyone who has done more for the forums in such a small time. But the main reason he has won this is simple. If anyone ever has a question he'll answer it. If anyone has a problem, he'll do his very best to fix it. And he'll do it quickly and gladly. Congratulations on the win joeblow. And congratulations to our runner-up maca too. Even before he was made an admin, he was one of the most helpful posters around.

1st – Joeblow
2nd – maca2kx
3rd – matdevdug
4th – JCD

Least Helpful Poster

As with most things there is an anti to every pro. First we had the most helpful poster, now we have the least helpful. This award doesn’t just need someone who declines to post advice, the potentials needed to go the extra mile and that’s what we find here. The runner up Don Gero manages to both help and not help, he posts wisecracks and sarcastic replies and, very occasionally, helpful posts. The latter just cannot outweigh the formers though and he comes in second. Who comes first? None other than The Cookster, a poster who so rarely posts legitimate advice it should be an officially recognised hobby to spot them when they do happen.

1st – The Cookster
2nd – Don Gero
3rd – Narutofan
4th – Longo_2_guns

Most Respected Poster – written by JCD

It takes more than bling and b*tches to win respect around these parts. You can't just hope to barge into the forums, posting all sorts of rubbish and expect everyone to love you. You need to earn respect around here and our winner, maca, is a perfect example of this, shooting ahead of the competition and easily winning the title. (Can you believe narutofan didn't win?) Do not forget however, ladies and gentleman, our two runners up. Shaft and Silent Player still have more respect than a pimp with a flamingo suit and a leather cane.

1st – maca2kx
2nd – Shaft
2nd – Silent Player
3rd – Malakian

Biggest Forum Contributor

Being the forum’s biggest contributor doesn’t just mean posting a lot, it takes commitment and a willingness to stir things up for the better. The runner up here does just that by managing the Live Revolution usergroup and posting an insane amount of information on Live! goings on, he’s also got an uncanny knack of noticing new things before most of us notice old ones, of course I’m talking about our very own JCD who comes second with five votes. He was just pipped at the post though by joeblow who managed six votes no doubt by virtue of his relentless drive to add features to these hallowed boards. All hail joeblow!

1st – Joeblow
2nd – JCD
3rd – maca2kx
3rd - TheNesMan

Spammer Award

Another notorious one here, on the old boards these posters would probably have been awarded the spammer rank, unfortunately they’ll have to settle with a mention in these awards here… for now anyway. In second place we have Piracer, a poster who never lets us forget about the old skool ranks of yesteryear and always takes +1 chances whenever presented. Even he just couldn’t compete with the likes of Narutofan though who, while lacking in quantity when compared with other more prolific spammers, sure makes up in terms of quality. So here’s a congrats to the spammer that is Narutofan!

1st – Narutofan
2nd – Piracer
3rd – Electricthunder
3rd – Egamegold
4th – JCD

On Topic Award

GR is a place of magic; it’s also a place where topics can go awry faster than you can say “what were we talking about?â€
Look at you being all modest and crap. People, do not underestimate the amount of work maca put into this. He deserves a round of applause. And congratulations to all our winners too!
I've been here for 5 years and I'll I've been nominated for was Biggest Fanboy last year and I lost to sounds- :(

Congrats to all the winners :D
yay im 2/2....

even though one of them was for a bad thing maybe?

For the record, he was naked yes, but the focus was on the TATTOO on his back, not his non-showing buttox.

Good job to the winners.


Kurt said in the voting topic that the votes would be recorded and displayed afterwards to give anyone the chance to work things out for themselves if they wanted to. See.

Thanks Kurt, maca, jcd, moses, and anyone else who helped with this. Good job everyone. I guess I'm still too new to win a first place, but I'll take the sloppy seconds.

Edit: I'm 21 years old so possibly that young poster thing should have not included me, but I'll take what I can get.

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