Top 5 Most Addictive Games.


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After reading this I decided to come up with my personal list of games that I have been most "addicted" to.

5. Puzzle Quest - My most recent addiction. And I've honestly never been a big fan of puzzle games. But rest assured, if Tetris had Hit Points, mana, and spells, I'd probably be really into it too.

4. Madden franchise - Most of you non-sports gamers won't get the addictive properties of a football game, but this game has had me under its spell for years. Being a huge NFL fan since birth probably has something to do with it.

3. Starfox 64 - Possibly the highest amount of hours I put into any N64 game, and that's saying something. If there were some way to measure the skillz I had back in the day with this game, I'm sure I'd rank pretty high globally. I was a major playa.

2. KOTOR 1&2 - Countless started characters, So many side quests, gear options, moral choices. Crazy high replay value.

1. Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind - Well, same as KOTOR, but an even less linear story arch. You wouldn't believe the number of hours I put into this game, the number of all-nighters I pulled to beat side quests and level my characters. Know every secret, touched every part of the map, owned every house, know every trick, endured every glitch.. All with multiple characters. Come visit me in the Vivec Sewerworks some time. Too bad Oblivion never had the same hold on me.

What's your Top 5? Please provide some explanation with your list.
I'd say:
5. Metal Gear Solid 3
4. Resident Evil 4
These two simply because they were both phenomenal games. In fact, in the first week of summer in MGS3 I was so dedicated to getting the Stealth Camo and infinite facepaint that I beat the game once each day.
3. Mercenaries
2. GTA San Andreas
1. Oblivion
These three were all really fun free-roaming games that kept me playing even after I had beaten them.
Give or take.
cool idea.

5 = Goldeneye 007 - I became extrememly addicted to it when it was the rage. mainly because i wanted to be the best at it. but the other reason was because i couldn't do jungle on 00 agent. >shakes fists< still to this day dammit!

4 = Crash Bandicoot series - Love this little guy. and have done ever since his first adventre on PS1 release. I just love spinning everyone's ass, enjoying the increasing challenge, and the humour that goes with it. had to buy all the games even if they weren't that great!

3 = Music 2000 - May not seem like an addictive game. but it is! I just loved to make songs on it. And invent my own melodies, basslines, pads, and drums etc. Was so much fun. And listening to the end product knowing it was completely your doing was a great feeling. I still play it now sometimes.

2 = Final Fantasy 8 - I remmeber when i first got this game I played it for about 14 hours straight without getting any sleep! I got so sucked into the story it was unreal. Plus it was my first FF experience. I had a sleepover the next day and did the same thing but with about two hours sleep, and my mates' input of tactics added.

1 = Zelda series. - I grew up with it, and i cant help but love it. I get gripped into the story and just love the temples. Plus i have this weird addiction where i have to get ABSOLUTELY everything in a dungeon otherwise i wont deem it as complete. And i find that a lot of fun.
Can't think of anything other than Strat games. For now.

5 - Star Wars: Empires at War
After KotOR, probably the greatest Star Wars game ever. This RTS is packed with more action the most Shoot 'em ups yet has deep strategy elements provided by Galactic Conquest mode and the completely diverse Land and Space battles, hell you're almost getting 3 games in 1 with this.

4 - Age of Empires 3
A game that needs no introduction, the latest part of the enormously popular Real Time Strategy series proves itself also to be the best. Moving on from the Sword and Sandal age, AOE 3 explores the colonization of America. With construction, resource management and fighting this well balanced, it's hard not to become lost in this game for hours.

3 - Starcraft
I had a difficult time choosing between this and one of the many great Warcraft games, but eventually I came to realize that this is, despite it's age, the better of all Warcraft games. Hailed by many as the most balanced strategy game of all time, Starcraft remains one of the most popular games ever even close to ten years after its initial release.

2 - Dungeon Keeper 2
How difficult it is for me to deny this the top stop I cannot put into words. This is the game that started it all for me. Before this, I had played only one game that required more thought than "PULL THE TRIGGER!" A game with a million reasons to love it, Dungeon Keeper 2 offers something for everyone. You like humor? Dungeon Keeper is brilliantly funny. Like deep strategy? You can find it here. Love hacking things to pieces? Dungeon Keeper is for you. A truly amazing game which never has, nor ever will lose it's appeal.

1 - Myth 2: Soulblighter
The very first thing that a person notices when they play Myth or Myth 2, is the gore. Limbs are torn from bodies, bodies explode into blood and innards, bodies are hacked to pieces etc. etc... Yet in a series famed for such extreme gore, people who play the games will realize something else. It's not that they are incredibly (even unfairly) difficult at times. It isn't that the story is on par with such fantasy masterpieces as the Lord of the Rings. It's that this game does what few ever can. It makes you care for the soldiers under your command. Not only does every single soldier have a name, but they also are carried over into the next level if they survive. Often I have found myself restarting a mission after a soldier that has stayed with me throughout the game has died. For that reason and many others, Myth 2: Soulblighter is the game which I am most addicted to.
I envy the experiences had by Strategy gamers. It's a genre that I've never given enough time, mostly because I've always been a 99% console gamer. I'm going to have to check out the Myth series someday.

