What happened to platform comparisons?


Something I've noticed over the past year or so it seems is you guys don't put in many comparisons between PC, PS3 or 360 versions of games. I understand a lot of it may be due to the fact that some games are nearly identical but what about the ones that aren't? I'm finding myself having to search for other sites for a 360 vs ps3 side by side comparison, more often than not those sites are poorly translated from some EU site or have unreliable results. When you used to put in the visual differences between the games it really helped me (and I'm sure other gamers) make my decision with what one to purchase being fortunate enough to own both consoles. I know I'm nitpicking and I could continue to do a google search for comparisons and to this day I still enjoy the reviews you guys write. I just feel this would be a welcome addition.

Then again, it may not even be by choice, it could be that you were only sent a copy for one specific console. I wouldn't imagine it's a staffing thing - I don't think, if you're speaking solely on visual differences, you would have to play the entire game on both systems - Just key graphically intense areas in the first couple of levels.

Not to mention how the controls are between certain games on the PS3 and 360.

I'm not all about the visuals either. It definitely is more about the gameplay but again, multi console owners sure would like to know!
Yeah I think the number of staff is what hits this the hardest. You could have one person review each version, but then they'd be overly rushed, likely missing important details and overall just lowering the quality of any review.
I think they review whatever copy they get; if I right about this, companies send in stuff they want reviewed, and usually only the "big" titles are purchased for review.

This is why so many good PC games have never been reviewed on GR (Mechwarrior games, The entire STALKER series, etc) but a lot of stuff on xbox or PS3 or the various networks (the lil' games) get reviews. the PC market generally doesn't send stuff off unless it's a blockbuster; I'm not expecting the new Dawn of War 2 to get a review here, for example.
Yeah I get that part of it...I guess I almost expected them to get sent copies for multiple platforms. The PC I can definitely understand. It almost seems as though PC games aren't even PC games anymore - Just ports of their console counterparts. I mean, Darksiders on the PC looks sub-par to the console version.
We tend to get one version of games. If there are notable differences that I know, I'll call them out.

An example of that would be the fact that the PS3 version of Bayonetta was so horribly gimped. Or, if I reviewed Dead Space 2 I would have mentioned that the PS3 version has DS: Extraction packed in.

As you can see, I haven't reviewed a lot of games where there was something worth noticing and the writers who did review those games didn't mention that stuff.
Cool. Well thanks for the response Daniel :).

I'm mainly wondering about the new Dragon Age since the original on the 360 was so horrible looking and that prompted me to make this contact.
Since Nick hasn't finished and published the review yet, I can't talk about that specific game and the differences, but one thing I would suggest while you're waiting to see if he does point anything out:

Download the demo on both platforms. See how that works out.
....Why did I put "contact" in there? I meant to say while I made this topic. Wow.

And I likely will. The problem is, I download so many demos and never play them so I don't have space on my HD yet at the same time I don't delete them in case I'm going to play them. Mafia 2 sat on there since the demo came out....I finally played 5 minutes and deleted it. Horrible demo.
TheDiesel said:
Still makes me sad Amnesia: The Dark Descent was never reviewed.

Aw man, I still hold a grudge that Mechwarrior 4: Mercenaries was never reviewed like 9 years ago. I love reading the reviews on here, and value this sites opinion over all others.
I know for my part, usually platform comparisons are just a way to create drama where there is none. If there are important notable differences, I'll point them out. But over the past two years, those differences have pretty much disappeared. More often than not it just feeds into console wars BS. There's a reason you're finding "unreliable results" in the comparisons you're reading.
I agree with Jesse.

And on the subject of reviews that were never done, Tropico 3, Kenka Bancho: Badass Rumble, Sins of a Solar Empire: Diplomacy, Ace Combat 4, 5, and 0, and several others.

I happen to be familiar with most of these games, and am willing to offer my services. But I do not come cheap. I require one human soul, or one sexual favor, or a car, or a bunch of working stuff from the 70's, like a good turntable and an Atari 2600...
There really is no point in comparing games across platforms anymore. Graphics are pretty much at their zenith and now it should be a focus on gameplay.
I appreciate Jesse's answer. Spot on.

But I do think Lethean is referring to PC vs. Xbox comparisons, and PC versions can be quite different when it comes to multiplayer services, modding, DRM, etc.
I don't think they're the same across the board really but yes, Used hit the nail on the head - The PC version can be drastically different with modding, MP experiences and visuals. I love the parameters you can set with MP modes on the PC.

I kind of made it seem more like PS3 Vs 360 but the PC is still a big one.

And aside from visuals, controls can still feel better on one console or another, although I imagine that is more preference than anything.
^That is the reason the whole Microsoft Live! thing failed between the xbox and PC; the Pc users stomped the xbox users in all titles.
Depends on the game sometimes. It's better to use a 360 controller if you're playing Halo or similar on PC.

Where the PC really kicks massive ass is RPGs. Dragon Age, Oblivion, etc.

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