What are ya playing?

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Use this topic to tell everyone what games you are currently playing, have recently finished, or are getting ready to begin.

I just finished Assassin's Creed II (it was kind of hard to get back into after my long vacation away). The ending was weird/dumb.

I've also been playing lots of Comic Jumper. Nearing the end of the story.

On the plane I played plenty of Final Fantasy: The 4 Heroes of Light, and I hope I continue it. I always sort of let handheld titles fall by the wayside when I get home but it's really good so I'll try to keep up on it.

Speaking of FF, since I just finished AC2, my next single player adventure shall be Final Fantasy XIII. I'm starting it as I write this. In my first tutorial! Yay!

As far as multiplayer goes, I can be found on Bad Company 2 (until I get Medal of Honor here soon) and occasionally Skate 3 and Madden 11.
I just played through Spider-Man on the PSX, and now I'm looking at Spider-Man 2. I've also been playing Fallout 3 on my PS3, trying to get the last few trophies I need.

On computer, I've been playing Red Faction, Jolly Rover, and Dynasty Warriors Online (which I'd rather have for PS3. Dynasty Warriors isn't meant for keyboards.)
Right now, nothing. But this last week I've been playing Fallout: New Vegas. Loving it so far, despite a few bugs and having to use Steam, it's pretty damn amazing. Better than 3, which really isn't saying all that much but still.

And I'm also playing a little Demon's Souls, since they've been doing world tendency events this month.
De-Ting said:
I just played through Spider-Man on the PSX, and now I'm looking at Spider-Man 2.

Playing Spider-Man 2 right now, and pretty much only for the web-swinging.

Replaying Etrian Odyssey III, as I missed some rare drops on one route and still have yet to see all the endings. If there wasn't a New Game + feature, I would gladly spend another 60-70 hours replaying it.

And NBA Street V3, because I don't have Vol.2 and it's one of the best arcade (Or in general) basketball games out there.
I've been playing a ton of New Vegas lately. Don't really know how I feel about it yet after putting so much time into 3. But it's still pretty fun.

The usual MW2 and Demon's Souls.

Persona 3 Portable...REALLY wish I had this for the PS2 cause I have a hard time getting into handhelds most of the time.

Been getting into L4D2 again too...

Been trying to find time to start Eternal Sonata as well, but just haven't yet.
Splinter Cell Conviction, Bionic Commando, Modern Warfare 2, Borderlands and of course....World of Warcraft.
longo, i'm appalled that you would trash fallout 3 :cry:
anyway, i'm getting new vegas tomorrow, which should take me off of starcraft for a while. i'm also going through RDR and borderlands on my xbox, and a little mw2 on my pc because I discovered that I'm really, really good now that I took lots of time off of playing it.
I just got a new 360 for 90 bucks, so I need to set it up to play New Vegas and Enslaved.

I did finish Costume Quest, it was pretty good. Read my review for more info ;).

And I was playing Kirbys Epic Yarn and Pokemon Snap....yeah don't ask.
Replaying a lot of stuff lately Valkyria Cronicles, Hot Shots Golf, MW2, going back through the Metal Gear series starting with the NES version, UFC 2010. I just rotate whatever sounds interesting at the moment.

The I play Lego Star Wars (which is glitching like crazy for some reason) and Batman, LBP and Mavel Ultimate Alliance 2 with the kids.

Finished Dead Rising 2 last weekend and will probably be getting a Move in a little bit and my copy of Red Dead (need to replay) and FF13 (need to finish) back Wednesday! Yay!
I don't have much time for video games right now (as well as these forums, which may explain my breif absence), but I've been pretty much doing only NHL 11 for PS3 and Super Smash Bros.
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