What are ya playing?

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Tomb Raider.. I can't stop playing this game. Wow.. So much fun. Only complaint is it is far too easy. But meh, the game is so great i don't really care. Also hate when you have to get achievements on a terrible multiplayer game. Honestly wanted to get every single achievement in this game, which i've never bothered to do, but the multi is horrid.

Also picked up Assassin's Creed Black Flag at home and played it a bit last night. Was loving it until I found out I was in a lab just imagining being a pirate. Killed the whole mood for me and now i don't even want to play. Incredibly stupid.

My first Assassin's Creed.
Yeah, that's how all of the Assassin's Creed games are. There's the past aspect of it, which is 99% of the game, and then the modern day part.
oic... kinda ruined it for me, hard to get immersed into the game/atmosphere when you suddenly are in some futuristic lab, but we'll see. i'll definitely be trying to play through it when i get home from work tomorrow. did seem like a super fun game.
Best to ignore all story elements of Assassin's Creed games and just make up your own. Pretend that you're an alien posing as a pirate to learn the secrets of dog breeding, or something. Already makes more sense than their dumb shit.

I'm playing Max and the Curse of Brotherhood on Xbox One. It's free this month, which is cool because I had considered buying it earlier. It's pretty short, so I think if I had paid $15 that I might have felt suckered.

Anyway, it's a really cool puzzle game. Tying all of Max's magic marker abilities together to solve a puzzle gets pretty difficult in the later stages. When you add in the fast twitch speed with which some of the platforming segments require, it is much more challenging and rewarding than you might think before playing it. The kiddie exterior belies a hardcore puzzle interior.

I know no one on here has a One but if you have a gold membership on 360, go to Xbox.com and purchase it now to have it later.
intoTheRain said:
Tomb Raider.. I can't stop playing this game. Wow.. So much fun. Only complaint is it is far too easy. But meh, the game is so great i don't really care. Also hate when you have to get achievements on a terrible multiplayer game. Honestly wanted to get every single achievement in this game, which i've never bothered to do, but the multi is horrid.

I didn't even bother with the multiplayer. The single player campaign is indeed a hell of a ride though. To be honest it was my first Tomb Raider game ever, yes, I know. But now I would actually go back and play an older game, if there are any worth recommending.
Any worth recommending? No, not really. The older games are classic, but they have not aged particularly well.

The Guardian of Light, however, is awesome.
WickedLiquid said:
intoTheRain said:
Tomb Raider.. I can't stop playing this game. Wow.. So much fun. Only complaint is it is far too easy. But meh, the game is so great i don't really care. Also hate when you have to get achievements on a terrible multiplayer game. Honestly wanted to get every single achievement in this game, which i've never bothered to do, but the multi is horrid.

I didn't even bother with the multiplayer. The single player campaign is indeed a hell of a ride though. To be honest it was my first Tomb Raider game ever, yes, I know. But now I would actually go back and play an older game, if there are any worth recommending.

Best single player experience I've had in ages. I'm very close to the end and am hesitant to finish. Could have tonight but don't want it to end lol. Maybe I'll drag it out till the new tomb raider in 1.5 years.

I'm at the final save spot so could prove tricky. Definitely going back to collect everything and do all the tombs though.
I tired a match or two of the multiplayer after I finished the campaign and it is average. The mechanics don't really work for competitive online multiplayer. Don't bother with it.

I'm glad you're enjoying the single player though.
used44 said:
Any worth recommending? No, not really. The older games are classic, but they have not aged particularly well.

The Guardian of Light, however, is awesome.

I'm pretty sure I would get kick out of PS1 Lara Croft, seeing how a bunch of uneven polygons was the hottest video game character in the mid-late 90's.

Although I'll admit, for a CGI character Lara was pretty damn hot in this one. May the future laugh at me for how sad that sounds..
Are you playing the last-Gen version or the "Definitive Edition?" They changed her face in the DE to make her more super-model-esque. It was probably only noticeable to us who had already played as the more baby faced Lara, but it was very off-putting at first.
used44 said:
Are you playing the last-Gen version or the "Definitive Edition?" They changed her face in the DE to make her more super-model-esque. It was probably only noticeable to us who had already played as the more baby faced Lara, but it was very off-putting at first.

I'm playing the original version, and she is smoking hot. :p Her new boobs are so much better.
We're in the third season of our multi-team online dynasty in NCAA 14, so still having fun with that. I've taken to playing it while on the elliptical jogger, which is exhausting.

Catching up in The Wolf Among Us. I'm about to start Episode 4. Slow starter but is now getting great.
Dead Space 3 in Classic mode. Just to sweep up some achievements I missed and to also go through the story again.
Rakon said:
Mass Effect 2 is one of the best games you'll play, if you've played the first. Otherwise the story won't impact you very much.

Finished Tomb Raider. Al lot longer than expected, but a great run. Definitely worth a play if you liked the Uncharted games and The Last of Us (and who didn't?)

I've played the first Mass Effect twice and loved it. Great game!
Knocked out some special missions on Ground Zeroes.

Sly Cooper thieves in Time has been a fun game so far.

Playing a lot of motion controller based games with my kids and the nieces and nephews.
I got a random urge to play KOTOR this weekend, so I installed it from my brother's Steam family shared account thing.

It crashes so frequently that I'm not sure I'll be able to get through it. It took me looking through some forums to even get it to launch properly, and now it's some other unknown problem. Old games on current OS can be such a pain.

I might just download it on iPad.
The problem with KotOR is that it isn't developed to run on multicore processors, or something like that. There are easy fixes if you look it up.

Anyway, I've continued to play E.Y.E.
It's really weird and fun. I'm sure I will continue to enjoy it, and if anyone else has it I'm up for playing a campaign together.
I abandoned Kotor and started up The Witcher. It's very good. The combat is excellent, and is smartly designed in a way that even a mouse/keyboard dunce such as myself can feel like a badass.

My only gripe so far is that I attempted to make room in my inventory by drinking all of the cheap booze I had and I hung on a drink for, no joke, 45 minutes. Stumbling around collecting quests was painfully slow, but that's really my fault.
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