What are your social media habits?


Hi everyone ! :)

As part of my master's in communication, I am conducting a study about the social media habits of video game players. I need your help to get as many responses as possible to my questionnaire (which will only take a few minutes of your time).

If you read this message it means that you are a gamer and are therefore part of the people I would love to get answers from! I would be most grateful if you participated by answering questions of this form: http://goo.gl/forms/7vcnqr5zndW3jsXv2

If you want me to send you the statistics and analysis of the questionnaire when my project is completed, this is possible! Simply send an email to the email address mentionned at the beginning of the questionnaire!

Thank you in advance for your help and have fun!
I went ahead and filled it out.

The only thing I have to say is in regards to listing YouTube as "Social Media." I use YouTube, maybe once every couple of days, generally to listen to music. But that's it. I don't comment, I don't engage the comments, I don't look at people's profiles, I don't upload. There's nothing social about my using it. So basically, when it asked if I used YouTube under social media, I said no.
StickyGreenGamer said:
I went ahead and filled it out.

The only thing I have to say is in regards to listing YouTube as "Social Media." I use YouTube, maybe once every couple of days, generally to listen to music. But that's it. I don't comment, I don't engage the comments, I don't look at people's profiles, I don't upload. There's nothing social about my using it. So basically, when it asked if I used YouTube under social media, I said no.

Ok, thanks a lot. This is an interesting opinion. I had to consider Youtube as a social network as there is actually a lot of people interacting on this platform (using comments, likes, etc.) but I understand why you decided to say no. For another research, it could be interesting to explore further the use of particular social media such as Youtube (which features are used, etc.). That's an excellent idea!
Hello Everyone! :)

Thank you again for answering the questionnaire ! I have been able to finish the analysis as well as to send the final dissertation to my university the 1st of September. I am now waiting for the dissertation to be reviewed and will definitely get back to the people who wanted me to send my results by email once I hear from the university. Unfortunately, I can't risk to publish anything on the internet before I get their approval. I'm sure that you understand. :)

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