Traditional Marriage.


My intestines want to curl up and tie a knot every time I hear some bigot talks about not giving homosexuals the same rights as heterosexuals, just because their perception of a marriage differs.

Why should you get discriminated against, just because of your sexual orientation?
I know that their arguments are either religious, or stupid. With arguments like, "God made marriage holy, and is only between man and woman..." or "Homosexuality is a choice!"

I just heard that Maine had a vote about this, and the majority of voters went against giving homosexuals the right to get married, with the rights that it implies.
Yes, I hate it when people fail to realize that homosexuals are born that way. The LDS church offers all the help we can provide to help them find the spiritual desire to procreate, but we also do not discriminate people by any means, and we cannot deny them their agency, or freedom of choice.

So if you ask me, denying homosexuals their rights as American citizens is no more right than discriminating people by the color of their skin.
Uh Ho... another homosexual rights thread. How many pages long will this one be? :D

Back on subject, next thing you'll know, they will make sodomy punishable by death... by referendum! I hate how dumb people are and hide behind their inhuman laws just to promote their hate. This is a sad country where half the states don't hire gay employees and sodomy is still illegal.

And De-ting, i hear ya. I'm even more sad for gay mormons (yup they exist) who are struggling between their belief and their sexuality. They can be great family man and strong LDS believers. Too bad the doctrine keep putting pressure on them...

They'll learn, one day...
If you think about Religion was created for worse rights. Not to make anyone doubt there religion but ever since it was created it was used in the name of war and to have people not fear life after death. Governors are against it, but they'll send millions to die for a false, to basicly commit suicide in the name of so called freedom. We worry about the starving in other countrys, but what about the children up in Harlem picking food out of garbage cans. My point is human kind worrys about all the wrong things.
Didnt we have this discussion like a year ago? When you were last active in fact...
I dunno guys. I'm from Texas and we have a saying down here: "If you're gay, get the hell out of my way." And we live by that code day in, day out and it's done right by us so far.

These gays are a tricky bunch. The lines for receiving insurance benefits and tax cuts would grow twentyfold because who is going to be the one to delegate and notarize on the authenticity of a gay marriage? I mean, are you gay; are you straight; are you bi?! Oh how convenient, you're all the above. :roll:

The economy is in a bad enough shape as it is, but imagine if 2 guys could "marry" (I know..I know). These "married couples" would waste no time in sniffing out ways to get cut rates on their income tax, and at the same time would become eligible for higher wages on a federal grants. That's simply not fair to the straight men and women of America.

They would take advantage of the system. Gay, straight, bi--everyone. You and I both know they would. Now we've already seen a slew of straight men marrying strictly for the benefits that come under the marriage laws, and not out of the love of a man and woman as God provides, but you must expect even more liars to come forward to abuse our system.

Also the Holy Bible says God made Adam and Eve, not Adam and Steve. :roll:
StalfrosCC said:
Is Tylz going to get gay married?
Exactly my thoughts when i read his post.

And my point of view is very one sided because of the fact that i have in the past and continue to this day to have regular sex with other guys, but i personally think everyone should have the right to get married.
Nobody can say how pure your love is except for yourself, and marriage where i come from is all about the love.

My method to the people who taunt me when i'm on a date with another guy (it happens pretty often) is to ignore them if they're just being idiots, or if they look like they're getting violent i take my jacket off and that usually makes them walk away pretty quickly when they realize i effectively work out all day everyday.
When people around me are talking about homosexuals in general and are being bigots i usually just try to be indifferent and tell them that homosexuality was more common in times when Jesus was than today, and that marriage is only a holy joining of man/woman if you believe it to be so. The act itself is nothing but paper and legal binding.

The only reason gay 'couples' are looked down upon these days is because in ancient times homosexuality was so common the human race was in danger due to no children being born.
Eventually the church would make homosexuality a 'sin' and 'wrong' mainly because of this reason.
It saddens me that because homosexuality was made ethically taboo and 'wrong' over 500 years ago due to necessity, people still carry on those lines of thought when it isn't a necessity anymore.

And 20 points for asking this to religious fanatics who oppose homosexuality;
If sex between men is so wrong, why did your God design men specifically to receive pleasure from this act?
All these homosexual topics I swear we have at least a few closet gay people here. Tylzen....Anything you want to tell us?
See, the way I see it is the gays are ghouls, trying to get into Tenpenny Tower. The bigot religious freaks and residents inside all don't want to share residence with the ghouls, even though "they're people too." So the ghouls unleash an army of ferals (gay rights activists) into the Tower, brutally slaughtering every bigoted citizen and then moving in themselves. Basically, we will be at a standoff until one side has the power to finish off the other one for good.
Keepit, in my version I worked to help the ghouls get into Tenpenny Tower and averted the releasing of feral ghouls.
Marriage = Unnatural

Doesn't matter if a horse and a turtle marry, as long there's a hilarious sitcom to come out of it
Marriage is a religious institution. The United States government cannot regulate reasonable religious practices as the constitution stipulates. therefore the government should not be able to grant marriage licenses. I don't know why there hasn't been a high profile lawsuit involving this argument.

eyebrows, you're right.

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