This needs to STOP!


I just read the article called "Mortal Kombat named in teen killing of 7 year-old girl." I am completely fed up with people finding outs to blame absolutely anything other than themselves for sheer brutish stupidity. The public needs to know that although there is violence in videogames there is no link between that and real life violence. An unnamed witness to this slaying said that they thought Mortal Kombat was the influence in this slaying, but as one of the murderers said "...I was drunk..." That quote alone should prove to you why the teen did it. He was drunk. I'm not saying that drinking is bad -- far from it, but it does impair one's ability to think and make rational decisions such as whether to beat the hell out of your sister or not. Any semi-intelligent person, even when drunk, wouldn't even let that thought come into their head, however I believe that there are IQs which are factors for these teens. I do not believe that these two teens were very smart to begin with, the article says that they were babysitting this young man's little sister and they decided to get drunk? I must question their intelligence at that point, and when drunk a person becomes less and less intelligent, a mind normally recesses in age mentally the more a person drinks. These people were not very smart to begin with and as they got drunker and drunker they just lost intelligence to the point that it sounds like a good idea to beat someone, and not anyone, one of their little sisters up. A game is NOT responsible, the people who killed the girl are. Games provide an escape from reality and that is it, and the phrase 'escape from reality' is used because they are not real. People who cannot distinguish the difference have many problems ahead of them. I know this sounds like an out-of-order rant, but it makes me angry when people blame games and I hope more than just I can find sense in the writing.
I think it's too easy to piss off people who play video games. Just by saying something along the lines of "the suspect may have learned to do [action] from the [the videya game]," you will provoke mountains of NERD RAGE all over the internet. I think video games have a larger role in our lives than we all think, and I'm not just talking about the "hardcore" players. I'd say it's best to ignore thompson & friends for the obvious reasons, but there may be a couple valid points behind their idiotic arguments.
Reid said:
I think it's too easy to piss off people who play video games. Just by saying something along the lines of "the suspect may have learned to do [action] from the [the videya game]," you will provoke mountains of NERD RAGE all over the internet. I think video games have a larger role in our lives than we all think, and I'm not just talking about the "hardcore" players. I'd say it's best to ignore thompson & friends for the obvious reasons, but there may be a couple valid points behind their idiotic arguments.

I agree, I was playing NHL 08 and next thing i knew i was running up and down the streets hip checking away and trying to do wrap arounds, clearly influenced by video games
if the murderers had turned their victim into a ball of ice, then shot out a spear yelling "get over here", then sure.

i'm not gonna say MK killed that girl, or that current video games are influencing people to violence. but everyone will accept that a real life childhood expericance can mess someone up a lot, and games are getting more realistic all the time. i mean, he's a nut job now, but theoretically, jack thomson could be right in 50 years. we just haven't gotten to that point.
the only reason it was named was apperently one of the kids said somthing along the lines if "lets play mortal Kombat" they could have said lets play WWE wrestling and the kid still could have died but it would have been 'WWE wrestling named in killing" and wouldnt have been featured on GR and you wouldnt have heard about it. i wouldnt be surprised if we found out these kids had never picked up copy of mortal Kombat in their life and it was just the first thing they could think of to say. so take it as somthing blown way out of proportion, rather then the kids conciously making an effort to copy Mortal Kombat.
Icepick said:
I agree, I was playing NHL 08 and next thing i knew i was running up and down the streets hip checking away and trying to do wrap arounds, clearly influenced by video games
I think the reason behind this specific story is that, when asked why it happened, one of the teenagers answered by saying they were imitating a move in Mortal Kombat.

The media didn't exactly twist the story. If the kid's a big enough idiot to say that (and I think both of the older parties involved were 16 and 17. To me, that's plenty old enough to realize what you're doing), then the media has every right to run that quote into the ground.

I agree that it's hardly ever a video game's fault when a tragedy like this occurs. But the fact is that someone acted irresponsibly and irrationally and placed the blame onto a video game. Smart move by those two teenagers, if you ask me, because if looked at by certain people, they're innocent. But like I said before, any 16 year old should be able to realize what kind of danger they're putting a young child in.
Icepick said:
the public might appreciate paragraphs as well

At least with the massive paragraph I knew where to begin and end reading. With your, what, phrase? removed independent clause? I'm unsure how to treat it without capitalization and punctuation.

Otherwise, I agree with bob!
Pretty soon some drunk idiots are going to die from eating red and green fungus and hitting their heads on blocks, and the press is going to blame it on Mario.
And then people are going to start blaming rollercoaster failure related deaths on Sonic the Hedgehog or something.
thetank said:
And then people are going to start blaming rollercoaster failure related deaths on Sonic the Hedgehog or something.
Why not Rollercoaster Tycoon? "It's a game that lets you crash rollercoasters, so it's obvious that that is to blame". That could be an excuse for that kind of accident.
HK-47 said:
thetank said:
And then people are going to start blaming rollercoaster failure related deaths on Sonic the Hedgehog or something.
Why not Rollercoaster Tycoon? "It's a game that lets you crash rollercoasters, so it's obvious that that is to blame". That could be an excuse for that kind of accident.

Right. Maybe they'll blame Sonic for people getting run over when trying to do a loop-the-loop on foot.
HK-47 said:
thetank said:
And then people are going to start blaming rollercoaster failure related deaths on Sonic the Hedgehog or something.
Why not Rollercoaster Tycoon? "It's a game that lets you crash rollercoasters, so it's obvious that that is to blame". That could be an excuse for that kind of accident.
Damn, I was just about to say this :(. I'm sure everyone who played it killed the people who rode the waterslide that is just a giant ramp.
TheNesMan said:
HK-47 said:
thetank said:
And then people are going to start blaming rollercoaster failure related deaths on Sonic the Hedgehog or something.
Why not Rollercoaster Tycoon? "It's a game that lets you crash rollercoasters, so it's obvious that that is to blame". That could be an excuse for that kind of accident.
Damn, I was just about to say this :(. I'm sure everyone who played it killed the people who rode the waterslide that is just a giant ramp.

It's no fun if you don't.

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