What are your favorite NES-era platformers?

I reviewed Disney Afternoon Collection today.

http://www.gamerevolution.com/review/th ... collection

The games are fun, but they don't strike me as "best of the best," and I wonder if they were seen that way back then, or were just considered fun games. None of them are replacing Mario's NES entries for me anytime soon, though I did enjoy the gameplay of the Chip and Dale games. The controls are tight and throwing boxes and other objects at enemies is fun. Darkwing Duck seems a lot like Mega Man, but not so much to make it a total copy.

Mario, Capcom Disney games.... which platformers from this era are still worth playing?
I was a huge fan of Sonic the Hedgehog 2. The game had so much energy and character, there was nothing like it on the market during its time.

Looking back I have no idea how I ever beat it. The pacing was lightning fast, and playing it on a small CRT TV you had only milliseconds to make corrections while flying through each level. But really, every game back then was difficult, so that was nothing new.

Yeah, not an NES era game, but it'll have to do. :)
Oooh, Blaster Master! That was one I really enjoyed, despite never owning the damn game (just rented a bunch). That was definitely NES. Had the Playstation sequel(?) as well, though it lacked some of the former's simple elegance due to 3D.
COMaestro said:
Oooh, Blaster Master! That was one I really enjoyed, despite never owning the damn game (just rented a bunch). That was definitely NES. Had the Playstation sequel(?) as well, though it lacked some of the former's simple elegance due to 3D.

Blaster Master was so much fun.

Euphoria was really good too.
COMaestro said:
Aladdin was pretty good from what I remember. That may have been SNES though...

Yes! So fun. Love the magic carpet level. I've heard the Genesis version is better somehow, but I've only tried the SNES version.
I borrowed Aladdin catridge from my friends and the game looks very good. The design level makes me amaze at that time.
I really love platform games, since the NES era to the present time, platform games (at least for me) are like "what games are about" in terms of gameplay and design... And with the 16 bits era (SNES, Genesis) we lived the "boom" with games like Super Mario World, Sonic, Aero the Acrobat and the Donkey Kong Country Saga. Bluestacks TextNow Photomath
Definitely NES, or rather not original copy of NES. For me, we called it Pegasus and it was my first video console. So far, I sometimes play on an emulator


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