The *official* World of Warcraft topic.

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Yeah. It was an awesome fight, the view of being on top of brm was awesome. Not to mention he broke both my bows so i was meleeing his ass half of the fight.

nefarion + onyxia, dont see that every day... or maybe you do, i just thought it was neat.
My server sees it a lot. But here's something cool. Me and some friends found a macro that allows you to jump and jump and jump extremely high. We were able to get out of the WSG base before the game started, and claim bases in AB before the game started, it totally ruled. I have some pics for you guys.





Nefs lair is the last one. The one where two people are climbing is beyond the greymane wall in silverpine forest. Others are top of brm.
The macro spams the server, and the gms found it out. That's why our server crashed, they fixed it. I tried it on my friends server too, they fixed it everywhere :(.
hah, lucky they didnt suspend your account... that would seem like a pretty valid reason for doing so considering their suspension decisons in the past.
Same goes for me. I've also heard stories of ban-threats for going to the World the hell can you be banned for going to in-game places? There are no signs saying "Players are not allowed to go here"
Does anyone know of a way I can see if the game will work on my computer before buying it? I used Windows Game Advisor and it said I could run WoW but I'm not totally convinced.
post your specs and ill give you an educated guess :p

and whats more messed about the hidden areas is that theres easter eggs throughout them. as if blizzard wanted people to find it. i think the GMs are totally seperate from blizzard.... buncha nazis
yea i took a grand tour of hyjal a while back... theyve got it now so you cant even get close to the gate in front of the istance, probablyt some way around it.
Krowsnose said:
post your specs and ill give you an educated guess :p

According to the site I used:

Processor Intel Pentium 4 1800MHz
Display Card Intel(R) 82845G/GL/GE/PE/GV
Memory 256MB
Operating System Microsoft Windows XP
Free Disk Space 25.78GB
Display Card Memory 8MB
Display Driver Version
DirectX Version 9.0c
Optical Drive CD/DVD
Sound Card SoundMAX Digital Audio

I'm not to technical but I'm pretty sure none of that is to good, but that's because our computer is a few years old and we've never upgraded.
hmmm yea... youd probably need to do some upgrading. youd probably be able to get away with running it but youd be getting very low fps and alotta chugging on the lowest settings :\

and derrek is that maraudon? gah, place brings back bad memories.... i ran it at least 15 times to get eye of theradras....
First is Mara. second is ZF. Mara is trash, we wiped 4 times on princess and we had greater nature resist pots too :( I don't think I will go back after I kill her, all I want is thrash blade.
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