What game brought you into gaming?

Need for Speed 3 Hot Pursuit. my dad brought that game on PC when it first came out. and i couldn't stop playing it! then i got hooked on Need for Speed games,i brought NFS 4,NFS 5 (which wouldn't work on my computer unfortunately). then onto NFS 6,NFS 7,NFS 8 and now NFS 9 Most Wanted.i still play NFS 3 today.brings back good o' memorys.
Apparently ScitizenKane likes Need For Speed, too, a little too much!

ScitizenKane said:
I've played NFS hot pursuit 2 while drunk one evening and woke up the next morning my lap elapsed time was over 6 hours and the wrong way message was blinking on the screen while my McLaren was stuck in a ditch.
Hey, I can relate. I used to idle many a summer day away with Need for Speed: Hot Pursuit on the Sony PlayStation. It didn't get me into gaming, but it did my friend and we were hooked on it.
Lol that happens to me when Im just a lil tired also whether it be Need for Speed or the Test Drive series...even driving around on Gta sometimes when Im tiredI'll find myself dozin' off behind the controller. But when I turn the game off Im not tired anymore.

Well anyways the games that brought me into gaming were Kung FU Heroes for nes Super mario bros. Contra and river city ransom.
Thinking really hard, back to my old windows 3.1 comp...I would have to say...The Original Prince Of Persia..maybe..there was this one game, exactly like mario kart, only with animals. You could be an animal, driving around shooting weapons..just like mario kart..But hey PoP works aswell.
No game has brought me into gaming. I came here by my own free will...

Well, maybe some RPGs like Final Fantasy series has made me play more for a while. But that's just becouse they take longer time to finish. Maybe I haven't yet even gotten "into gaming"?
First game I ever played was Mega Man 1 for the Nes and the first game I ever owned was Super Mario World for Snes. Good fun!
The Secret of Monkey Island, still one of the best games ever. My favourite of the series was The Curse of Monkey Island, though.
Ironicley it was Chip and Dale Rescue Rangers, Who Framed Roger Rabbit the game that will have the honer of my first game ever completed. Then it was Mario 1,2 and 3.

But i totally got hooked when i got a Sega Genesis i couldent put it down.
Mojomike232 said:
The Secret of Monkey Island, still one of the best games ever. My favourite of the series was The Curse of Monkey Island, though.

OMG! dude, same here...

I didn't have any games or even a system to play them on, because I grew up in a lower income area; but a friend of mine had a computer and he got that game with it, and we used to play that all the time untill he got a gensis for his birthday.
ScitizenKane said:
Lol that happens to me when Im just a lil tired also whether it be Need for Speed or the Test Drive series...even driving around on Gta sometimes when Im tiredI'll find myself dozin' off behind the controller. But when I turn the game off Im not tired anymore.

Wow. Remind me to never get in a car with you. :)

Also, I forgot Castle Wolfenstein.. one of my old favortives.
Contra, and Super Mario Bros for NES

and Rescue Rangers and Punch Out

those were 2 games I got for Christmas a year after i got my first games
Super Mario Brothers for the SNES was the first serious video game that I ever played, although I had played a couple mathematics games on my dad's computer prior to that.
damn, i feel old, but.......Pong.

my parents bought me the pong console (is it still a console if it has only one game?) way back in the day. i think i was between 1st and 2nd grade. soon after, i discovered the magic that was pacman at an arcade. and after seeing an NES on display at walmart, i begged for one until i got one on my birthday back in '89. it was the one that included the mario/duck hunt cart and the light zapper.

ah, nostalgia. 8)
past nintendo which was merely a christmas present on every kids wish list in the eighties, it was FFVII, for the lack of friends, extreme boredom, and wanting to fit in with some of the kids I hung out with at school, sounded awesome, so i got a psx and started playing FFvII

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