What are ya playing?

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So I downloaded the Witcher 3,played a bit on ultra at 1080p and apparently I get between 22-32 FPS on a GTX 770. That is frustrating. Especially since I got the same when playing it at 2K. I hope it's just poor optimization/
With two 980s in SLI I still have to lmit the framerate to 60fps.(thank goodness for gsync)

Hairworks even pounds my system with some ingame cutscenes driving both my 980s to 99% utilization. When you get up close to hair it will start simulating more individual strands of hair.(And it applies msaa to them)

Infact, AMD owners can create a custom profile. Set tessellation acceleration to 8x and hairworks will work better.
http://cdn4.wccftech.com/wp-content/upl ... 35x605.jpg

I am hoping for improvements in the next nvidia driver update. Nvidia has admitted kepler cards are under-performing and will be fixed in the next driver.
So I disabled hairworks, dropped my resolution to 1920x1080, disabled blur and motion blur, lowered shadow quality to high and background characters to high and I'm getting 48-55 FPS in the opening scene with Yennifer. This game is really making me want to go buy a 970. But then the 300 series Radeon's will be out in like three weeks that will likely outperform it for the same price.
When posting screenshots, how do you feel? I started playing The Last of Us mp again. I just love shooting people with the bow. It used to be effective until people bought weapons that are outrageously powerful.
I'm on FFX for PS4, holy fuck it's great to play through this game again. Although I forgot how bad some of the voice acting was - sheeeesh!
Rogue Legacy...

It launched on xbox one last night and I stayed up way too late not being able to put it down. Addicting.
Almost done with Red Dead Redemption and Killzone Liberation...

After they're beaten I'll probably start Assassin's Creed Rogue and Persona 2.

I had to do it. Honestly, it's not great, but about what I expected. The controls take some getting used to, and it's hard to find ammo because everything on the ground is the same color (gray). But it's fun and worth an illegal download (THIS POST IS IN NO WAY, SHAPE OR FORM ADVOCATING PIRACY! SUPPORT YOUR DEVELOPERS!)

I'll probably stream it tomorrow. On UStream, since they don't let you stream it on Twitch.
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