And, Mattay, I could never beat Jungle either. :(
It is a pity, I spend about 80% of my gaming time with strategy and it really is engrossing... And if you ever do play Myth, try to play them in order. The story just works better that way. If you just want pure gameplay experience though, Soulblighter is a more balanced, slightly fairer game.
5 - Unreal Tournament 2004
Adrenaline-packed gameplay plus near limitless modding capabilities means you never play the same game twice, unless you liked it and want to do it again.

4 - Vigilante 8
A bunch of guys in the 70s with cars that have guns attached to them makes for some great gameplay. Plus, the weapon combos really add some strategy.

3 - Ace Combat: The Belkan War
Unmatched aerial combat with an almost endless challenge. Makes replay value near-to-none without buddies, but to get it done 100% will take many, many hours.

2 - Wild Arms 3
I don't know exactly why I played this game so freaking much, but I did. Now, I've played through the story about 5-6 times, and all my chars are level 100. Perhaps it's the gripping story, perhaps it's the three different kinds of battles, perhaps it's the fact that you can see most of the monster encounters coming with the '!' system, but any way it really got me hooked.

1 - Suikoden
With a gripping story, a vast cast of characters with varying personalities and by far some of the best music ever heard in a video game, this one has me at my very core. I will never forget this game. Nor will I ever want to. It still pains me that I cannot find a copy of the game around, but my search shall endure.

no one put EQ... the game that started it all...


AOE2 - Conq expansion
and of course Counter -Strike but Insurgency is quickly taking that over.
UrbanMasque said:

no one put EQ... the game that started it all...


AOE2 - Conq expansion
and of course Counter -Strike but Insurgency is quickly taking that over.

Well, these are our personal lists of games we got addicted to. If it were a list of games which were historically addictive, then of course it would be full of MMORPGs and closely resemble the list on the link in my first post.
5. Ken Griffey Jr Baseball
4. Command and Conquer: Red Alert
3. Madden 95
1. Goldeneye 007
5. Ratchet Deadlocked (and other R & C games)
Blowing up people with a giant (in amount and size) arsenal never got old. And their were mini-games galore just in case you wanted to take a small break from brutally destroying your enemies.

4. Disgaea
This game is one of my current addictions. It's a Tactics-like Strategy game with a lot of depth and replayability to it. There is just a massive amount of stuff to do in the game. And at one point in the game the Power Rangers show up out of nowhere you get to fight them.

3. Burnout Revenge
My favorite racing game. The massive pile-ups you can cause are very fun to watch. And with more than 5 different multiplayer modes, its one of those games I play every time I have friends over.

2. Age of Empires II: The Conquerors Expansion
The expansion to my first RTS game. The original was great too, but the expansion fixed a lot of annoying little things. There were lots of civilizations to choose from, fast paced/fun multiplayer, and a create a map option.

1. Final Fantasy Tactics
I've played through this game seven times in the past couple years, and plan on playing again soon. If you like stategy games, this is a must have game. The graphics are dated(PS1), but this game has some great gameplay.
Over my many years of gaming the most addictive games are:

5) Tetris

4) Goldeneye/Perfect Dark

3) Smash Bros 64/Melee

2) Half Life: Counter Strike

1) Pokemon R/B/Y/G/S/D/P
5. Final Fantasy VIII

4. The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind
The experience could be best described as diving head first into an ocean. When I first got it, I spent days submerged, completely oblivious to everything around me.

3. Command & Conquer: Red Alert 2

2. Civilisation III
What? China's invading? How's our southern expansion going? Have we gotten rail from Chichen Ita to Palenque yet? Has the starvation in Tikal been resolved? Damnit, I told Eqypt to move its troops. If it weren't for China invading, I'd crush their horsemen. Why is Balampak building cavalry instead of a temple? Great, now Piedras Negras is rioting.

1. Pokemon Red
I got it for Christmas when I was 10, and it was to become my first gaming addiction. This game all but consumed my soul, and during the two or three weeks it had its grip on me, I would spend almost every waking hour on it, often staying up until after 1AM (I had an AC adaptor, so batteries weren't a problem). Towards the end I was hearing the music, even though the game was turned off. The addiction pretty much ended when my mum accidentally wrote over my save, which had 113 pokemon and well over 100 hours on it.
crazycracker22 said:
1. diablo 2 (its like a drug but better)
2. crackdown
3.shadow run
4. FF7

Do you mean the old SNES/Genesis Shadowrun games, or do you mean the new one?
5 gears/ its fun on campain 4 starcraft fun with other peeps 3 diablo ii fun as hell 2 fable very iddicting 1 halo 1 kick ass story

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